Apple is about to allow third-party app stores on the iPhone


Mar 2, 2016
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As long as I don't have to have anything to do with them, I'm ok with it. But I think it's prudent for anyone who is interested to proceed with caution.


Mar 10, 2012
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As long as I don't have to have anything to do with them, I'm ok with it. But I think it's prudent for anyone who is interested to proceed with caution.

It seems it won't extend beyond the European Union ????????????, at least not yet.


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Aug 27, 2021
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In summary the EU:
-If using a connector, Apple must use USBC. (USBC 4 Eva!).
-If Apple offers a texting app, it obviously does, then the app must talk with all other texting apps. (Interestingly I hear imessage is not popular in the EU but apparently Apple needs to conform).
-Apple must allow any program or utility onto the iPhone outside the iOS framework.
-Apple must allow apps to load within the iOS framework that come from any website.
(Any pluses or minuses aside, these last two bullets just guaranteed at minimum multiple tens of thousands of users will be scammed. Possibly a lot more, some very seriously. Many more of them will now have tracking of that user via their device. So, as one example, did EU regulate all app cross tracking must be disabled by default? What EU tech companies there are, their life blood is that data recording. Huh, that’s an odd coincidence. So did the EU say all makers must make a device that receives 4 straight years of OS update? No, huh, seems that the EUs standardization is not standard across the board).

Why does tech behemoths such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Facebook either not come from the EU or these companies ate an EU based company’s lunch to become dominant? It isn’t tech talent, EU has that. One only needs to look at the bullet points above to see why. The greater the push for ‘it all needs to be done one way’ and the layers of regulations they keep adding to reinforce that, the greater the ability of a company outside of that collective mentality to eat their lunch. Those bullets above are (targeted) nanny state. Far too many don’t think down the line to see what you lose to have a nanny.


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Nov 7, 2012
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Can’t beat the crazy December rumors.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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In summary the EU:
-If using a connector, Apple must use USBC. (USBC 4 Eva!).
-If Apple offers a texting app, it obviously does, then the app must talk with all other texting apps. (Interestingly I hear imessage is not popular in the EU but apparently Apple needs to conform).
-Apple must allow any program or utility onto the iPhone outside the iOS framework.
-Apple must allow apps to load within the iOS framework that come from any website.
(Any pluses or minuses aside, these last two bullets just guaranteed at minimum multiple tens of thousands of users will be scammed. Possibly a lot more, some very seriously. Many more of them will now have tracking of that user via their device. So, as one example, did EU regulate all app cross tracking must be disabled by default? What EU tech companies there are, their life blood is that data recording. Huh, that’s an odd coincidence. So did the EU say all makers must make a device that receives 4 straight years of OS update? No, huh, seems that the EUs standardization is not standard across the board).

Why does tech behemoths such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Facebook either not come from the EU or these companies ate an EU based company’s lunch to become dominant? It isn’t tech talent, EU has that. One only needs to look at the bullet points above to see why. The greater the push for ‘it all needs to be done one way’ and the layers of regulations they keep adding to reinforce that, the greater the ability of a company outside of that collective mentality to eat their lunch. Those bullets above are (targeted) nanny state. Far too many don’t think down the line to see what you lose to have a nanny.

This blows my mind. It’s insane to me how a government entity can mandate things of this nature. I mean, it is a blatant abuse of power in my opinion, and it’s unnecessary. Still, there’s a an objective for the behavior and I’d like to know what it is.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2013
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This blows my mind. It’s insane to me how a government entity can mandate things of this nature. I mean, it is a blatant abuse of power in my opinion, and it’s unnecessary. Still, there’s a an objective for the behavior and I’d like to know what it is.

Of course it is an abuse of power ! it is France and Germany’s attempt to rule the world ! People wonder why over half of us (UK) voted to leave the EU. It was because we could see this strangling network being built around us,and most definitely not to our benefit.
The EU wants to consider itself a major power. Without paying it’s dues.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2021
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This blows my mind. It’s insane to me how a government entity can mandate things of this nature. I mean, it is a blatant abuse of power in my opinion, and it’s unnecessary. Still, there’s a an objective for the behavior and I’d like to know what it is.

The underpinning is resentment of big American tech, big media providing verbal opioids to the masses (the masses looking no further ahead than next week), politicians looking to ride that media to score points, and a dose of the good people at Facebook (ahem, Microsoft) and big advertising trying to get back the billions Apple cost them.
One of the big ‘behind the scenes’ drivers is the EU trying to prop up EU based tech (more regulation is sure to help that).
I agree it is an abuse of power and their market is big enough to cause negative change in other markets. Of course the U.S. is the gold standard market. A bit of regulation aimed at EU companies could stop the EU’s abuse of power but that likely isn’t going to happen. Quite the opposite, the U.S. politicians are looking to ride that media opioid to the masses.

Don’t despair. Be sure that U.S. big tech, in this case specifically Apple, is far more adept at navigating glib political regulations than glib politicians are at crafting more (and more) regulation.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2021
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The EU wants to consider itself a major power. Without paying it’s dues.

That’s well said. Reminds me of the scene from the movie Jurassic Park. Jeff Goldblum is saying to the park owner that he’s messing with science that he didn’t pay dues in the form of years of trial and error, missing the valuable lessons you learn from this drawn out process.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2012
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Seems a lot of people are taking this rumor without the requisite pinch of salt required for anything apple related published by Bloomberg.


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