The iPhone 6 Plus is a JOKE. And here I tell you why.

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Well-known member
May 18, 2014
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First off, I will start off with my experience:​

I have been using the iPhone 6 Plus since September the 19th. Yes I am one of the people that camped out of the Apple Store the day before its launch (Fan boy), there is no need to share my experience as we all know most people always have a good time while on line as you all may know. We all love Apple and it’s all about Apple talks all night and everything makes perfect sense. We are all on the same track. Anyway, I got my hands on the iPhone 6 plus on the 19th. Went back home and fired it up. First impression, “Man this things is beautiful” I loved it, I didn’t have a single doubt that the $1,030 I just spent on a rather expensive phone was worthless. It was far more than worth it. Man, the screen is just beautiful. But as the days passed I realized about a couple of things: Lagginess: The phone was lagging, just straight up lagging. I was okay with that as I knew iOS 8 was a total disaster, but I can’t deal with a brand new phone lagging that was just announced a week ago, let’s not even cover 8.0.1 (First down vote for Apple), Also, Speaker: I can’t watch a video on the iPhone 6 or any iPhone without covering the speaker, bad design, but let’s not focus on that, that’s not a deal breaker. Let’s focus on the real deal: The device and its specs, oh yeah, before I forget… the so well-known Bend-gate issue? Doesn’t bother me. I am not a dumbass and I won’t sit on my phone, if I manage to bend it I will just go to the Apple Store and pay $80 for a replacement or get it replaced.

Besides the device itself and as an Aerospace and Electrical engineer I decided to do my own research and find out what the hell was wrong with my device, if it was really a RAM/hardware issue or straight up software.

RAM: I started with RAM since it is only 1GB of RAM. Apple is playing with us. Man, we are in 2014 a phone with 1GB of RAM at this point is a joke, I am not going to talk about Android here, we all know Android has by far the BEST specs in the market. But here we get the real hardcore Apple fan boys: “This is an Apple device man, we don’t need specs and in Apple devices, we don’t need specs” So what the hell do you need? Spend thousands every year for the same crap? Get a thinner device every year? Apple is really pushing it, this is a joke. I had a discussion with some other really hardcore Apple fan boys the other day on some other forum, and they said that RAM wasn’t necessary at all, that 1GB is perfect (We all know is not, right?) but yet. Whenever the iPhone 6S is announced with 2GB of RAM the same fan boys will go and stand and explain why it is the best decision ever made by Apple and why it makes perfect sense, that they have needed it since “years ago”. Sometimes I don’t understand that people.

Screen: The display pixels does NOT match the rendered pixels by the GPU. The reason for that is the 1080p displays have been available for a long time... cough.. Android cough.. And they are also cheaper and WAY faster to implement than the weird 2240x1200 resolution that the GPU renders at. Probably next year we will see a better resolution at about 2240x1200 to match the internal resolution.
Processor/GPU: Okay Apple.., yeah, you are giving me a “brand new” processor (clocked at the same speed as the A7) but okay it is a new year and it has an “8” at the end (I am so hyped!, Actually I was.. for nothing.) It’s the same iPhone 5S processor with a new number, wonder why Apple didn’t compare the A7 against the A8 now? “It is 55% faster than the original iPhone people!” Now tell me one thing Apple, Who is comparing the original iPhone against the iPhone 5S or iPhone 6 or 6 Plus? No one. But let’s get into the iPhone 6 Plus. This is the biggest error and the worst thing about the iPhone 6 Plus. How dare you use the same A8 processor from a 4.7 inch screen on a 5.5 inch display? That’s a BIG joke. Here is why: The iPhone 6 renders about one million pixels (Oh yes, “whoa!”) but the iPhone 6 Plus renders about THREE million pixels. THREE times more pixels than the iPhone 6 and they used the same processor with the same CPU and Clock speeds? We don’t need it to be faster but the extra TWO million pixels have to come from somewhere. Remember: the A8 is the A7 processor is the same with a new damn name. Nothing new. Don’t tell me the A8x is still in development and that could not be implemented on the iPhone 6 plus at all. I am sure it is going to debut with the iPad Air 2, it could have debuted with the 6 Plus at least.
But don’t forget the A8 is a 64 BIT PROCESSOR! Tell me something, is there any app optimized for the 64 bit chip? None at the moment. And if we ever get those they are going to need a good amount of RAM, 1 GB of RAM is not going to cut it.
If you have an iPhone 6 Plus and want to experience it by yourself:
Take a look at the recently update Modern Combat 5, Frames Per Second are the worse ever and the game lags at times and sometimes you even get crazy and weird animations.
For the science: I was writing a comment on some website the other day on my iPhone 6 Plus, I copied the text I was typing and went to the home screen, opened music started playing some music, went into LinkedIn and looked at about two profiles and took a screenshot, opened messages and sent the text I copied to myself into my iPhone 5, opened two other apps (Apple Store and Clock to activate my alarm) closed them both and went back to Safari to continue my comment. But… OH SURPRISE. The page reloaded. (I was glad I copied the comment)

