Why are Android users so militant?


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Apr 27, 2011
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One thing about using the iPhone. I don't have to wait for my carrier to approve and release an update to the OS. I don't have to wait for Dell to approve an update for Windows, do I?

Maybe you don't know this , but the Google Galaxy Nexus that I have is a Pure Google device which means it gets all updates first. ;) I just got my Nexus yesterday and downloaded the new Jellybean update right out of the box. :D


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Jun 8, 2010
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Maybe you don't know this , but the Google Galaxy Nexus that I have is a Pure Google device which means it gets all updates first. ;) I just got my Nexus yesterday and downloaded the new Jellybean update right out of the box. :D

How is it? Just got the galaxy s3 and I like the OS but 4.8' screen is to big for me for a mobile device.

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Apr 27, 2011
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How is it? Just got the galaxy s3 and I like the OS but 4.8' screen is to big for me for a mobile device.

Via Tapatalk iPhone 4S

I really like my unlocked Google Nexus so far. Like you I am also finding that the screen is big compared to what I am used to with the 4S, however, after using it all morning I am starting to like it a lot more. Jellybean really is awesome as far as Androids newest update goes. :)

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Jul 8, 2011
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How is it? Just got the galaxy s3 and I like the OS but 4.8' screen is to big for me for a mobile device.

Via Tapatalk iPhone 4S

:)congrats vietalogy - so how do you like it so far? the S3 has intrigued me to want to go look at it in VzW to see what its like. I think you have to adjust to the bigger screen, i'd actually like the larger size of the phone-things like that dont really bother me.

its funny to hear you guys talk OS's, lol. Jellybean, ice cream sandwich....sounds yummy LOL:D


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Jun 8, 2010
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:)congrats vietalogy - so how do you like it so far? the S3 has intrigued me to want to go look at it in VzW to see what its like. I think you have to adjust to the bigger screen, i'd actually like the larger size of the phone-things like that dont really bother me.

its funny to hear you guys talk OS's, lol. Jellybean, ice cream sandwich....sounds yummy LOL:D

Its okay think I'm returning it soon. 4.8 screen is to big for a mobile phone for me 4' would be perfect. Android apps are not good as iOS also you need to download a antivirus app lol. Pluses about the GS3 is removable battery, memory card slot and notifications.

I have to much $ and accessories into apple so I think I'm sticking with apple for now.

Via Tapatalk iPhone 4S


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Apr 27, 2011
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its funny to hear you guys talk OS's, lol. Jellybean, ice cream sandwich....sounds yummy LOL:D[/FONT][/B][/COLOR]

Agreed, very yummy indeed!

Its okay think I'm returning it soon. 4.8 screen is to big for a mobile phone for me 4' would be perfect. Android apps are not good as iOS also you need to download a antivirus app lol. Pluses about the GS3 is removable battery, memory card slot and notifications.

I have to much $ and accessories into apple so I think I'm sticking with apple for now.
Nothing wrong with that, vietalogy. At least this way you tried it and found out that it isn't for you. I can say one thing about Android devices, the battery life is gawd awful compared to my 4S. On my first charge, the battery didn't even last 11 hours. The battery went completely dead on my way home from work while I was testing out Google Maps. Then, it took 25 min on the charger before it came up to 1% so that I could view the screen. :eek:


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Jul 6, 2011
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I've been up down and sideways in the smartphone era. Had an OG iPhone (on tmo to) a Palm Pre (yep that one) then an Evo4G. Now I'm on a Gnex with Jelly Bean. All I want is a good experience. Most of the people on all sides want that. You will always have Fanaticism from some.

What has gotten many on the Android side so roiled of late is to the lengths Apple is going to to stop Google. If it was a head on fight with Google people would be understanding. With their tendency to go after the OEM's who have a harder time defending themselves it looks like bully tactics 101. That and the tack that Apple will if given the opportunity Patent anything not nailed down. Is just putting more vinegar in the mix.

Maybe once Apple gets Good Bloody nose in court they may rethink their strategy.

I can hope.


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Feb 3, 2011
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Its okay think I'm returning it soon. 4.8 screen is to big for a mobile phone for me 4' would be perfect. Android apps are not good as iOS also you need to download a antivirus app lol. Pluses about the GS3 is removable battery, memory card slot and notifications.

I have to much $ and accessories into apple so I think I'm sticking with apple for now.

