Recent content by anon(760814)

  1. A

    AT&T Navigator for iPhone give away!

    Arrr, i'm lost with out Telenav and TiPb. A pence for an old man o'de sea?
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    Apple TV (2010) give away!

    Uh, Google! They already own most of we do online. I'm hoping the Apple TV will be as easy and fun to use as their phones.
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    ClearCam Promo Codes to Give Away!!

    A true believer
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    TiPb Give-Away! PowerMat Home and Office, Portable, iPhone Case, and Receiver Cube!

    We've got 5 iPhones that always seem to need the juice at the same time. Maybe the occasional iPod.
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    TiPb Give-away: HAVA Titanium HD WIFI + iPhone App

    Chuck. Or anything while wife is watching a soap.
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    TiPb Give-Away: 10 FREE SmrtCase Glide Cases for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS

    Not sure why my son has an adversion to carrying a wallet I can see him backing out the driveway, and his wallet with drivers license is left here at home. Of course he wouldn't think of leaving home without his iPhone. A new case my help him avoid a costly traffic ticket.
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    Black Rain Problems

    Did you manually reboot (home+power) between the 3 times, mine hangs after blackra1n attempts reboot. Did you shutdown blackra1n between attempts?
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    Aptbackup 3g 3.0.1 Windows

    When using aptbackup, should the device be connected with iTunes when the backup button is pressed? The aptbackup info suggests that the backup be used to create a template. When the file is created on the pc, what is it's filename? Can it be easily modified with notepad? I've downloaded the...
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    Google Voice

    I was able to download the GV Mobile app from Cydia a while back, but am unable to locate the VoiceCentral app. Has this app been removed from Cydia?
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    Have not been able to run QuickReply on 3g 3.0 I've tried both iRealSMS 1.01 and, but both versions send os into sad mode. Has anyone been able to run successfully, or is there an alternative package available?
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    TiPb 32GB iPhone 3G S Give Away - Day Three!

    My first cell phone was purchased 3 years ago after years of prompting from wife and children. Two years later we upgraded to voice and text. I've always been hesitant to include additional features, wary of hidden fees. After sending my wife and 2 children to college, we upgraded the entire...
  12. A

    What retailers carry Otterbox?

    Great case, however the belt-clip lasted about an hour.