Whose responsibility is it to monitor a child’s use of an iPhone - Parents or Apple?


Feb 6, 2012
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I raised my brother and sister for 10 years, starting from when I was in grade 8 and they were 4 and 2, while my mother was sick with liver failure.

Why do you presume someone who hasn’t HAD children hasn’t RAISED children before?

It’s presumptions like that that I was talking about. It’s holier than thou.

I wasn’t making a statement directly at you, honestly. It was a general statement about people without children feeling the need to speak on those with children.

And no offense but that honestly isn’t the same. I too, as an older sibling, cared for my two younger siblings through family emergencies and sickness. Never would I equate that to raising children. That’s in no way a slight to what you did as a child. Never would I do that. That’s not a holier than thou statement. It’s simply recognition of a difference in situations.

It’s people who say things like that that honestly irritate me the most. Similar to when people with no kids say, “I have a pet so I know what it’s like”.


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Jun 10, 2011
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I wasn’t making a statement directly at you, honestly. It was a general statement about people without children feeling the need to speak on those with children.

And no offense but that honestly isn’t the same. I too, as an older sibling, cared for my two younger siblings through family emergencies and sickness. Never would I equate that to raising children. That’s in no way a slight to what you did as a child. Never would I do that. That’s not a holier than thou statement. It’s simply recognition of a difference in situations.

It’s people who say things like that that honestly irritate me the most. Similar to when people with no kids say, “I have a pet so I know what it’s like”.

So being the disciplinarian, working after high school to help pay bills, bathing them, cooking for them, helping with their homework, taking them to the doctor, doing everything except shooting them from my body myself isn’t raising them? This wasn’t an occasional illness or emergency like you implied. This was almost a decade as the de facto mother. The only thing I didn’t do was give birth to them.

You’re right. Only people who’ve given birth could possibly have an opinion on raising children. Raising children you didn’t give birth to doesn’t count.

Wow. Your whole post is pretty offensively dismissive. You don’t need to have a kid to know what good parenting is.


Feb 6, 2012
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So being the disciplinarian, working after high school to help pay bills, bathing them, cooking for them, helping with their homework, taking them to the doctor, doing everything except shooting them from my body myself isn’t raising them? This wasn’t an occasional illness or emergency like you implied. This was almost a decade as the de facto mother. The only thing I didn’t do was give birth to them.

You’re right. Only people who’ve given birth could possibly have an opinion on raising children. Raising children you didn’t give birth to doesn’t count.

Wow. Your whole post is pretty offensively dismissive. You don’t need to have a kid to know what good parenting is.

It’s obvious you’re not reading what I’m saying. In the post you responded to initially I mentioned adoption. So you attempting to twist my words by assuming I said only people who gave birth could have an opinion or raising children you didn’t give birth to doesn’t count is false. Simply reading my words would go a long way. Secondly, I also said “all kids are different”. I said that even I understand all kids are different and so I don’t criticize other parents even though I am one. YOU got defensive and assumed I was saying that YOU couldn’t have an opinion. Had you read what I said you’d see I never made that statement. Don’t get mad and offensive based on interpretations that YOU inaccurately made.

I specifically said, “It’s tough to critique parenting when one hasn’t had to parent a child themselves”. If you believe what you did constitutes as parenting, great. I not once said YOU, Reeneebob, couldn’t critique anyone or so much as have an opinion...I said I’m not a fan of someone who hasn’t PARENTED a child critiquing other parents. Please...read....


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Are we done? If not, don’t continue to reply in this thread unless you’re back on topic. There is no reason for this to become so personal. Be done with it!


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Mar 29, 2018
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The parents should take this responsibility & take care of every activity that their kids are doing. If parents will assign chores to the kids then they can keep the kids busy in the allocated tasks. If it is related to "use of phone", then also there should be time limit. Tracking is also important to know what the kids are doin or watching on phone.