To jailbreak or not to jailbreak


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Sep 6, 2010
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Like you I have had multiple iPhones and never jailbroken them. Until this weekend and I discovered a whole new world of personalization for my device! Now I wonder why I ever hesitated. :)

You can make your iPhone your iPhone! It was very easy with Absenthe and using cydia is even easier than the Apple app store.

My first tweet was to get rid of news stand, then installed SbSettings (which is awesome btw) then cleaned off the AT&T symbol, added a fifth app to the dock and finally made it so Siri would open apps and search Youtube! Also set up a gesture to open the mulitasking apps. Wow!.

SBSettings lets you access apps and toggle settings that are normally buried in menus with any gesture you want (I double tap the status bar). I love it so much I am going to setup a paypal account so I can tip the developer!

Now that I have liberated my iPhone - I'm never going back! :cool:


Oct 12, 2011
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I can't seem to find the software to do it :( I tried redsn0w and that didn't work and I couldn't get absinthe for some reason. What site did you go on?


Oct 12, 2011
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I finally got absinthe to work on my phone but there was a message I got for the hot spot sayin it may cost me. Isn't there hot spot and tethering that won't cost? How does it work? I'm kinda lost :(


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
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I finally got absinthe to work on my phone but there was a message I got for the hot spot sayin it may cost me. Isn't there hot spot and tethering that won't cost? How does it work? I'm kinda lost :(

you might be seeing their disclaimer basically saying that they are not responsible for any additional charges that you may incur from your carrier while using their app

Something like MyWi will be a one time fee. I think it has a 3-day trial.



Well-known member
Nov 22, 2011
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Different strokes for different folks....if you're feeling the call of the jailbreak, try it's easy enough to go back if you don't care for it. Some of my personal favorite tweaks include Activator(gestures), and grid lock(move wherever you want to). Most of it is just small things to personalize your user experience. I haven't found stability to be an issue if you don't try and add every tweak in Cydia.

There's no reason for people to hate on jailbreakers, just like there is no reason for jailbreakers to hate on good little apple sheep :D


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2011
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I finally got absinthe to work on my phone but there was a message I got for the hot spot sayin it may cost me. Isn't there hot spot and tethering that won't cost? How does it work? I'm kinda lost :(

Yeah, that's just a disclaimer. They don't want to be responsible if your carrier decides to start charging you more because the think your backdooring their hotspot service.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2012
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Here's my view on Jailbreaking (as someone who is choosing not to do it)...

I just don't enough long-term benefit for the immediate hassle. I completely understand the need to tinker with things. I'm the kind of guy who enjoys going through his music collection just to re-rip old CD's at a higher quality. I also understand the sentiment of the guy who felt like using the device "as is" was like driving a Porsche no faster than 50mph. When I used BlackBerry, I often would try out the "leaked" operating systems to see the latest and greatest on my phone.

But it would one thing if Apple was the type of company that never supported their products. This isn't the case. Apple is actually fairly aggressive about rolling out updates to their operating system, and applying those changes even to devices one or two generations back. And now that we've just gotten a jailbreak for 5.0.1, we're apparently pretty close to a 5.1 official release, which renders the 5.0.1 jailbreak either useless, closes off a lot of the loopholes exploited in that jailbreak, or offers new features in an official release that are better than an old jailbroken version anyway.

It's one thing to hack around with computer or tablet for fun to see if you can make it function better. But this is a phone. It's a device I use for work, and I need it to function like it should when I'm making business and personal calls. There's also the endless possibility for unintended consequences where some aspect of the jailbreaking causes an app or other function not to work properly. Even if that possibility is remote, I just don't want to worry about the stability of my phone.

When you sign up for an Apple device, you pretty much know that you're giving up a lot of customization and freedom in exchange for universality and ease of use. Your phone could ALWAYS work better or do something more, but I prefer to accept it as it is, and it's an exceptional product out of the box.

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