Apple maps outperforms Google


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Sep 19, 2006
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I like Apple maps. I think the interface is nice and as many have mentioned, the system integration is better than Google. Traffic data, however, is so bad its not even worth using and that is what I primarily use maps for.


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Feb 20, 2013
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i prefer google maps. maps are accurate, have tons of info apple maps don't, street view. Problem with apple maps is the navigation view is way in the air, it looks funny. it's not low to the grown like my garmin which though old and cumbersome when it comes to navigation it's great. Apple maps look nice and glossy but in landscape mode i hate that that giant green street sign banner because it blocks the road ahead and i can see the turns. I'd prefer the view be about 1 story up not like 30 or 40 stories up. Worse problem is apple maps kills my battery. My phone will go from full charge to dead in about 25 minutes when using apple navigation. So it's simply a nonstarter.


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Jul 18, 2012
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Google maps has made some changes to make it work more seamlessly. Now when you send a location via Google Maps to someone, when they click on the link and open it in Safari, they have a new option up top that says "Always Open in Google Maps". Once you hit that, anytime you click a google maps link, it opens up the app immediately after safari opens for a split second! That is awesome. I'm guessing they are simply using a cookie to do that.

I like being able to search for contact addresses now, even though its only google contacts. All my contacts are in Gmail so this saves a lot of time now.

POI search and partial address search is much better in Google Maps. If I type in the street number and street name, google maps always finds the right city, or asks me which city i was searching in if multiple cities are found. Apple maps will just say no results found.

Traffic data is better because it also shows yellow as well. Apple Maps only shows red areas.

The only time I use apple maps is when I want to store an address into my contacts. I open the address in Apple maps and use the "Save to Existing Contacts" option. That's about i with Apple maps.

Yah Google Maps isn't as smooth as apple maps for some reason. And I do like having the next turn and current map view available in the lock screen as well as a perm banner notification while the navigation is going on, both which is only possible with apple maps. There are too many pros to using Google Maps.

Now all Google maps needs to add is auto night mode, and ability to search for POIs that are close to your current navigation route (both have been available on the android version version for a long time now).


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Sep 13, 2012
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i'm sure everyone has their own experiences with the maps apps based on on where live and how they use it.

for me, Apple maps looks way nicer especially in the turn by turn navigation. flyover is cool too look at but doesn't serve a practical use like streetview. the dealbreaker for me is accuracy. Apple maps have way too many quirks and errors. i get that it's new but it's beyond just a program in infancy, it just has too many flaws to be mainstream right now. i know google maps has come a long way and now it's time for apple maps to do the same but google maps today is so good and apple already knew that. they should've put in the work necessary from day one to launch something on par or at close to that. now it'll be years before Apple maps is good enough for me to switch back to using primarily.
You're obviously not a programmer. You should refrain from assessing what the programming flaws derive from.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2013
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Accuracy is not "subjective." Seriously, it's time for you to take a remedial english class. :rolleyes:

Accuracy is subjective to location, in's flawless, driving outside of Atlanta (from the border of Tennessee to the border of Florida) it's still flawless.

When i visited Boston last Christmas, however, it was not as the metro area it was fine, but when we got closer to New Hampshire, it started acting wonky, giving us wrong directions or missing shorter routes. I don't specifically blame Apple maps for this though, because when we attempted to use the rental cars navigation system, it was also not flawless, and I'm guessing it has to do with the mapping and verification of routes in the area...if it's half assed done, you're going to get half assed performance, regardless of device.

Apple maps has been fantastic for me so far, so good in fact that when the google maps crazy went into over drive and the app was released for the iPhone earlier this year, I didn't even look at reason to, I'd rather use my native app that works perfectly for me.


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2012
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Accuracy is not "subjective." Seriously, it's time for you to take a remedial english class. :rolleyes:

[suhb-jek-tiv] Show IPA
existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought ( opposed to objective ).

If you'd read the context, rather than just the word, you'd see that he's suggesting people skew the accuracy of the app to put a large amount of bias on their own perosnal experience. This would "belong to the thinking subject rather than to the [app in question.]"

His point was merely that you cannot state it's accurate or inaccurate purely on your small sample size, especially given that different locations have larger amounts of data that are reported differently in each app.

While you're discussing his need for remedial English, you're failing in the most important aspect of reading comprehension. Kudos.

