So, I'd like to share a story...


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Nov 5, 2011
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So, I'm no newbie to iPhones, or smartphones in general, but I am in fact new to these forums. I'm posting because I'd like to share a story about why I like my iPhone 4S better than any other device that I've ever owned.

To start things off, I'll go ahead and give the list of devices that I've owned. (You could say that I have an addiction to smartphones..)

Samsung BlackJack
iPhone 3G
BlackBerry Bold 9000
BlackBerry Bold 9700
BlackBerry Storm 2
iPhone 3GS
Palm Pre Plus
Samsung Captivate
HTC Inspire 4G
Motorola Atrix
Nexus S
Samsung Galaxy S II
Nokia N8
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S

Regardless of whichever smartphone that I owned, it always turned out that I would use it for about a month and then turn around and sell it, only to return to my beloved iDevices. As you can see, I've owned and used nearly every smartphone platform out there, aside from the newly released WP7. What I have to say about Apple products in general: they just work. They work beautifully from the moment that you remove them from the box. There are no memory leak issues (BlackBerry) or random reboots and erasing of all of my contacts (Captivate). There's a battery that lasts longer than five hours of use. (Inspire) Just holding my iPhone in my hand, I can't help but stare at it. I owned an iPhone 4 from launch day--and even though the 4S maintained the same design, it is still just as beautiful and seemingly nice to look at as the first day I got it. I will have to admit, though, Nokia can make a beastly phone in terms of build quality--but the software is the Achilles heel. Yes, the Galaxy S II that I owned had a huge screen and a ridiculously high clocked processor for a mobile phone, but my iPhone performed better than the GS2 out of the box. That's something that nobody can match. The Palm (or HP?) webOS is pretty good to look at, but beyond the superficial sparkles, there's nothing there for that operating system. I read different forums about how people are die hard Android fans, and from what I can gather, it's because they haven't had the chance to own an iPhone. I've used all sorts of Android devices that are out there and I have one thing that I can say that they all have in common: they're hideous. A phone with a dual core, 1.2ghz proccessor can get hung up merely switching home screens. It speaks volumes about the OS. The iPhone 4S does everything perfectly. It does everything beautifully. I will never own another mobile device that doesn't have that shiny silver apple logo on the back. Although I feel like I've been cheating on my iPhone for using my Galaxy S II for the past week, I can safely be assured that Siri will take me back. After all, I don't think that my GS2 can help me find rehabilitation centers if I ask it for illegal drugs. :D

I guess my point in typing all of this out is this:

If you're on the fence about your next phone to buy, go with an iPhone. I've been there, and done that. The iPhone 4S is the best mobile phone ever to be produced and it's worth every single penny. If you're on the fence about it, just do it. You'll fall in love. You'll wonder why you hadn't gone with other Apple products before. You may even go out and buy a Mac! But that's all I have to say about this. I may be new to the forums, but I'll sure be posting a lot from now on. I'm here to stay, and I hope that if you're reading this, you are too!


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Nov 3, 2011
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I agree I have been a big supporter of android since I got the ogdroid but as the os became more and more fragmented I started to sway also I had a Droid x and found out that I don't like the larger 4.3 screen. The iPhone was the only smaller screen dual core available. I thought I would give it a shot and if I didn't like it I could return it.. well I love it and since have bought a 3gs for hacking and whatnot and an iPod touch.. never looking back this phone is amazing..


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2010
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However... Its still a matter of opinion.. for every one of you that say by the iPhone theres someone saying buy android or even blackberry at times.. I personally love apple products but it will always come down to matter of opinion... I know of a girl who tried an iPhone and hated it compared to her android phone...


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2011
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after 6 years of blackberry love. when iphone 4s dropped on sprint i didnt hesitate to get it. october 14 was the day my love affair with blacberry ended. i love my iphone 4s so much that i sold my 9930 and then my playbook. went and got me an ipad 2 last week. my wife ditched her blackberry too. i sold her blackberry the next day. and now we are looking to get an iMac lol we are total apple converts. and to think for the last 5 years i would just trash talk apple this apple that. after getting iphone4s i realized OP said....they just work out of the box. no tweaking! no reloading OS! no hybrids OS! nada! just works...i know this though...iphone and blackberrys sell well. cuz i sold 3 used RIM items within a day online :D


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Nov 5, 2011
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Just receieved iPhone yesterday. Came for Droi2 2G. I'm really missing the ability to customize home screen. Can't find a decent alarm clock app. Can't find anything like the clock/weather widget. Nothing available like swype.:(

Yea. The iPhone 4s is a good phone and it's fast. But frankly it is sorely lacking in some of the most basic areas.

The whole point of having a smartphone like this is to customize just he way you want to.


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Sep 21, 2011
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Just receieved iPhone yesterday. Came for Droi2 2G. I'm really missing the ability to customize home screen. Can't find a decent alarm clock app. Can't find anything like the clock/weather widget. Nothing available like swype.:(

Yea. The iPhone 4s is a good phone and it's fast. But frankly it is sorely lacking in some of the most basic areas.

The whole point of having a smartphone like this is to customize just he way you want to.

You are greatly mistake on your perception of a smartphone. I wouldnt call "swype" basic functionality. It's not for everyone. You should just go to back to android because it sounds like you want android to be ios when they are entirely two different operating systems.


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Sep 24, 2011
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I agree SwsFoe..Durtress, this is at least the 2nd, if not 3rd post you have written bashing the iphone.. why don't you just sell it then? you keep complaining about an alarm clock app for your dissapointment in the phone.. seriously?

Sell the phone and get what will make you happy..


