AppleTV 4k Frame Rate Matching weirdness


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Jan 30, 2018
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I just bought an AppleTV 4k and was very excited for the frame rate matching feature. I specifically bought a Samsung 1080p LCD TV in 2008 that could do 24p/30p/60p out of its 120hz panel. It was in the first generation of TV sets with motion compensation, which I immediately turned off.

To this day it still has great color that I was able to calibrate to my Mac mini using an Xrite Color Calibrator. I still feel that the color on that set is spot on, even if the black levels of a 10 year-old LCD panel are mediocre compared to today's sets.

I turned on Frame Rate Matching and was delighted to watch Movies switch the TV over to 24 Hz. Motion looked more like cinema experiences, where you realize that 24 Hz is fairly slow and has a very particular look.

But I was very surprised to see some Netflix TV shows cause my AppleTV to switch to 24 Hz. I thought that it should have been 30. Apple's content from the iTunes store is more consistent with TV shows staying at 30 Hz and movies switching to 24 Hz.

Anyone else having weird frame rate issues?