Mobile Substrate Extensions??


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2009
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I was wondering if anyone could steer me in the direction of some neat mobile substrate add-ons. I currently have a JB 3GS running BossPaper and SBSettings. I prefer not to install Winterboard as I have heard mixed reports of it slowing down and lagging the OS. I am very very finicky and even a slight lag I feel I would notice.

Anyway, I have heard about Dock2 and 5 Icon Dock. Do I need to have winterboard installed for these to work. Has anyone tried them and do they slow down the phone in the slightest?

Does anyone know of any other add-ons that I could install that work well and don't cause lag. I am a newbie when it comes to these things.

Thanks for the help!


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2009
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I have played both with and without winterboard and not noticed anything really noticeable in terms of difference in how my iPhone operates. This is only the case with the 3GS though.

That said, 5 Icon Dock does NOT require Winterboard.