At this moment I decided to make the same experiment on my iPhone 5, so I did the same of what I did on my 6 Plus on my iPhone 5, opened the same apps on the same order, same time lapse, and I was surprised. The iPhone 5 did NOT reload the website. (Both are on iOS 8.0.2), that only tells me that the iPhone 6 Plus is totally incompetent against the iPhone 5.
Apple just made an iPad 3 all over again, ladies and gentlemen. With bad RAM and a bad Chip (A8) that can’t even handle the damn screen resolution.

Apple won’t understand, Apple won’t give better specs unless we stop buying worthless phones with outdated specs, I can’t wait for Apple to give us iOS 9 and see how the iPhone 6 Plus lags.

Yes, back in the day on the glory days of Apple (iPhone 4 and 4s), Android was crap. Not anymore, Apple is turning out to be the worse and Android is being smarter.

Just my .2 cents. Have a good day.
OMG dude. Just switch to Samsung or something. Your 'credentials' aside, most are overjoyed with the iPhone 6 plus. You have too much time on your hands. Enjoy the phone or sell it. Sheesh


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2012
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The 6 Plus is NOT a joke. Go get the phone that works for YOU and leave the people that have made the best decision for them alone.

I truly wonder if some of you had friends growing up...


Jul 26, 2012
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One final thought on this subject.

The fact that the OP bought a phone that he now calls a joke is hilarious. As an "aerospace and electrical engineer", you would think that he did extensive research prior to purchasing a $1000 phone. Apparently, you would be wrong. How does that old adage go? Something to the effect of "a fool and his money are soon parted".


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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From what I gather, the OP went out and bought a device without researching to see if the device will meet his needs. Well, lesson learned. Nobody is going to get mad at you for saying that the iPhone 6 Plus is a joke because you are entitled to your opinion. Still, you are to blame because you should have done your homework before making the purchase. With that in mind, I'm looking forward to the day that I buy my iPhone 6 Plus. My iPhone 5 doesn't lag with iOS 8.1 beta 2 so I highly doubt I'll experience any lag with the 6 Plus, but in case I do, I know how to have iTunes install a fresh copy of the operating system. Just my 2?. :)
Last edited:


Dec 3, 2012
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I didn't have the patience or time to read your entire post. Get whatever device works for you and enjoy life.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I'm not sure why someone would join an Apple forum, talk about how much they dislike the 6+ and what a joke it is . I really don't understand..
FYI: There is an exact duplicate of the OP's post located via a non-mobilenation forum....:)


Jul 26, 2012
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FYI: There is an exact duplicate of the OP's post located via a non-mobilenation forum....:)

I consider the OP's post to be 100% drive-by drivel. He’s gone, and he ain’t never coming back. He’s full of BS and won’t be able to defend his statements or his credibility as an "aeronautical and electrical engineer".


