What would you do for the new iPhone 3G? How far would you go?


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Jun 23, 2008
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Hi everyone,
Just wanted to post this thread asking everyone...What would you do for the new iPhone 3G. How far would you go to get the new iPhone 3G.

I'm a soon to be college student who sells things on eBay to make money. I don't have that much money and I'm currently looking for a job. I got the iPhone to help me with my business and it's been a great tool! But the new iPhone has faster internet and that's what I need for my business!

So this is what I'm selling...
Some of my shoes
My PS2 with some games
and a gamecube
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May 31, 2008
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I'd think twice about Ebay, Craigslist is easier/safer and you make more money.

If you don't NEED the new iPhone, just want, I'd wait if I were you. You still have a great and powerful device (with a cheaper monthly bill) which will only get better with the Software 2.0 update. So I'd wait, see what it offers you and if you NEED the iPhone 3G then get it.
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Jul 3, 2008
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I'd definitely sell my XBOX360 without hesitating. And to be honest, I'd trade my laptop for an iphone 3g, but that would be a little bit more difficult to do. Still, it would be done.


Jul 3, 2008
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Ive gotten an unlocked iPhone off of eBay before. It was BAD! When I got it, the iphone was all butchered, in that the theme was changed and it looked horrible. I couldn't change it back. There were so many annoying jailbroken/installer apps on it that I didn't want.

I think, if push comes to shove, I will push and shove, in the line next Friday :p


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2003
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Hi everyone,
Just wanted to post this thread asking everyone...What would you do for the new iPhone 3G. How far would you go to get the new iPhone 3G.
You are asking a man who paid $700 for a Treo 650 and lost $10K in Palm stock. I have made more than $20K- in Apple stock. Whatever I pay, it will be a bargain.

Cool Cat

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Dec 16, 2004
The farthest I'm willing to go is to stand in line for a few hours early on Friday morning. If for some reason that doesn't work out (like the store sells out) I may drive to a couple different places looking for one but more likely I'll just wait for the rush to die down and then go pick one up when I know that I'll be able to just walk in and get it.


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Aug 20, 2003
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The farthest I'm willing to go is to stand in line for a few hours early on Friday morning. If for some reason that doesn't work out (like the store sells out) I may drive to a couple different places looking for one but more likely I'll just wait for the rush to die down and then go pick one up when I know that I'll be able to just walk in and get it.
Well, now, there you have me. I am not willing to stand in line.


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Jun 30, 2008
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Yep, that's me too. Basically there are three stores I'm willing to go to (two at&T stores, one Apple). All are within 20 miles of my office. If there are lines more than two people long, or they are sold out or whatever, I'm on my way. I'm just not gonna waste time on the 11th, 12th or 13th standing around waiting for one when I know that in a matter of days anyone will be able to walk into a store and get one without all the fuss. Oh and there's no way I'd sell stuff to be able to get it. I've been consciously checking my spending for the past few weeks, but I'd do that for any mid-range to large purchase I planned to make.


Jul 4, 2008
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Hi everyone,
Just wanted to post this thread asking everyone...What would you do for the new iPhone 3G. How far would you go to get the new iPhone 3G.

I'm a soon to be college student who sells things on eBay to make money. I don't have that much money and I'm currently looking for a job. I got the iPhone to help me with my business and it's been a great tool! But the new iPhone has faster internet and that's what I need for my business!

So this is what I'm selling...
Some of my shoes
My PS2 with some games
and a gamecube

Hello iLoveiPhones,

eBay is great, don't get me wrong. You can sell and buy just about anything on eBay. You can waste so much money buying things you didn't really want on eBay as well. Last but not least, you can put an item up on eBay to sell and spice it up with juicy "supersized" images, gallery display, a nice and meaty theme, and a healthy assortment of bold listing, subtitle, and orgasmic lilac highlighting, all to have the item sell for less than the listing fee.

Craigslist is cool too, but who wants to go pick up their new used Ikea couch to be brutally murdered upon entry to the seller's dwelling?

With this in mind, there is one simple answer for you. Prostitution. Yea it has a bad reputation and horrible ramifications, but you want that iPhone, right? I do too, and I feel your pain. I just went to the AT&T store yesterday to see if I am eligible because my dumb-as-bricks blackberry pearl won't stay on for more than 15 seconds without having to restart and the nice man said "ummmm you'll be eligible in 17 months." He then explained to me how that number magically turned into a "12". 12 months (for some reason) that I'm not eligible for my iPhone. This news hit me hard in the gut, so my natural instinct was to tickle the idea of prostitution. I'm a strapping 20 year old man, so how could anyone resist? Unfortunately, however, he was not into "my kind" (snobby cell phone company employee's thinking they're better than everyone else) and so I left, broken.

I will not cease to give up. I will keep fighting (and approaching people on the streets) until I can freakin' pay the retail fee because I am in dire need of an iPhone and cannot wait another seventwelve months. Nor should anyone have to. Dear boy, you must fight to survive in this life and not give up until your dreams are actualized. That's right. Even if it means a couple STDs.
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Jul 2, 2008
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I've been saving some money and sold some things and now I have the money. Only thing I'm waiting is the next Friday to arrive.
How far would I go? Not that much :p Wouldn't do anything too crazy for an iPhone.


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Jul 4, 2008
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I'm not desperate for it, especially since my Verizon contract expires in August, so I have about a month to waste, but I'll definitely try to sell some stuff, I could use the money anyways.


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Jul 1, 2008
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I have the most terrible time waking up in the morning but I am willing to get up and get ready to stand in line at 5-6 in the morning to be the first in line to buy the phone before I go to work. (I know that pales in comparison with the people who are already standing in line @ the NYC store) In addition, I start work at 8:30 in the morning with a 7 minute grace period for being late. I am willing to be late that day for work even though I would assume most people at my job are going to suspect why I'm late =)


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Jul 3, 2008
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Let's see... I have sold two used Dell DJs (Old and Unused for 3 years), a gas powered RC car, and a gameboy. All through Craigslist.com. no problems and I did not have to pay to post the items. worked out pretty good.

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