What Jailbreak tweaks would you like to see included in iOS8 as standard?


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
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I had a hard time deciding whether to put this in the iOS8 forums or here. I chose here because I thought it more likely that jailbreakers would know about the tweaks and non-jailbreakers wouldn't.

As a long time jailbreaker, i've gotten used to having so many different tweaks that increase the functionality of my iDevices.

Over the time i've been JBing, i've noticed that certain tweaks get included in the next iteration of iOS.

For instance, I have F.Lux, a tweak that allows me to change the 'colour temperature' of the screen. Apparently in 7.1 there is a tweak that is a step towards this functionality. The full functionality added to iOS8 would be great.

I have Auxo, a tweak that changes the task switcher to screens of the programs, rather than just icons. This has been added into iOS7 now too.

With regards to tweaks, I would like to see added, I have BiteSMS on my iPhone (and its Android counterpart, ChompSMS on both my Android phones) and the popup quick reply to a text message is just brilliant. Probably the tweak that I use the most in all honesty and would be something I would want added to iOS8.

The other tweak i use a lot is IntelliscreenX to increase the functionality of my lockscreen. The lockscreen is a wasteland on iOS and could be used much more efficiently to provide more detail on notifications or allow weather info, stocks or other apps to be added or removed.

There are many more but I wanted to leave the door open for others to comment.

Do you have a favourite tweak you would like to see incorporated into iOS8?


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2011
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The obvious:
  • I don't see a reason why iOS would want to limit the number of icons in a folder, or prevent the user from creating folders inside of folders. This should be fixed.

The desirable:
  • I also don't understand how/why a quick-respond/compose feature has not been added to iOS yet. It just seems silly that the user should have to exit an app to respond to a message, then re-enter the app.
  • I'd also like to see some form of SwipeSelection added to the native keyboard. Again, it makes sense that there should be some way to move the carrot without removing my fingers from the keyboard. I understand that sliding a finger between key rows can cause some confusion for less technical users, but perhaps a bar above the keys that the user can swipe to move the cursor?

The wishful thinking:
  • Theming - will never be included. Apple and their apps want to control their brand. If an app has 5 different images, their brand becomes less recognizable. Apple won't let this happen. I think it's wise of them to limit theming.


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Nov 6, 2011
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Apple will never do intelliscreen, that program is a BEAST to setup and customize.
I think also that's the issue with a quick reply.
It needs to be completely uniform. It needs to never be more difficult than how a message is currently sent. Also look how much time it took bite to get out this time. Landscape QC / QR has just been released, IN BETA!!!
iOS has been out for 6+ months.
Apple has excellent focus. They have a desired product. Why would they think they need to change anything?


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2011
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Apple will never do intelliscreen, that program is a BEAST to setup and customize.
I think also that's the issue with a quick reply.
It needs to be completely uniform. It needs to never be more difficult than how a message is currently sent. Also look how much time it took bite to get out this time. Landscape QC / QR has just been released, IN BETA!!!
iOS has been out for 6+ months.
Apple has excellent focus. They have a desired product. Why would they think they need to change anything?

Agree regarding intelliscreen.

Not so much quick reply. IMO, Messages+ functions seamlessly with iOs 6 and 7. Prowidgets has also worked pretty seamlessly for me so far. Bite has always been a little unstable in my experience.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
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Apple will never do intelliscreen, that program is a BEAST to setup and customize.
I think also that's the issue with a quick reply.
It needs to be completely uniform. It needs to never be more difficult than how a message is currently sent. Also look how much time it took bite to get out this time. Landscape QC / QR has just been released, IN BETA!!!
iOS has been out for 6+ months.
Apple has excellent focus. They have a desired product. Why would they think they need to change anything?

You have a good point, Intelliscreen is not the easiest tweak to set up.

I'd also like to see an option to set which default apps we want for various functions, like the default browser to open links in. I doubt this will ever happen either, but one can wish...


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2011
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Themes. I miss my BB being able to just theme the heck out of it without jailbreaking.
Also, being able to put icons where I want them and not where Apple tells me to.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2013
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Swipe typing
Setting default browsers as auto( will probably never happen)
A solid File browser
A way to password lock certain apps
The ability to add more icons to the dock(and swipe between docks as you do home screens)
Multi Icon move/delete
Stretch Apps to fit the iPad

wishful thinking?


Mar 17, 2014
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The obvious to me would be versions of the following:
1. Zephyr – for those unfamiliar, it’s a really cool swiping multitasking system
2. iFile
3. WeeKillBackground – it kills all background apps at once
4. Any Attach
5. BlueTooth mouse support

Other than Zephyr, the others are givens on any other OS. But from what I’m hearing about iOS 8, it’s looking like they’re going to focus on those health options, which nobody really needs.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2012
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I don't think the health options are bad per se, but definitely don't think they're as sought after as these. Of course but the general public, everyday user, they prob don't think about that as much.

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