What do you think of the new MacBook?


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Feb 14, 2015
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Well, the Air was never really on my radar anyway as I want the processing power and retina screen of the Pro for my work. The new MacBook is less on my radar than the Air.

I definitely agree. I was really hoping for Apple to just make a retina display Macbook Air... Keep the performance of the Air but just give it a nicer display option.. The price of 1 Macbook is practically a Macbook Pro. :sarcastic:


Sep 7, 2010
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I definitely agree. I was really hoping for Apple to just make a retina display Macbook Air... Keep the performance of the Air but just give it a nicer display option.. The price of 1 Macbook is practically a Macbook Pro. :sarcastic:

They still very well may give you exactly what you want...in fact, if we sit down and look at this from a historic hardware release precedence, it's almost assured that the Macbook Air will receive a major chassis renovation and the retina display, so why fret like this over something that you've created out of your own blind assumptions?

As far as pricing goes...if Apple can move them to the consumer base that is attracted to them, why difference does it make? You're not in the market for it, so what relevance is the pricing to you? This machine is BY FAR more geared towards everyday mobility and convenience than the Macbook Pro...and this new Macbook makes the MBP seem like a beluga whale in terms of size/weight comparison. Let's face reality here...the two machines are not in competition with each other, so why would it make sense for you to insinuate that this device should be priced lower on the market than any of the MBP's?

You've spent an awful lot of time in this sub-forum...clamoring on and on and complaining about a machine that doesn't seem to be even remotely aimed at you. Are you doing it because deep down inside you're actually quite attracted to this machine but want more horsepower? What makes you think that isn't EXACTLY what Apple has planned for the Air and Pro series later this year?


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Dec 9, 2014
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I think the design they were able to achieve is outstanding. The keyboard, force touch track pad and stacked battery are all incredible additions.

But a 1.2ghz core M processor, 480p web cam and Intel 5300 graphics in a $1300 laptop ? I would rather have the MacBook Air with a 1.6ghz core i5 720p webcam and Intel 6000 graphics chip for the same price.

The only advantage I see outside of design is the 8gb of RAM. To me it's nice but I won't be buying it.


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Oct 10, 2013
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I think the design they were able to achieve is outstanding. The keyboard, force touch track pad and stacked battery are all incredible additions.

But a 1.2ghz core M processor, 480p web cam and Intel 5300 graphics in a $1300 laptop ? I would rather have the MacBook Air with a 1.6ghz core i5 720p webcam and Intel 6000 graphics chip for the same price.

The only advantage I see outside of design is the 8gb of RAM. To me it's nice but I won't be buying it.

And the display.


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Jan 4, 2012
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i have a MBA 13 and recently got my dad a MBPR 13 and loved the screen so much i was going to jump ship to get a MBPR but instead opted for the new MB for a few reasons: i prefer the lightest weight possible which is why i went with the air to begin with so something lighter but still getting retina screen was a no brainer for me. all the ports on a MBP are pretty useless to me, i have found little to no use for USB devices lately. i don't own any firewire or thunderbolt devices period, and my home network is running at 300 mpbs on wifi and wired so wireless is the way to go. if i am ever on the go, i just use my phone as a hotspot. i don't do major video/photo editing or any intense gaming so for me the core M processor should be fine. so when people ask who is this laptop for....sounds like it's for me.
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Dec 25, 2014
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This is the MacBook Air all over again. The first generation is questionable, but it improves and technology catches up win the design and eventually more people buy it.


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Nov 15, 2013
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I have had mine since the April release. Got rid of my rmbp 15" for it. I love this laptop. Keyboard is super, screen is outstanding. I am not a power user but for what I do I have had zero problems. So easy to take with me to Panera. Bought a Waterfield case for it and can carry all my accessories.


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Oct 7, 2011
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I love my MBA 13". Was thinking about also getting an 11" for even better portability when I need more than an iPad so the MacBook would be nice because of it's super thin size. Retina isn't too important for me and the single USB-c port may be a hassle since I do use all of the ones on the MBA. So I didn't consider getting this one even though the space gray would be kind of cool to have. ;)


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Sep 24, 2013
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I'm personally going from the 2012 Retina Macbook to the 12" Macbook w/ Retina. I have to say, the only thing I am trying to get used to is the keyboard. I am so used to my "clicky" keys, that the feel is weird for me and I find myself pushing down too hard at times. Also, the touchpad is trippy because it's not actually moving, it's just vibrating and tricking me into thinking it's moving. Other than that, the last few hours I've had using this thing have been good. At first it went through some hiccups, but that's because I was sitting outside in close to 100F temperatures. I don't use my Macbook for anything overly intensive, so it's a nice upgrade for me. My rMB did me justice for these past 3 years, it was time to see her go to someone else. I love how these things hold value! I paid $1300 years ago and I'm getting a little over $800 for it now.

One thing I will add, I'm still trying to decide on the whole "one port" thing. I don't really plug in a lot of stuff, just occasionally my iPhone or my Apple Watch to charge them, but I do sometimes find myself plugging in an HDTV and not having an HDMI port might annoy me eventually. I guess I'll be seeing a dongle soon...


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Jan 9, 2015
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I have gone from a 09 27" iMac to a early 2013 15" MBPr and now the 1.2/512 12"rMB, this is the most versatile Apple product i have had, sold my iPad Air 2 this is so much better to use than a iPad on the lap, now i just run with it and my iPhone 6 Plus.
Its just grab and go if at home or fits in my work portfolio case perfectly. If i want a bigger screen i have a 22" Lg Tv/Pc in my office and just Airplay to it with Apple Tv. Wireless HP printer/scanner.
I like the keyboard, speakers are brilliant, quiet and it doesn't get hot. Only use the adapter for phone and back ups. I use a Twelve South Base lift on it which is good. My wife has a 13" MBPr i prefer mine.

I am about to be given Surface pro 3 by work so that should be interesting.
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Jul 27, 2015
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I want it. I mostly browse net, watch movies and blog anyway, so nothing resource intensive. I may play at times, I've seen on YouTube that it's doing okayish with CS: GO, and that's enough to me if I want to 'turn myself off' for a while.

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