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2013
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I switched from Android phone to iPhone because I like the simplicity and user experience on the iPhone. I don't care about specs. People can compare specs to their death but it is really pointless. In my humble opinion, it is the user experience that counts. Android phones are designed by engineers. And iPhones are engineered by designers. Plain and simple.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2009
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First off, I will start off with my experience:​

I have been using the iPhone 6 Plus since September the 19th. Yes I am one of the people that camped out of the Apple Store the day before its launch (Fan boy), there is no need to share my experience as we all know most people always have a good time while on line as you all may know. We all love Apple and it?s all about Apple talks all night and everything makes perfect sense. We are all on the same track. Anyway, I got my hands on the iPhone 6 plus on the 19th. Went back home and fired it up. First impression, ?Man this things is beautiful? I loved it, I didn?t have a single doubt that the $1,030 I just spent on a rather expensive phone was worthless. It was far more than worth it. Man, the screen is just beautiful. But as the days passed I realized about a couple of things: Lagginess: The phone was lagging, just straight up lagging. I was okay with that as I knew iOS 8 was a total disaster, but I can?t deal with a brand new phone lagging that was just announced a week ago, let?s not even cover 8.0.1 (First down vote for Apple), Also, Speaker: I can?t watch a video on the iPhone 6 or any iPhone without covering the speaker, bad design, but let?s not focus on that, that?s not a deal breaker. Let?s focus on the real deal: The device and its specs, oh yeah, before I forget? the so well-known Bend-gate issue? Doesn?t bother me. I am not a dumbass and I won?t sit on my phone, if I manage to bend it I will just go to the Apple Store and pay $80 for a replacement or get it replaced.

Besides the device itself and as an Aerospace and Electrical engineer I decided to do my own research and find out what the hell was wrong with my device, if it was really a RAM/hardware issue or straight up software.

RAM: I started with RAM since it is only 1GB of RAM. Apple is playing with us. Man, we are in 2014 a phone with 1GB of RAM at this point is a joke, I am not going to talk about Android here, we all know Android has by far the BEST specs in the market. But here we get the real hardcore Apple fan boys: ?This is an Apple device man, we don?t need specs and in Apple devices, we don?t need specs? So what the hell do you need? Spend thousands every year for the same crap? Get a thinner device every year? Apple is really pushing it, this is a joke. I had a discussion with some other really hardcore Apple fan boys the other day on some other forum, and they said that RAM wasn?t necessary at all, that 1GB is perfect (We all know is not, right?) but yet. Whenever the iPhone 6S is announced with 2GB of RAM the same fan boys will go and stand and explain why it is the best decision ever made by Apple and why it makes perfect sense, that they have needed it since ?years ago?. Sometimes I don?t understand that people.