Via Tapatalk iPhone 4S

If you're looking to unload that S3 I have a 32gb 4S I'd trade.

Larry Pager

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Jun 11, 2012
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Its okay think I'm returning it soon. 4.8 screen is to big for a mobile phone for me 4' would be perfect. Android apps are not good as iOS also you need to download a antivirus app lol. Pluses about the GS3 is removable battery, memory card slot and notifications.

I have to much $ and accessories into apple so I think I'm sticking with apple for now.

Via Tapatalk iPhone 4S

I'm looking at the S3 and plan to buy it in a few weeks. I LOVE the screen. The removable battery is nice, but a pain in the buttocks. The removable battery is poitnless, I would go with an external battery charger instead. Less headaches. The apps are not as good, but they are slowly catching up. One solution is to keep the GS3 and get a iPad. That way you get the best of both worlds.

Android fanboys are drinking the kool-aid just as much as the Apple fanboys. I like both platforms, but when the Android fanboys start going above and beyond the products and start talking about "openess" and "choice", that's when they are getting ridiculous. Google and the phone makers are companies, just like Apple. They're in it to make money and to control the market. Both of them. So don't wax on about open source when the Android camp are throwing in locked bootloaders. Apple discourages jailbreaking too. Or how about preferential treatment for nexus devices? Don't tell me it's freedom when the OS is updated twice a year and the powers that do their best to limit it to the new phones to boost sales to keep Android in the news. And don't tell me Android is "all about choice" by forcing the consumer to either root & install a ROM to get the next update or buy a new phone. Apple is guilty of all of this too by limiting the features of the next OS on older phones- time and time again it's been shown that some of the new features can run on older hardware.

All of this sounds horrible, but when you throw in a bit of the hacker marketing magic and get the Android crowd to chant "root... root... root" as the solution to all of Android ills, it's now OK. The original Droid ads really set the tone for Android fanboys and pit them against the iPhone. It was a great bit of advertising that caught the public's attention. It's all about business, the masses here and on android forums don't get that.

Anybody who is a militant Android fanboy or a holier than thou iPhone fanboy has got suckered in by the marketing divisions at Google or Apple and are too blind to recognize that fact. Like the platform for what it is, not what it represents.


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May 11, 2011
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good thing you do not get "enthusiastic" about anything. i can tell

the quote is basically sarcasm. They aren't enthusiasts. But I didn't have a nice name for them

Also I agree with who said that most people are just going through the smartphone motions to find an enjoyable experience for them. I've found that with windows phone, but the iPhone opened my eyes to what I wanted out of a phone
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Feb 19, 2009
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Out of all the tech blogs I visit on a daily basis, only Android users use the term "fanboy". iPhone users, for the most part, don't give a rats ass what other people use. Android users call everyone else, mostly iPhone users, "fanboys". But they aren't fanboys at all, right?


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Nov 3, 2010
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Out of all the tech blogs I visit on a daily basis, only Android users use the term "fanboy". iPhone users, for the most part, don't give a rats ass what other people use. Android users call everyone else, mostly iPhone users, "fanboys". But they aren't fanboys at all, right?

Fanboy or fanboi, is a term that i first saw in the Crackberry forums, years ago, used by BB people to run down non-blackberry users. BB people really dished it out back then, when they were riding high, but now that they're going down hill, they can't take it at all. :p


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Apr 27, 2011
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Out of all the tech blogs I visit on a daily basis, only Android users use the term "fanboy". iPhone users, for the most part, don't give a rats ass what other people use. Android users call everyone else, mostly iPhone users, "fanboys". But they aren't fanboys at all, right?

Don't kid yourself, Apple users are just as bad. To me using the term "fandroid" is just as bad as fanboy, and this is something I see being thrown around a lot on Apple forums that I visit in reference to Android users.


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Jul 8, 2011
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Its okay think I'm returning it soon. 4.8 screen is to big for a mobile phone for me 4' would be perfect. Android apps are not good as iOS also you need to download a antivirus app lol. Pluses about the GS3 is removable battery, memory card slot and notifications.

