Windows 8.1: Will it get you to upgrade?


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Jul 21, 2009
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Will it get you to upgrade?

Are you looking forward to getting it?

I'm excited to get it but only because it's new. I was excited when I heard they were bringing the start button back but now that I see they really aren't it makes no difference to me. I already created my own start menu the first day I installed it anyway.


May 31, 2013
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I guess I have been working under the assumption that it was going to be free for Windows 8 owners, right?

I never get too stoked about a new OS release, I did pre-order Windows 7 though and upgraded day 1 from XP... But I like Windows 7 on my desktop and Windows 8 on my laptop, but still owning Win 7 shows having the newest OS isn't obtained at any cost :-D


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Jul 21, 2009
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yeah from what I heard it's a free upgrade as long as you have Win 8 already. I'm going to do it but I have to admit when I heard people saying the start button was coming back I got excited. I already found my own way around it but to have it back like it was before would have been good. Except it's not really back since it takes you to the Windows 8 UI whatever it's called. So it does the same thing hovering in the lower left corner does.


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Jul 21, 2009
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I have been using the Preview of 8.1 and I have to say I like it. It could be that since I've been using Windows 8 since beta maybe I'm just used to it and having worked around things like no start button, made my own, perhaps that is why I like it. However it just seems more polished than Windows 8 was at launch. I still think having one OS for both touch devices and regular computers is a mistake and there are still things that need to be fixed if they ever will be but it's usable. Some of the things I find silly that they haven't fixed is when you launch an app if you go back to the desktop you can then dock it on the left or right of the screen. However you can only adjust the width to a certain degree which takes away the usefullness of the apps because you lose screen realestate. An example I opened the weather app which is really nice docked it to my right but it took up 1/4 of my screen which is a lot. You would think I could adjust the width so it would be only a sidebar, think Windows 7 taskbar. I can't once I adjust it it just goes away, I mean how silly is that it's either I lose 1/4 of my screen realestate or I don't use the app.


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Oct 26, 2004
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The one thing that's different here is that this isn't a mere update or service pack. It's a new OS. And historically the best way to install a new windows version is to clean install. Yet, this is going to be pushed through the MS store and most will update over windows 8. Needless to say, many will have problems afterwards.

Since I'm a pure desktop user that intentionally avoids the silliness that is Metro, I don't see it worthwhile to do clean installs of 8.1. Start8 is still superior to whatever MS is adding back.

And again, it can't be said enough how retarded MS is for forcing Metro on everyone especially its desktop and laptop users. I've had a relative in near tears the other day begging for someone to come help her out. She constantly struggles to use that horrid UI. But the problem here is that it defaults to these limited, halfbaked Metro apps to open most things like pics, music, email, you name it. In this case, it was email. It wouldn't open for her. Windows 8 MAIL client renames G-Mail PDF attachments filename and extension to PDF???? describes the problem similar to what she had.

Yes, you can change what opens what. It's pretty easy. But most have no clue and don't care. It should be troubling to MS that this is the kind of experience that I'd wager many more like her are being subjected to.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2013
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How were you 'forced' to use the new UI? Did someone 'force' you to change from your previous OS to Win8? It's a free market and you chose what you spend your money on. If you don't like it don't buy it. Seems pretty simple to me. I had an WP8 phone and I didn't like it so I got an iPhone. I wasn't 'forced' to stay with WP8.

Computer Geek

Aug 19, 2016
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Some people said that Windows 8.1 is better than Windows 8 which I think its true. My computer was preinstalled with Windows 8 and it lag. When the Windows 8.1 update is out, I quickly update my computer to Windows 8.1 which is great no lag and it runs smoothly.Then, the Windows 10 came out and Microsoft keep popping out popups to tell me to upgrade it which is very annoying so I had no choice to upgrade it. Surprisingly, it run smoother then Windows 8....


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Some people said that Windows 8.1 is better than Windows 8 which I think its true. My computer was preinstalled with Windows 8 and it lag. When the Windows 8.1 update is out, I quickly update my computer to Windows 8.1 which is great no lag and it runs smoothly.Then, the Windows 10 came out and Microsoft keep popping out popups to tell me to upgrade it which is very annoying so I had no choice to upgrade it. Surprisingly, it run smoother then Windows 8....

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