Steve Overton

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Dec 29, 2012
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I live in rural Vermont and use Apple Maps nearly everyday to find houses in the country. ( I am in real estate ) and Have never been misdirected.It is my go to app for navigation also because it is easiest to activate through Siri. I know I can have Siri open other mapping apps, but it takes more taps, and when I am driving, it makes a big difference.


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Jul 3, 2010
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GPS and Maps are like any other tool, you don't take just one with you, you take several in case the one you have doesn't do the job. Each has its benefits and draw backs, but in the end if you can get from A to B without winding up on the railroad tracks facing an oncoming train then I think you did pretty good and can have a cookie and some milk :)


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Feb 2, 2012
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I often will look up the POI in Google Maps to get the address of where I want to go, then i'll paste that into Apple Maps to get the routing. That's the issue with Apple maps is finding POI's. If they could expand the database, it would be my winner.

Tappin and Talkin from my iPhone 5


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
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I live in rural Vermont and use Apple Maps nearly everyday to find houses in the country. ( I am in real estate ) and Have never been misdirected.It is my go to app for navigation also because it is easiest to activate through Siri. I know I can have Siri open other mapping apps, but it takes more taps, and when I am driving, it makes a big difference.
when you said you live in a rural area it made me think. I don't look at apple maps too much for reasons i already stated but i, by contrast, live in a pretty dense suburban area in LA. I was comparing the two maps a few minutes ago and one thing i noticed is Apple maps, in my area, has quite a few incorrect business addresses. Where i'm ate every other block is like a mini strip malls with maybe 5 to 10 small businesses, full strip malls, or blocks and blocks of businesses and what i noticed was many of the of the pins in the wrong locations. I think part of that is because they are getting address and business information from Yelp and people are entering the addresses wrong. That or maybe the address is entered write and its wrong in apples system. For example there's a gas station listed where in reality it's a church. But i my guess is in denser areas there may be more of a danger getting addresses wrong and if people simply look for a business icon and navigate directly they may be a slave to whomever entered the address into yelp. That's just a hypothetical. But i've had an issue where i needed coffee and was in Long Beach and just search for starbucks. An icon near me came up. i navigated to it and it ended up being well not a Starbucks. Luckily i had the starbucks app and and found the nearest one easily, but anyways point is i think sometimes they are stuck with whomever entered the bad info into yelp. I did use the error reporting though to change the gas station lol.


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Dec 24, 2011
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I don't use apple maps very often, but the 10 times or so that I have needed it, the directions were totally accurate. The integration and UI are superior to other maps as well.


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Sep 21, 2009
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I've really never had issues with either Google maps or Apple maps applications. Google maps looks a little nicer, but other than that, Apple maps is sufficient and what I use.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2009
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I've really never had issues with either Google maps or Apple maps applications. Google maps looks a little nicer, but other than that, Apple maps is sufficient and what I use.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

That's funny I think Apple Maps looks nicer. I like how Google Maps talks tho it's much more natural sounding. I use Apple Maps tho.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2012
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I think they both have their pros and cons. I use one or the other mon - fri at work making deliveries. A few things I've noticed are....

Apple Maps
* wish it gave an earlier warning of an upcoming turn. I find I'm fairly close to an intersection before it speaks the turn direction.
*Wish there was a visual on screen compass while engaged in a route.
*I wish the ETA, minutes and miles to your destination was easier to view like Google Maps.

Google Maps
*This is big for me. The organization/managing of saved locations doesn't hold a candle to Apple Maps. I can save, drop pin any location and rename it whatever I want. This is huge when organizing locations for work related use. You can't do this with Google Maps.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2010
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MrMars... it sounds like you'd be much better off with a Garmin Nuvi... and making your daily stops into an optimized route.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2012
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MrMars... it sounds like you'd be much better off with a Garmin Nuvi... and making your daily stops into an optimized route.

I do have a stand alone GPS but I refuse to pay for updated maps and also don't like the idea of carrying around an extra piece of equipment.


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Nov 19, 2012
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Used apple maps once to find a public library, it took us into the middle of an apartment complex then google maps promptly rescued us.

Hopefully they get it fixed because it is so much nicer the way it is integrated into the OS but till then I'm sticking with google and not wasting gas searching for places.

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