Recent content by cedcodgy82

  1. C

    Is anyone receiving notifications on their iPhone running iOS 14 when your Watch is fully charged?

    Re: iOS 14 - apple watch charging notifications I have iOS 14 beta 2 as well as watchOS 7 beta 2 recently installed and I have received a notification on my phone that my Apple Watch has been fully charged.
  2. C

    Who uses iCloud Mail?

    iCloud email is a great service but I would recommend ProtonMail or Tutanota over Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.
  3. C

    Best Mail App. Help, pls

    Give Canary a try
  4. C

    Series 3 vs Series 4

    I had to make this same decision a few months ago and decided to go with the series 3 simply because of the value. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around spending $500 for an Apple Watch.
  5. C

    Series 1 on watchOS 4 performance. How is it?

    My series 1 aw on watchos 4 is working flawlessly as well!