Greeting from Pakistan...


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Feb 11, 2013
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Hi All!

This is Salman from Islamabad, Pakistan. I haven't really ever been active on the Forums before and thought I'd start off from here.

I had my first experience with the iPhone when the original iPhone (2G) was released. It was simply a game changer! And though it stayed with me for over a year and a half, it eventually died away when it got crushed in an accident where i was run over by a motorcyclist... ouch!

Since then I haven't moved back to iPhone for a long duration... I got the iPhone 4S and loved it at the time but faced microphone issues on that continuously and since the guy didn't have a replacement device for me, switched it with an iPhone 4... but man, did some applications/sites lag on that. (and thus ended up moving to Galaxy S3 for over 6 months)

I sold off the S3 a few weeks ago and now find myself in dire need of a new phone that I'm hoping I can survive with for a long duration.

I still am partially in love with iOS... And thus one of the phones on my list is iPhone 5 which I have the option of landing at a very reasonable price... However, I am constantly being pulled in the direction of Galaxy Note 2, BlackBerry Z10, and HTC 8X.

Don't get me wrong, all phones are different systems... but what can i say, i've pretty much loved all of them so far. Each has its limitations or issues, but overall, all are extremely great devices. I've used iPhone 2G and currently own an iPod Touch 4 and iPad 2, as well as have previously used WM 6.1 (Xperia X1) & WP7.5 (HTC Mozart), Android (Galaxy S3), and BlackBerry Bold Touch...

I'm lost between some really great options!! Going through forums and reviews on the Mobile Nation sites (Android Central, CrackBerry, iMore, and WPCentral) to help push me in some direction! ;)

Wish me luck!!

Salman Khalid


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Feb 11, 2013
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Just thought I'd post a quick update: I've personally used a bunch of devices in my lifetime. Starting off from the Sony Ericsson P1i, to iPhone (first gen), Xperia X1, HTC Mozart, Blackberry Bold Touch, HTC One X, iPhone 4/4S, and Samsung Galaxy S3... I've come to the realization that I pretty much love each platform out there for various different reasons.

And although I still love Windows Phone, Android, and Blackberry 10 - the Z10 being the "IT" product right now imo, after much deliberation and weighing the pros and cons of each platform and devices out there, I finally ended up deciding to purchase an iPhone 5! Purchased a 32 GB White model and am satisfied with my purchase.

Looking forward to a bright future with the iPhone 5 by my side serving to my professional and entertainment needs! ;)


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