I have to much $ and accessories into apple so I think I'm sticking with apple for now.
Via Tapatalk iPhone 4S
:)well, at least you gave it a shot to try out - :eek:in all honesty even if i did want to change platform to the SGS3 or whatever else, i'm like you - i have sooooo many cases for my 4S & charging accessories invested as well, and THB i'm very happy with my 4S for now as well - when i get bored(if that ever happens) THEN i'll worry about if i'm going to move onto another platform;):)

Agreed, very yummy indeed! [URL=http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-eatdrink024.gif]Click to view quoted image

Nothing wrong with that, vietalogy. At least this way you tried it and found out that it isn't for you. I can say one thing about Android devices, the battery life is gawd awful compared to my 4S. On my first charge, the battery didn't even last 11 hours. The battery went completely dead on my way home from work while I was testing out Google Maps. Then, it took 25 min on the charger before it came up to 1% so that I could view the screen. :eek:

Out of anything negative i've ever heard about android - battery life is one of the consistent things i continually hear. I honestly don't know much about android at all, but i'm guessing because of the larger screens & more notifications avail in the top bar that this could be the reason why ???
My uncle has an HTC 3D something(on sprint), i forgot the name, but when he got the phone he also made sure to get the extended battery for it as well as having a charger avail in his car - he absolutely loves his device!! He's always trying to talk me into one as well, joking around of course - he knows how much i enjoy my iphone:)

Rose, perhaps you could look into an extended battery or a Mophie if they make one also. But then, finding a case could wind up being a real PITA with an extended battery.


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Jul 8, 2011
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Don't kid yourself, Apple users are just as bad. To me using the term "fandroid" is just as bad as fanboy, and this is something I see being thrown around a lot on Apple forums that I visit in reference to Android users.

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TBH, anyone using any type of device that is completely brain washed & has tunnel vision of only that manufacturer is going to make rude & negative comments to someone who doesn't use their device type & see things through their eyes on how 'great' it is. I honestly NEVER understood why people get like that - so ok fine android works best for you, and blackberry is best for George & Ashleigh uses an iphone. It all comes down to what fits the users NEEDS in what they want out of their device. If those fainboys/girls, or whatever you want to call them, would finally realize this, i'm sure there would be alot less annimosity between device users:) (well. we could hope at least lol)


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May 5, 2012
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Regarding Android battery life, another reason for poor performance on some phones is the 4G LTE capability. I bought the extended battery for my 4G LTE Rezound and can get through a day with no problem and no recharging. Newer phones with newer chipsets should be more efficient, and if the iPhone gets LTE this fall it should benefit from the advances in technology.

Sent from somewhere


Sep 7, 2010
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Don't kid yourself, Apple users are just as bad. To me using the term "fandroid" is just as bad as fanboy, and this is something I see being thrown around a lot on Apple forums that I visit in reference to Android users.

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You have to admit...the amount of hatred towards Apple from the Android side of the fence DWARFS the amount of hatred going the other way.


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Jan 8, 2012
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You have to admit...the amount of hatred towards Apple from the Android side of the fence DWARFS the amount of hatred going the other way.

Nope. Can't do it. From my perspective, they are pretty much on par with each other in regard to hatred or disdain. If I had to describe the difference between the users of the two, in general, I'd have to say that Apple users are far more likely to have purchased an Apple product for image sake than for anything else and Android users are more likely to have purchased an Android device to get the most bang for the buck, so to speak, than for image sake. Of course, that does not describe "all" Apple and Android users.

Just Me, D
(iPhone 4S)


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Oct 10, 2011
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And there are still people out there who behave that way about their Blackberries. It has nothing to do with the phone, and everything to do with the owners. It's like religious fundamentalists. You can't tell them they're wrong, because they believe, and they don't understand why you're not swept up in their zeal.

Thing is there are what I'll refer to as ifundamentalist as well. Like Alli said its more about people than devices. I always thought iphone users were snobs who thought there devices were the cats meow. I'm now an iphone owner as well as... well read my signature. Guess that makes me a snobby militant! B-)

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Apr 27, 2011
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You have to admit...the amount of hatred towards Apple from the Android side of the fence DWARFS the amount of hatred going the other way.

Depends on what forum you're on, Sean. To be honest, this one is actually pretty good, as I don't read too many negative things about Android users, however, there are one or two that are down right nasty the second anything positive is written in regards to a Android device. On the flip side, I've been on Android or other wireless sites where Android owners are also nasty in their remarks towards iOS users, and these are the forums that I no longer post on. I don't see why it matters what device a person is using, or why they have to be stereotyped as a "fanboy" or "fandroid" for it. To me iOS and Android are two of the most powerful OS in today's market and a person really can't go wrong using either one. :)

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