The iMore 20K / 50K Post Challenge - Are you up for it?


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Sep 13, 2012
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Re: The iMore 20K Post Challenge - Are you up for it?

Post# 14241.

5759 to go. Had to pull up a calculator to make sure I have it right.


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Sep 21, 2012
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Re: The iMore 20K Post Challenge - Are you up for it?

Janey what is the Hebrew and English framed on top right of the TV?

That is a Ketubah, or a marriage contract. The one you see is the pretty one. We have the real one in a lockbox with our other important papers since it is a legal document according to Jewish law. It basically spells out my husbands obligations to me in our marriage. If you are interested in reading about it go here The Ketubah, or Marriage Contract - My Jewish Learning. My husband and I joke around about what it says depending on what we want the other to do. Since neither of us can read it (it's in Aramaic) we just make stuff up. LOL


Dec 3, 2012
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Re: The iMore 20K Post Challenge - Are you up for it?

Good morning Everyone! It's going to be cold here today. Yesterday it was in the mid 50's, today the high will be 30. We're almost to the weekend! Have good day! :)


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Jul 21, 2009
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Re: The iMore 20K Post Challenge - Are you up for it?

I think 3D is improving. The first 3D movie I saw was Avatar, and I got a headache from the 3D. I've since seen a bunch of 3D movies (most recently Gravity), and I don't get headaches anymore.

I agree with you I was afraid the experience was going to give me a headache or make me sick but it was fine. I actually liked it and it seemed natural except for when they did things like having birds fly through the scene. The little things like that just pull you back to the fakeness of it and it's like they are trying too hard to show the 3D nature of it. I do like it though it has changed my mind on the whole 3D aspect of movies so I hope they keep moving forward and not try to capitalize on the change.


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Jul 21, 2009
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Re: The iMore 20K Post Challenge - Are you up for it?

Busy back to work week...just wanted to say Hey!!! Happy dancing in the snowflakes this morning...

Hey there birthday buddy how are you doing? not much snow over here yet although talk to me in two weeks cause that is all supposed to change.


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Jul 21, 2009
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Re: The iMore 20K Post Challenge - Are you up for it?

That is a Ketubah, or a marriage contract. The one you see is the pretty one. We have the real one in a lockbox with our other important papers since it is a legal document according to Jewish law. It basically spells out my husbands obligations to me in our marriage. If you are interested in reading about it go here The Ketubah, or Marriage Contract - My Jewish Learning. My husband and I joke around about what it says depending on what we want the other to do. Since neither of us can read it (it's in Aramaic) we just make stuff up. LOL

that is so cool :biggrin:


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Jan 14, 2011
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Re: The iMore 20K Post Challenge - Are you up for it?

That is a Ketubah, or a marriage contract. The one you see is the pretty one. We have the real one in a lockbox with our other important papers since it is a legal document according to Jewish law. It basically spells out my husbands obligations to me in our marriage. If you are interested in reading about it go here The Ketubah, or Marriage Contract - My Jewish Learning. My husband and I joke around about what it says depending on what we want the other to do. Since neither of us can read it (it's in Aramaic) we just make stuff up. LOL
I will do that and it is very interesting. Many years ago when my mom and dad passed and looking through their things i found a marriage certificate that was my parents where it was Hebrew on one side and English on the other with my aunt and uncle as witnessses. My parents were married for 52 years. It was all folded so i had it matted and framed and hung in on the wall of my das house in the retirement community I hasd to place him after my mom passed and he was having problems. I know boring huh. Anyway I might take a pic and post it to show you. It is very old and now it hangs in my house where i look at it every day. :)
Thank you fore sharing Janey. :)


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Jan 14, 2011
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Re: The iMore 20K Post Challenge - Are you up for it?

That is a Ketubah, or a marriage contract. The one you see is the pretty one. We have the real one in a lockbox with our other important papers since it is a legal document according to Jewish law. It basically spells out my husbands obligations to me in our marriage. If you are interested in reading about it go here The Ketubah, or Marriage Contract - My Jewish Learning. My husband and I joke around about what it says depending on what we want the other to do. Since neither of us can read it (it's in Aramaic) we just make stuff up. LOL
Do you know what Aramaic is? is is the language that the Templars used and wrote and spoke. Look them up on Wikipidia. When I saw the movie The Last Templar with Mirra Sorvino I fell in love with the Templars and learned all i could asd they are suppose to be the oldest Christians in the world so if you have never seen the movie, It is so well worth going to and buying it, It will be so well worth it and you can watch it on that new TV.:yes:

Check this out if anyone might be interesting....


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Jan 1, 2013
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Re: The iMore 20K Post Challenge - Are you up for it?

Hey Everyone ! Got up to 57 F here today but that's going to drastically change's already down to 37 F :no:


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Aug 9, 2012
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Re: The iMore 20K Post Challenge - Are you up for it?

Hi everyone! Hope you're having a great evening. I'm not able to get on the forums as often I'd like but always try to check in and see how everyone is doing. :)

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Jul 30, 2012
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Re: The iMore 20K Post Challenge - Are you up for it?

Good evening team 20k. Seems like forever since I talked to you guys. I hope everyone is well.

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Trusted Member
Jul 30, 2012
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Re: The iMore 20K Post Challenge - Are you up for it?

Hi everyone! Hope you're having a great evening. I'm not able to get on the forums as often I'd like but always try to check in and see how everyone is doing. :)

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Hey fit, I'm doing good over here. I Hope you are having a great night :)

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