Why we use iOS


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Mar 17, 2012
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No, I'm responding to the implication that I somehow implied that "all" people use the iPhone for the reasons I described when I did no such thing. I'm further responding to the post that somehow I stated that no one has used multiple platforms or is experienced in them , I also did not make this claim.

And if you think that familiarity, comfort, and lack of experience is not a key component or a major reason that most people or many people in this case would use a particular brand then so be it. And again I would argue you know nothing about business. I'm not knocking anyone for this , nor is this damnation of these people it's quite rooted in human nature. It's the same reason that many people have never dated outside of their own race, or don't leave from their hometown or region. Of course this doesn't apply to everyone , and of course over time these things change. And of course as the smartphone market gets older and more people have owned a smart and get access to them it will change. But I still stand by my argument that you think is so unsubstantiated.

dang......so my monies spent on my Trinity College Dublin undergraduate work in social psychology with an emphasis on Business and my MBA from UCLA on industrial psychology with an emphasis on international business were wasted....thank you so much for letting me know....

Sorry Hank and zero.....that's all I'll say to this person and rampant assumptions......

I'm out....


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Oct 3, 2010
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dang......so my monies spent on my Trinity College Dublin undergraduate work in social psychology with an emphasis on Business and my MBA from UCLA on industrial psychology with an emphasis on international business were wasted....thank you so much for letting me know....

Sorry Hank and zero.....that's all I'll say to this person and rampant assumptions......

I'm out....

Not you at all.

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Mar 17, 2012
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Why we use IOS

Lil, my comment was not directed at you.

Thanks love️I didn't think you or zero were directing at me but I figured I'd simply apologise for getting my Irish Cuban up.

Sent from my SEXY GORGEOUS AWESOME GOLD 128G iPhone 6


Jan 4, 2014
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Why we use IOS

Because webOS is dead, and this was the next best thing.
Oh how I miss webOS 😔😔😔

WebOs was beast, many features today we have were first introduced in WebOS, but Apple marketing and mind share ability to connect to user is beastly, Palm was up against a juggernaut. plus, Apple probably has the best machine human interface engineers on the planet, I would argue many features come from other manufacturers first but Apple does presentation just about better than any other consumer electronics manufacturer.
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Nov 7, 2012
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WebOs was beast, many features today we have were first introduced in WebOS, but Apple marketing and mind share ability to connect to user is beastly, Palm was up against a juggernaut. plus, Apple probably has the best machine human interface engineers on the planet, I would argue many features come from other manufacturers first but Apple does presentation just about better than any other consumer electronics manufacturer.

Is marketing the reason you bought your iPhone 6+?

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Jan 4, 2014
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Why we use IOS

Absolutely marketing created an interest in me even acknowledging the iPhone in the first place. Is it the only reason , no, is it a reason , yes, I can readily admit that I'm no more immune to the powers of consumerism as the next guy.

But being someone who's already interested in the product due to prior experience an iPhone with a large screen in itself would peak my interest. And when I meant presentation I meant human machine interface.

I think bb10 gestures based Os is much more productive , for multi tasking and navigation, etc... It's got many more features than iOS , from answering notifications, to hub, split screen with passport, etc ... Feature wise it's not close the pure OS but the learning curve is higher. Again, human machine interface, Apple does this better, figuring out a way for people to intuitively learn various gestures is not a simple task. And maybe this is why Apple hasn't gone all in on gestures to keep the learning curve low.


Nov 6, 2014
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You know, there is another great reason I forgot to mention about why I like iOS.

I really love it when they release a jailbreak. It's a blast some of the tweaks we have.

Sure Android is easily customized too but there is just something exciting about navigating Cydia...

I personally am against jailbreaking an iPhone. You are not using the device as Apple intended and forfeit any security/support etc. I've honestly always believed if you're gonna jailbreak you may as well go Android.

That being said, I'm thankful to the jailbreak devs as they help Apple discover and fix security flaws. Jailbreakers are willingly exposing that flaw and allowing the chance for any kind of malware to piggyback its way onto their system.

Anyhoo, I digress and don't want to drive this thread too far off topic. I would say however that jailbreak is one of the view things I DONT like about iOS.

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Mar 27, 2015
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The most important I prefer iOS because it's safety than Android, not so many malware except you Jailbreak it.
iOS users love try apps and support developer better than Android users mainly crack and use free apps.

The other things I love is all Apple devices are stable,nice, long lifetime and good battery life.


Oct 2, 2013
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I'm not a fanboy. I just feel comfy with iOS devices. And the back button on my wife's Android drove me nuts.

Sent from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5. ☮


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Aug 6, 2011
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Can't say I use iOS full time but i use it. I have a 6 plus and a Droid Turbo that I swap the sim cards on every now and then. For me the daily driver is the Turbo. I love the Google ecosystem and Google now does a good job of relaying the information I need. I travel quite a bit in my car and normally to places I don't go to twice. It's always a new client in a different city so when I make an appointment I set my location in my Google Calendar and it more or less plans my day for me. Google now will show me my agenda as well as restaurants and hotels in the area I'm in. That's really useful. If apple maps would ever grow up into a reliable system I would consider ios my daily driver.

iOS also has its advantages, like a great looking UI. I know ios 8 has its bugs but I think the Os looks stunning and it does just work, it's just not flexible enough for my needs. Apps look better, 90% of my clients and immediate family are on iPhones so that says something about the platform. Oh, let's not forget about continuity, that's a handy thing to have and well thought out by Apple. I do have a MacBook pro and when I use my iPhone it is a great feature to have.

