would you buy the iphone off of ebay or craigslist?

Jimbos Jumbos

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Jan 22, 2010
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I have been buying and selling electronics on ebay for about 10 years.

If you thoroughly read the description, you will be fine.

Ebay has to worry about its reputation. If a seller misrepresents an item, the buyer is eligable for a full refund.

Ask for pics

Do not do deals outside of the auction

Look at the sellers feedback, take a min to read some of the feedback

Pay with paypal

dont expect something for nothing.

I would avoid buying and selling out of the country.

With that said, I try my best to describe in detail. I learned my lesson years ago that "like new" for one person, might not mean the same thing to another. When I sell iphones, I also describe it as "shows signs of wear", even if it looks great.

You have to be careful with minor details in the description. There is a China version of the iphone out there. It looks just like our version, but it doesnt use the Apple OS and it doesnt work with itunes.

You can find a 3GS iphone for under $300
You can probably get ATT to sell you one for that price, you just have to renew your contract.


Trusted Member
Mar 9, 2010
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I enjoy purchasing from craigslist ... I always meet the seller in a well lit, public place that has wifi access and lot's of people (Coffee Shop) and have always had good experiences.


Apr 7, 2010
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i bought my 3gs from someone on craigslist. everything worked so was a done deal.
couple days ago i met someone with a 3g and didnt buy it as it had scratches. + side about craigslist.

Ebay - i wouldnt. a camera can make something look good when it really isnt. and you can negotiate better with craigslist.

as always like everyone has already said. meet in well lit area, with lots of people and communicate at first all through email and text and phone call. get all the questions out that you might have prior to meeting.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2010
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As someone who sells his old phones on Ebay, I'd say there are some good deals and good sellers out there to take advantage of. You just need to be real careful when you are buying.

A few things to keep in mind...

1.) If they don't post or aren't willing to provide extensive pictures....walk away.

2.) If a deal seems too good to be true...walk away.

3.) If a seller doesn't give a detailed description of how long he/she has had the phone or can't tell you much about it....walk away.

I wouldn't say that you should completely avoid Ebay or Craigslist, but it is definitely a buyer beware situation. Don't get in too much of a hurry and you should be fine.


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Oct 1, 2009
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When iPhone generation 4 is released this summer, rest assured the 3Gs goes on craigslist/backpage. I always sell it for a loss so I can just move it and get money.


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Mar 16, 2010
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Personally I find that sites (like craigslist) are a hit and miss. You have to look for the responses or the posts that seem from a respectable person.

Like I look for the, "Hey guys, I have for sale a lightly used....." not the, "De pone is gud no scratches quality good auwsome...". You get the idea lol.

Honestly from what I can tell with phones a lot of people buy them, and then get an upgrade or want to change themselves - typically people respect their phones enough as it is THEIR phone during their ownership. Oh, and look for phones that are TOO cheap - could be issues.

Personally I HAVE bought Blackberries off of craigslist (well a similar site, not it in particular) and no issues to this date.


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2009
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I buy/sell on Craigslist all the time. The trick to Craigslist is to only deal with local people because there is no safe-guard in place to protect you from being scammed. The good side of Craigslist is that you can see the device before dropping down the cash.

When it comes to Craigslist though, always be sure to meet in a very public place. If you are going to be meeting up with someone you don't know to buy a device you have never seen for a couple of hundred dollars in cash, you want to make sure you are surrounded by witnesses. Never let anyone come to your house, never go to theirs, never meet in a parking lot unless it is of a busy establishment, etc.

^^^ Exactly, my 3G was bought used, like they said don't buy unless it's local because for such a significant amount of hard earned cash you want to see the phone and make sure it works. When you go to see it bring your SIM card so you can make sure it will work after you take it home. Check all the apps and usual settings to make sure everything works. If it's in a case remove the case to make sure the actual phone is not in bad shape, that is what happend to me the back of my phone looks like a warzone which bothered me at first but I got a good deal and it works perfectly. Also talk to the person selling, I've sold stuff before and if they are a good seller and stand by the phone they will be willing for you to contact them if there are any problems.


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Oct 1, 2008
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I bought a 2g from a doctor off Craigslist that was upgrading to a 3g. This was 2 years ago before a jumped in the pool with it. It worked just fine. We met at a restaurant. I would do it again.


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Mar 13, 2012
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I have sold a few things on Amazon and I purchase just about everything from Amazon.
I have only purchased about 3 items from eBay ever with no problems.
I would recommend meeting at your local police station if you are going to buy/sell something from Craig's List.
I sold a resistance weight set on Craig's list a few months ago. I was moving and had the guy meet me at my apartment because the weight set was to big to toke around. It was my last day in that apartment and the weight set was the last thing to go. I am 6'2" and I had two friends at the apartment with me when the buyer arrived. Both of my friends are 6'4" by the way.
The guy bought a trailer and tools. His wife was in a separate car keeping a eye on us the whole time.
The guy cane inside and took a look at the weigh set and decided that he did in fact want it. He handed over the money and one of my friends help him take it apart. I left for about a hour and when I returned, they were done tearing it down.
It worked out quite well.
The ONLY reason I had him meet me at my apt is because I was moving, otherwise I wouldn't recommend doing so. I was completely moved out by the following day.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I highly doubt it. I prefer to go to the store and get what I want. That way, if there's a problem, I can take it back to that store for a refund or an exchange, but that's Just Me, D...;)


Dec 3, 2012
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Not me I prefer to see what I'm buying. It also makes it easy if you need to return or exchange the device.

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