Screen: The display pixels does NOT match the rendered pixels by the GPU. The reason for that is the 1080p displays have been available for a long time... cough.. Android cough.. And they are also cheaper and WAY faster to implement than the weird 2240x1200 resolution that the GPU renders at. Probably next year we will see a better resolution at about 2240x1200 to match the internal resolution.
Processor/GPU: Okay Apple.., yeah, you are giving me a ?brand new? processor (clocked at the same speed as the A7) but okay it is a new year and it has an ?8? at the end (I am so hyped!, Actually I was.. for nothing.) It?s the same iPhone 5S processor with a new number, wonder why Apple didn?t compare the A7 against the A8 now? ?It is 55% faster than the original iPhone people!? Now tell me one thing Apple, Who is comparing the original iPhone against the iPhone 5S or iPhone 6 or 6 Plus? No one. But let?s get into the iPhone 6 Plus. This is the biggest error and the worst thing about the iPhone 6 Plus. How dare you use the same A8 processor from a 4.7 inch screen on a 5.5 inch display? That?s a BIG joke. Here is why: The iPhone 6 renders about one million pixels (Oh yes, ?whoa!?) but the iPhone 6 Plus renders about THREE million pixels. THREE times more pixels than the iPhone 6 and they used the same processor with the same CPU and Clock speeds? We don?t need it to be faster but the extra TWO million pixels have to come from somewhere. Remember: the A8 is the A7 processor is the same with a new damn name. Nothing new. Don?t tell me the A8x is still in development and that could not be implemented on the iPhone 6 plus at all. I am sure it is going to debut with the iPad Air 2, it could have debuted with the 6 Plus at least.
But don?t forget the A8 is a 64 BIT PROCESSOR! Tell me something, is there any app optimized for the 64 bit chip? None at the moment. And if we ever get those they are going to need a good amount of RAM, 1 GB of RAM is not going to cut it.
If you have an iPhone 6 Plus and want to experience it by yourself:
Take a look at the recently update Modern Combat 5, Frames Per Second are the worse ever and the game lags at times and sometimes you even get crazy and weird animations.
For the science: I was writing a comment on some website the other day on my iPhone 6 Plus, I copied the text I was typing and went to the home screen, opened music started playing some music, went into LinkedIn and looked at about two profiles and took a screenshot, opened messages and sent the text I copied to myself into my iPhone 5, opened two other apps (Apple Store and Clock to activate my alarm) closed them both and went back to Safari to continue my comment. But? OH SURPRISE. The page reloaded. (I was glad I copied the comment)

At this moment I decided to make the same experiment on my iPhone 5, so I did the same of what I did on my 6 Plus on my iPhone 5, opened the same apps on the same order, same time lapse, and I was surprised. The iPhone 5 did NOT reload the website. (Both are on iOS 8.0.2), that only tells me that the iPhone 6 Plus is totally incompetent against the iPhone 5.
Apple just made an iPad 3 all over again, ladies and gentlemen. With bad RAM and a bad Chip (A8) that can?t even handle the damn screen resolution.

Apple won?t understand, Apple won?t give better specs unless we stop buying worthless phones with outdated specs, I can?t wait for Apple to give us iOS 9 and see how the iPhone 6 Plus lags.

Yes, back in the day on the glory days of Apple (iPhone 4 and 4s), Android was crap. Not anymore, Apple is turning out to be the worse and Android is being smarter.

Just my .2 cents. Have a good day.

I think you should make your own phone Mr. Aerospace/Electrical Engineer. I'll be waiting with bated breath.


Well-known member
May 3, 2013
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I consider the OP's post to be 100% drive-by drivel. He?s gone, and he ain?t never coming back. He?s full of BS and won?t be able to defend his statements or his credibility as an "aeronautical and electrical engineer".

No engineer has that much time on their hands to sit around and bash a perfectly good phone, a great phone even, as a joke.

And if I'm not mistaken, the galaxy s5 has two gb of ram and guess what, touchwiz needs 1.4 just to run its overloaded self (try opening more than three apps on that phone, which legit is a joke


Active member
Oct 12, 2014
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I'm a software engineer for one of the big name tech companies, and I have owned most if not all of the android flagships of the last 2-3 years. 1 gig of ram may not of been the best choice , and I get your frustration, but let's be realistic. All of the android flagships lag a hell of allot more than any iphone I have ever used. I most recently switch from the G3 with 3 gig of ram, quad core, blah blah blah and that thing just doesn't compare to the 6 plus performance wise. Apple software is better optimized and does not need the same amount of ram to accomplish simple tasks.

Guess you could go to android for specs and enjoy a world of FC's and lag all over the place. I have owned the following phones in the last year.

HTC One M7
Iphone 6 Plus
Iphone 6
Iphone 5s
Note 3
Nexus 5
Moto X (first version)

The 6 performs better than all the others, the 6 plus is a close second followed by the LG G2 (after it is rooted and tweaked) , I find that the 6 plus occasional lag goes away if you disable the screen rotation. Honestly I would of never noticed it if I didn't use the 6 for 2 weeks before swapping for the 6 plus.
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