Binged app - Let's you track shows and view episodes and casts


Jun 10, 2016
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Hi All,
Huge Apple Fan here. I read iMore, 9to5mac and MacRumors multiple times a day. Listen to podcasts iMore show, Daringfireball. I posted this on /r/apple last week and got positive reviews, hopefully people like it here too!


I recently released my first pure Swift iOS app called Binged. It allows you to track TV shows, view episode summaries, view similar shows, casts and bios.

This is my first ever iOS app, first time working on Xcode and Swift. I started around 4 months ago from scratch, reading blogs, watching videos, Youtube, StackOverFlow, I still have a lot to learn. Working on this app was probably the most fun I've had in programming for quite awhile. Lots of learning, lots of re-writes, and some more learning. I had to get familiar with Swift syntax, CocoaTouch, pulling my hair out with auto-layouts and constraints and then StackViews. I probably re-did each view at least a dozen times.

I will be adding movies to the app soon.

If anyone have questions on the development process, what it was like to submit my first app, feel free to ask.

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Jun 10, 2016
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No trakt support yet, it's something I'm looking to add. Please take a look at the app and let me know what you think.


New member
Aug 20, 2016
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Not sure if this is where to post this, but...
I think Binged is a helpful app and use it regularly. I had a couple of ideas for improving its ease of use:

1. A fourth view, listing shows by 'last watched' date. I'm assuming you don't date data entry inputs so I bet that would be a big job. Still, it would put all the shows the user is currently watching right to the top. Might be something to mull over.

2. In the main view, each show currently displays a (TINY!) line with the next unwatched episode. How about putting a 'watched' checkbox (check circle? lol) right next to it? Currently, every time a show is seen, the user must navigate to the correct season, and then episode, before checking it off. Having it on the main display page would cut a lot of navigation. Once checked, the next unwatched episode could take its place, with a new blank checkbox. Maybe with a quick 'watched!' graphic between them.

Once again, just a terrific app. You should be proud.

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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Not sure if this is where to post this, but...
I think Binged is a helpful app and use it regularly. I had a couple of ideas for improving its ease of use:

1. A fourth view, listing shows by 'last watched' date. I'm assuming you don't date data entry inputs so I bet that would be a big job. Still, it would put all the shows the user is currently watching right to the top. Might be something to mull over.

2. In the main view, each show currently displays a (TINY!) line with the next unwatched episode. How about putting a 'watched' checkbox (check circle? lol) right next to it? Currently, every time a show is seen, the user must navigate to the correct season, and then episode, before checking it off. Having it on the main display page would cut a lot of navigation. Once checked, the next unwatched episode could take its place, with a new blank checkbox. Maybe with a quick 'watched!' graphic between them.

Once again, just a terrific app. You should be proud.

Great feedback. I PMed the dev to let him/her know to check this thread.


Jun 10, 2016
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Hey Guys,

Sorry, I've been super busy at work and haven't had a chance to visit forums in awhile.

1. A fourth view, listing shows by 'last watched' date. I'm assuming you don't date data entry inputs so I bet that would be a big job. Still, it would put all the shows the user is currently watching right to the top. Might be something to mull over.

I'm currently only saving 'watched' for an episode but not the date of when it was watched. I would have to introduce and keep track of that field, find the latest watched episode for a Show and then sort in that order. Do-able, I'll add to list, but probably not the highest priority.

2. In the main view, each show currently displays a (TINY!) line with the next unwatched episode. How about putting a 'watched' checkbox (check circle? lol) right next to it? Currently, every time a show is seen, the user must navigate to the correct season, and then episode, before checking it off. Having it on the main display page would cut a lot of navigation. Once checked, the next unwatched episode could take its place, with a new blank checkbox. Maybe with a quick 'watched!' graphic between them.

I was thinking about this, how about on the slide over of a show I display a 'watched' field. Currently when you swipe a show from right edge to left, I'm displaying 'Delete', 'Share'. I can probably add it there.

Glad you are liking the app!
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Jun 10, 2016
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Hi All,

Version 1.3.0 is out -

Binged 1.3.0 -
- Support for Binged status. Once you've binged all the episodes of a show, the show will auto-magically be moved to the 'binged' list! When a new episodes appears, the show will move back to the 'watching' list.
- Easier to view Cast Detail. When selecting cast image from Show Detail screen, directly displays Cast Detail.
- As requested Show names are now displayed in airing notification.
- You can now follow Binged on Twitter, Facebook and Reddit from the settings page!
- Additional Settings changes:
- Rate Me modal popup after 15 App launches
- Ability to Rate Binged in App Store
- Ability to Share Binged
- Ability to send Feedback to Binged

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed crash when show viewing Show Detail without internet connection.
- Fixed crash when sharing with Twitter/Facebook when there are 0 unwatched episodes.
- Fixed crash when selecting a season with no episodes.
- Fixed displaying shows with year as the season name. example: 'Season 2016'.
- Show Search detail only displaying 1 season after being added.

- Automatically update all shows after 3 Binged app launches.
- Updated code with memory optimization techniques.
- Sorting now defaults to Next Airdate.
- Updated Binged App icon, AppStore icon and images.
- Changed syncing alert to only display when there are more then 3 unsynced shows.
- Faster display of Cast image in Cast Detail screen.

If you have any feedback, let me know!

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