Best Auto Sleep Tracking app for Apple Watch


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Jun 14, 2016
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Hi guys it's me again
Please I need help with the Apple Watch
I recently switched from Fitbit and one thing I missed is the auto sleep tracking
I was using the Sleep++ app which needs you to manually start and stop sleep but I am a fast sleeper and tend to fall asleep and forget to turn it on

I am reluctant to just pay for any app that promises auto sleep tracking
I still don't understand why Apple won't release an app for this

Please give me suggestions for a paid or free auto sleep tracking app

Thanks in advance


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Mar 23, 2011
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Hi guys it's me again
Please I need help with the Apple Watch
I recently switched from Fitbit and one thing I missed is the auto sleep tracking
I was using the Sleep++ app which needs you to manually start and stop sleep but I am a fast sleeper and tend to fall asleep and forget to turn it on

I am reluctant to just pay for any app that promises auto sleep tracking
I still don't understand why Apple won't release an app for this

Please give me suggestions for a paid or free auto sleep tracking app

Thanks in advance

I am in a similar situation. I really liked the sleep tracking on the fitbit. I just got my Apple Watch and I am going to try this app called Pillow. It sounds good so I am going to try the free version and if it does the job I will pay for the premium. I don't mind paying for good app.

I am surprised that there isn't something integrated with the watch by Apple.


Jun 11, 2015
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Hi guys it's me again
Please I need help with the Apple Watch
I recently switched from Fitbit and one thing I missed is the auto sleep tracking
I was using the Sleep++ app which needs you to manually start and stop sleep but I am a fast sleeper and tend to fall asleep and forget to turn it on

I am reluctant to just pay for any app that promises auto sleep tracking
I still don't understand why Apple won't release an app for this

Please give me suggestions for a paid or free auto sleep tracking app

Thanks in advance

I use AutoSleep and I am very happy with its sleep tracking. I toss and turn allot and the app has a sensitivity setting that has been perfect so far.


Well-known member
Dec 8, 2015
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I also use AutoSleep. It is extremely accurate and has great support. I use it together with the developers other app HeartWatch.
The other benefit of AutoSleep is you do not install anything on the watch, thus your battery dies not get hit whilst you are sleeping.

Mac Guy

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Dec 10, 2015
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shodipo said:
I still don't understand why Apple won't release an app for this

As far as that goes, Apple has a lot of money but doesn't have all the resources (software engineers) some people seem to think they have. Team members or entire teams are constantly moved around as deemed necessary.

They've got a lot of irons in the fire. The apps they do create are now and for some time have been for the 95% of the 90%, their target audience. Apps for detailed, in-depth lifting are left to third-party devs.

A sleep app for the Watch just doesn't even jiggle the needle on Apple's software list. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that some engineer say "ya know, we should write an app..." and it got prioritized off the list.


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Aug 21, 2015
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I also use AutoSleep. It is extremely accurate and has great support. I use it together with the developers other app HeartWatch.
The other benefit of AutoSleep is you do not install anything on the watch, thus your battery dies not get hit whilst you are sleeping.

But if you sleep with your warch on, when do you charge it?


Well-known member
Dec 8, 2015
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But if you sleep with your warch on, when do you charge it?

I get asked this question every time I mention the AutoSleep app.
it's simple really, all it needs is a bit of planning.
As the watch charges relatively quick I simply take it off in the evening whilst I am watching TV and it easily gets a 100% charge. I then wear it overnight and as AutoSleep is not running on the watch there is no battery hit, simply the watchOS and other apps gently running on by.
This means when it comes to morning all I then need to do is whilst getting myself ready for work I'll slip the watch back on the charger for half an hour to top it back up again.
I also have a portable charger which goes with me in the car and to work so it is simple enough to top the watch up during the day...... Job done.

Mac Guy

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Dec 10, 2015
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I charge mine right before bed and for a few minutes in the morning when I am getting ready for the day.

This is exactly what I did when I was using a sleep app (Sleep++, it was free). As soon as it was time to head for bed, the Watch went on the charger. Do all the bedtime evolutions and then put on the Watch. When I got up, the Watch went back on the charger while I did my rise and shine evos.

The Watch never got really low so this routine got it fully charged at the start of my day. That was with the AWs. I imagine my AWS2 would fare even better.


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Mar 23, 2011
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Ok. So I tried the Pillow app last night. I started it on on my watch when I went to bed and stopped it when I woke up. I can see my stats on my watch but the app on my phone appears to be still running. Can't get off of this screen. Can someone help me?


Well-known member
Dec 8, 2015
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Ok. So I tried the Pillow app last night. I started it on on my watch when I went to bed and stopped it when I woke up. I can see my stats on my watch but the app on my phone appears to be still running. Can't get off of this screen. Can someone help me? //

This is one reason why I no longer use sleep apps that have to run on the watch, you end up with conflicts or information not being transferred.... that and you forget to start/stop the app on the watch.

Can not recommend AutoSleep enough. You do not get any of the issues you mention plus there is no forgetting to start/stop the sleep app as there's nothing to do on the watch and you end up with a better battery performance.

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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As far as that goes, Apple has a lot of money but doesn't have all the resources (software engineers) some people seem to think they have. Team members or entire teams are constantly moved around as deemed necessary.

They've got a lot of irons in the fire. The apps they do create are now and for some time have been for the 95% of the 90%, their target audience. Apps for detailed, in-depth lifting are left to third-party devs.

A sleep app for the Watch just doesn't even jiggle the needle on Apple's software list. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that some engineer say "ya know, we should write an app..." and it got prioritized off the list.

Great explanation. It costs money for Apple to develop an app. On the other hand, it costs $0 if one of their millions of developers write one. Unless Apple thinks that writing a particular app is going to positively affect its bottom line (i.e. it's such a game changer than it only makes sense for them to deeply integrate it as a feature in order to boost hardware sales) it's likely going to leave it to the developer community.


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Mar 23, 2011
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Did you try quitting the app on the phone and restarting it? If that doesn't work, I'd try restarting the phone and launch the app again.

I deleted it entirely. I don't like the fact that I have to start and stop it to begin with. I'll try the other app that was recommended, but at the end of the day it's not that big of a deal if I don't track sleep. It was just done so well and so easily on the Fitbit that I got used to it.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2015
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Thanks for this thread and info. Another former fitbit user looking for an automatic sleep app. AutoSleep is looking like the one I will go with.


Feb 11, 2017
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I have been using Heart Watch for over a year and started using AutoSleep as soon as it was released. The apps work great and the developer is super responsive to feedback and suggestions. I highly recommend these apps for sleep tracking and heart rate monitoring. Regarding charging, I sleep with my watch on and charge it while taking a shower and preparing for work every morning (about 45 minutes) and never run out of power.


Feb 11, 2017
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I have an AWS1 but plan to get the AWS2 tomorrow as I really need the waterproof feature. Any advice on getting the Nike version vs the regular AWS2? I am not a runner - are there any key features that it has that the "average Joe" would need? Does Nike band fit an XL wrist?

Mac Guy

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2015
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Any advice on getting the Nike version vs the regular AWS2?

Since they're the same price (unless you go Stainless Steel AWS2) I'd get the Nike+. It's the same Watch with the addition of a couple cool watch faces and your choice of one of four cool bands available only on the Nike+.

Change the band and the Watch face and you have a normal Watch. If you don't like the Nike band, you can easily sell it.

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