iMail 12/31/69


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Feb 9, 2016
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I've always been an Android guy. Google everything. I made the move from a Nexus 6 to an iPhone 6S Plus. I'm trying to use iMail importing my gmail accounts (all 3 of them) but I'm running into a problem. I keep getting emails dated 12/31/69 with no information. Clearly this is on the server/exchange end but is there a fix for it? I've read some but the last posts that I can find that address it are from around 2013. Some say the fix is to reset my iPhone. No thanks. Others say this is a very serious security issue dating back several years all the way back to a data breach with the Chinese. I'm honestly at a loss as how to fix this and it's driving me nuts. If the Apple Gmail app were as good as the Android app is never even try iMail which is probably why it's not as good as the Android gmail app.

Anyway, any help to fix this would be greatly appreciated. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1454993687.229480.jpg


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2013
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I am not sure why you need to import emails. If you setup the ( default mail app on iphone) using imap credentials for your gmail id's, all emails would show in the mail application. There is no need to import it via any other means.


Oct 2, 2013
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Try deleting the account/accounts, then start over entering the account in Settings >Mail, Contacts and Calendar > Add account.


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Feb 9, 2016
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That didn't work. It still shows up but I did fix another problem with mail. I hated that Gmail wasn't push. I realize it is Google who stopped it but it was still aggravating. I forwarded all email to iCloud and now it's pushed in real time.

Now I just have to solve this stupid 12/31/69 email issue. Looks like a trip to the Apple Store and a talk with a Genius is in my future.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2016
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That didn't work. It still shows up but I did fix another problem with mail. I hated that Gmail wasn't push. I realize it is Google who stopped it but it was still aggravating. I forwarded all email to iCloud and now it's pushed in real time.

I'm new to the iPhone as well, and came from a rooted S4 with a custom rom. I'm a little confused by "pushed in real time" and that you had to forward the email to iCloud. Can you explain a little more?

Now I just have to solve this stupid 12/31/69 email issue. Looks like a trip to the Apple Store and a talk with a Genius is in my future.

It may not fix the issue, but it won't hurt to try a hard reset (this is not a factory reset). Remove all gmail accounts. Press and hold the power button and the home button at the same time until the screen goes black and you then see the Apple logo. After the phone boots back up re-add your gmail accounts via Settings.