Posted via the iMore App for Android


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Apr 18, 2009
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I use iOS for many reasons. i also use android on a regular basis for many reasons but since the iPhone 3g i have owned every iteration of the iPhone.

1.The OS works well and smooth, it is not the best at everything like multitasking but with control center and th quality of the apps it works well for my needs.
2. I use mac computers and with hand-off and continuity it makes working seamless.
3. Xcode is incredibly powerful which is what compels me to use macs and subsequently the iPhone.
4.Apple Customer support cannot be matched, whether it is a problem with my phone or my mac or the shopping experience i like being able to walk into a brick and mortar store and purchase what i want.
5.The quality of games and apps are fpor the most part better, not always but a lot of the games start on iPhone then get ported to android so they run a bit better on the iPhone i have noticed.
6. get apps sooner, a lot of apps release weeks if not months earlier on the iOS platform than android.
7. iMessage - simply put my wife her family my family and a lot of my friends have iphones, so face-time and sending imessages works very well since most of the people i know use the iPhone.
8.accessories- not that it is a huge deal but it is nice to have case choices as well as other 3rd party accessories.
9.is my newest reason is the apple watch, i use mine a lot for notifications and doing things as i am working i also find it very useful for when i am driving i can just see who is calling before taking the call on my bluetooth, or on the watch.
10. Apple care- for $100 i am protected for 2 years granted with deductible but i do not have to pay monthly or go through the insurance program.

These are the primary reasons i use iOS it is not even mostly the OS but apple as a company offers so many compelling features and while i am very tech savvy and capable phones are not repairable like cars especially some of the android phones. While i have done my fair share of rooting and flashing roms to devices, if something happens to my galaxy s6 i have to go deal with at&t customer support which is not always good or contact samsung and deal with sending my phone out. But with apple i can just go to the apple store and i get everyone does not live by an apple store, but if you do or are even within driving distance i would rather take a Saturday and travel then wait 5 days for the mail.


Nov 6, 2014
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Can't say I use iOS full time but i use it. I have a 6 plus and a Droid Turbo that I swap the sim cards on every now and then. For me the daily driver is the Turbo. I love the Google ecosystem and Google now does a good job of relaying the information I need. I travel quite a bit in my car and normally to places I don't go to twice. It's always a new client in a different city so when I make an appointment I set my location in my Google Calendar and it more or less plans my day for me. Google now will show me my agenda as well as restaurants and hotels in the area I'm in. That's really useful. If apple maps would ever grow up into a reliable system I would consider ios my daily driver.

iOS also has its advantages, like a great looking UI. I know ios 8 has its bugs but I think the Os looks stunning and it does just work, it's just not flexible enough for my needs. Apps look better, 90% of my clients and immediate family are on iPhones so that says something about the platform. Oh, let's not forget about continuity, that's a handy thing to have and well thought out by Apple. I do have a MacBook pro and when I use my iPhone it is a great feature to have.

Posted via the iMore App for Android

You do know those Google apps are also available for iOS, right?

I also would consider Google Maps slightly more reliable, but I can easily install it on my iPhone if I wish to. The only thing I miss about Android is the customization and that's just barely.

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Dec 25, 2011
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To start with I never wanted an iPhone, but I consider myself a tech enthusiast and after Jobs passed I felt I at least owed iPhone a try. I bought an iPhone 4 (4S was newest at the time), and as much as I wanted to hate iOS and the iPhone...I fell in love with it. I loved the feel of the phone, the OS just seemed to always work and was fast, the apps looked great and worked really well. From there I moved on to an iPad Mini and have replaced it with an iPad Air. With continuity and apple drive everything just syncs and keeps me updated on all my devices. I still think iOS has some of the best apps available, or at the very least look the sharpest and cleanest. Overall it just works for me. Also coming from working at a photo lab that specializes in color, nobody beats Apple in color representation. Apple has the truest colors of any manufacturer which is another big plus for me.

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Nov 6, 2014
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Tbh I think that's the problem with a lot of iOS haters. A lot of them have never taken the time to use them. The rest are tinkers who actually want to constantly tweak, customise and fix things.

Customisation, tinkering and choice are the best things about Android. Tbh though if you ask me that's all it has going for it. IOS is superior in every single way otherwise (in my opinion).

Things just work with my iPhone 6. My Galaxy Ace II was a nightmare once upgraded beyond Gingerbread. I was forced to run unofficial builds of Cyanogenmod just to make it usable. My fianc?'s Galaxy S III is also majorly unreliable by comparison. Whether on stock or any other ROM. I was originally envious of it when she got it until I got this phone and have never looked back since.

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Nov 20, 2013
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I don't really know, I just love it.

And I think Android is overblown and looks more ... childish? for me than iOS.
I love the simplicity of iOS, the ecosystem, the design, the minimalism.
And I love the AppStore and the design of apps, on Android apps still look like crap (like whatsapp, it's so beautiful on iOS and looks like a cheap copy on Android)

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