A salute to iOS gamers, or how to stop intimidating your non-gamer friends


Nov 15, 2013
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Ed: Welcome to iMore's author spotlight column. Every Friday, we'll be bringing you the perspective and charm of the best and brightest minds in the Apple and tech community. This week: Games journalist and podcaster Maddy Myers.
While walking home the other day with a well-read friend of mine who doesn't identify as a "gamer" ? but has an Angry Birds history on his iPhone that would argue otherwise ?*I brought up BioShock: Infinite. I had assumed, given my friend's interest in activism and politics, that he'd be interested in hearing about the game's attempts at social critique, however ham-fisted. We never got that far.
"What do you mean, it has a sad ending?" he interrupted. "Do you mean you lost?"
"No, no ? I beat it," I said. "Everybody gets the same ending."
"That's impossible!" he sputtered. "You should try it again, just in case!"
I walked in a lot of conversational circles as I explained that actually the game was meant to be a very serious narrative experience, and that many games of this type often only give you one ending. Call of Duty games only have one ending, I told him, and everybody sees the same cut-scenes. Same goes for The Last Of Us, and all the Halo games ...
"But when I play Tetris, it's different every time," he said. "If everybody gets the same ending, how is that even a game? Maybe you're supposed to look up a cheat code? I mean... I don't know, I'm not a gamer."
It's hard to say which of us is a really a "gamer" when neither of us would agree on what is or isn't a "game," though, right?

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