Recent content by remmy123

  1. remmy123

    Contact Sync problems

    So I followed apples directions and enabled push and all that fun stuff to get my iPhone to sync with Facebook for contacts. The phone never did it even though it says from now on it will. Did I do something wrong?
  2. remmy123

    What do you drive ?

    '05 Grand Cherokee Hemi
  3. remmy123

    New to iPhone

    Thanks for the heads up but ive got to get out of this hardware. This phone is falling apart. Its over a year old but its one of the worst phone builds in history.
  4. remmy123

    What camera do yo own?

    Yes. It was. That was a pretty cool place I was at. Cant remember the tiny town but that was an open two story hut that served lobster :) My Sony caught pretty good videos I must say Id upload one but I dont have a youtube account.
  5. remmy123

    What camera do yo own?

    Maybe now?
  6. remmy123

    Iphone 4g buy one get one free deal on ebay

    If its too good to be true... well never mind that, Ive got a friend who is a Prince in Nigeria who would love to talk to you!
  7. remmy123

    New to iPhone

    I was a Pre user, never liked the BB. When I told Sprint today that I wasnt interested in any Androids, they offered a BB device. I feel they are too cumbersome. I hear the email software is awesome though.
  8. remmy123

    New to iPhone

    New here as well, I was going to grab an iPhone today but i need to wait until March first since my Sprint billing cycle doesnt end till March 5th... and Im not about to let Sprint ride on a free $100.
  9. remmy123

    how long does your iPhone 4 battery typically last?

    Wow! At least 8 hours!? I couldnt get 4 hours on my fricken Pre. :/
  10. remmy123

    Screen Protector Ruin Iphone 4 Retina Display

    I dont understand the OP. Is he saying the protector just looks terrible on his phone or has it actually in fact ruined the screen physically?
  11. remmy123

    Unlock Verizon iPhone to run on Sprint?

    On another thought if it is in fact possible to do this, Im sure the underground is very hard at work. I predict if you dont see a hack within a month from now you probably wont see it at all and or its impossible.
  12. remmy123

    Unlock Verizon iPhone to run on Sprint?

    Im surprised no one has mentioned this but, I read up with all the people on the Sprint network converting Verizons Palm Pre + to work on the Sprint network. A.K.A. "FrankenPre". How did they do it? You had to do some hardware swapping. Take the radio from a Palm Pre - and stick it in the...
  13. remmy123

    Sprint iphone

    Same here. I submitted my resignation with Sprint today because of this $10 add on for any smartphone upgrade. Its B.S. to be frank. After my military discount Ill be paying the same as I did with Sprint on ATT and an iPhone. Its also a number of other things like the worlds worst phone lineup...
  14. remmy123

    Tipb users

    My Vaio AR850E... soon to be my shiney new iPhone 4 :)
  15. remmy123

    Otterbox stretched out

    I used to be an otterbox dealer (before they became famous for iPhone cases). Give them a buzz, you will speak to a human from the USA and they will fix you up no ifs, ands, or buts. They are a great company and their customer service is No.1