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Nov 5, 2011
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I don't understand where you say the iPhone is lacking in basic functionality. Customize the home screen? Maybe you're referring to widgets, which can be a double edge sword for android devices. Yes, they can provide some information at a glance, but they're also the reason why those devices suffer front poor battery life. Honestly, the way iOS lays out the apparently icons, I feel like I could get information on say, the weather, just as fast by opening up the apparently as switching home screens to see the widget. I don't think swype would be considered terribly basic functionality. Personally I like swype, but I would rather use the regular on screen keyboard. I feel as though the more you become familiar with iOS, the more you would realize its strengths over android. Especially in the stability department.


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Mar 8, 2008
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I've been an apple fan since before the first iPhone. I couldn't get any phone to sync with my Mac. I was so very frustrated with the stress of losing my contacts, the awful phone browsing experiences and so forth. Then, there came a day when apple announced the iPhone. Heck ya! I knew what I was gonna buy next. I did and haven't jumped ship since. Bye bye razor, hello iPhone! Haven't owned any other phone since (except newer iPhones). I love the "it just works" motto. I don't want to fiddle with the phone to get it to do basic tasks. I have better things to fiddle with;)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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I've been an apple fan since before the first iPhone. I couldn't get any phone to sync with my Mac. I was so very frustrated with the stress of losing my contacts, the awful phone browsing experiences and so forth. Then, there came a day when apple announced the iPhone. Heck ya! I knew what I was gonna buy next. I did and haven't jumped ship since. Bye bye razor, hello iPhone! Haven't owned any other phone since (except newer iPhones). I love the "it just works" motto. I don't want to fiddle with the phone to get it to do basic tasks. I have better things to fiddle with;)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Exactly right. I don't want to have to troubleshoot why something on my phone isn't working correctly. I want it to just work. Period.


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Feb 19, 2009
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have a Gallaxy GS2 and its fast. But still waiting on the iphone. The Gallaxy battery never last over 8 hour. just sould my BB Torch for over 300.00


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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have a Gallaxy GS2 and its fast. But still waiting on the iphone. The Gallaxy battery never last over 8 hour. just sould my BB Torch for over 300.00

My GS2 has the best battery life of any Android phone I've ever owned. I've been switching between it and my 4S for a couple weeks. Its nearly as good as my 4S, to be honest. It kind of surprised me.


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Aug 8, 2010
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I agree. I managed to keep a new HTC inspire for about a month. It would freeze up for no reason at all, and battery pulls ala BlackBerry. The mp3 player, camera, and browser were sub par also.


Sep 7, 2010
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Just receieved iPhone yesterday. Came for Droi2 2G. I'm really missing the ability to customize home screen. Can't find a decent alarm clock app. Can't find anything like the clock/weather widget. Nothing available like swype.:(

Yea. The iPhone 4s is a good phone and it's fast. But frankly it is sorely lacking in some of the most basic areas.

The whole point of having a smartphone like this is to customize just he way you want to.

I don't personally feel its lacking in any area...not everyone likes the cheesy custom screens on the droid handsets...including me, and the EVO i can't stand to use as my government phone. I cannot wait until they give us the green light to go get iPhones as work phones (which is thankfully coming soon).


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May 31, 2009
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I've had everything from the OG Droid to the Evo! The Incredile was the best one to me but that includes bad memories of lag and battery pulls and extra batteries charging all over the place. I'm a power user! I can drain any Android phone in 2 hours! True story! I had the first iPhone but I get bored really fast so I got every new iPhone and in between iPhone releases I've had WebOS, Android, and Blackerry phones. My last blackberry was 4 years ago though. Kept thinking they'd step outta the 1990's but they never did. Android never fixed any of it's problems with lag and battery issues. HTC never started to give a damn about battery life. iPhone always has the better camera. Even when it was 3MP less than all the Android phones last year! You can't beat iTunes/AppStore for an ecosystem. Apple is way ahead. Just like with the iPad. It's why they will have to all become crackheads to ever lose! I just hope that they never decide to sit back and relax like RIM! We all know what that did to them.


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Oct 31, 2011
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Just receieved iPhone yesterday. Came for Droi2 2G. I'm really missing the ability to customize home screen. Can't find a decent alarm clock app. Can't find anything like the clock/weather widget. Nothing available like swype.:(

Yea. The iPhone 4s is a good phone and it's fast. But frankly it is sorely lacking in some of the most basic areas.

The whole point of having a smartphone like this is to customize just he way you want to.

Alarm clock app? Siri, set an alarm for 7am please? :D

after 6 years of blackberry love. when iphone 4s dropped on sprint i didnt hesitate to get it. october 14 was the day my love affair with blacberry ended. i love my iphone 4s so much that i sold my 9930 and then my playbook. went and got me an ipad 2 last week. my wife ditched her blackberry too. i sold her blackberry the next day. and now we are looking to get an iMac lol we are total apple converts. and to think for the last 5 years i would just trash talk apple this apple that. after getting iphone4s i realized OP said....they just work out of the box. no tweaking! no reloading OS! no hybrids OS! nada! just works...i know this though...iphone and blackberrys sell well. cuz i sold 3 used RIM items within a day online :D

Same here. Had a 9800 for a while. I was actually gonna get a 9860 when AT&T finally started selling it. But I just got fed up with RIM. So I took my sister's advice and decided to just get a 4S. Walked into Radioshack Thursday with my Torch and walked out an hour later with an iPhone. I have no problems with this phone at all. Frankly having used Android, BB OS, and iOS, I find this to be the best OS by far for my needs. The only two things I miss from my 9800 were Bridge with my PlayBook and my multi color LED but I figure I can get on without them.

My mom actually wants to buy me an iPad 2 just so she can trade me for my PlayBook. Not so sure if I wanna switch in the tablet department yet though ahaa :p

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