sad to say..


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Feb 8, 2011
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sad to say that i have found myself very displeased with is a great phone just don't think it is for me...i have had the phone for a month so i know there is a 14 day policy with verizon but do you think there is anyway around this? i really want to get my upgrade date back and dont want to have to wait another 2 years to get a new phone


Feb 4, 2011
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Just wondering what you don' like about the phone? Haven't bought one myself yet been waiting to see what people think of them after the honeymoon is over and the new wears off. I'm kind of unsure myself when I read other people's post of thing's that they don't like and the first thing suggested is jail breaking. I have read the jail break forum's and have no desire to jump through those hoop's. I just want a nice piece of hardware with solid working software like the rest of my Apple product's.


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Dec 14, 2009
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The only thing you can do is talk with a supervisor in the store. But they probably won't since you did agree to your contract and agreed to the new 14 day trial period. Something better and greater will always be around the corner.

My suggestion is to jailbreak it and sell it on eBay. They are still selling pretty high depending on the memory size.


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Feb 22, 2011
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Hmmm..... Verizon is very strict about selling iPhones out of contract, even if it's a few days earlier, so maybe they will be anxious to buy it back. who knows? lol


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Feb 3, 2011
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Was a long time bb user, then played with android for a bit, I must say iPhone is the best. I will never go back to anything else. But that's me.


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Feb 8, 2011
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Just wondering what you don' like about the phone? Haven't bought one myself yet been waiting to see what people think of them after the honeymoon is over and the new wears off. I'm kind of unsure myself when I read other people's post of thing's that they don't like and the first thing suggested is jail breaking. I have read the jail break forum's and have no desire to jump through those hoop's. I just want a nice piece of hardware with solid working software like the rest of my Apple product's.

The phone is a great phone the features are awesome i honestly just miss my blackberry a lot..miss the physical keyboard the most...i am a huge texter and the keyboard takes me so long to type something that would take me 5 seconds on my blackberry.. i did jailbreak it added some cool features but still dont find myself LOVING the phone..have given it a month and realized that if i cannot get better by now that i cannot get used to it for 2 more years ...called a verizon rep they said nothing they can do but there has to be someone i can talk to who can try to fix it for me


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Dec 14, 2009
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Hmmm..... Verizon is very strict about selling iPhones out of contract, even if it's a few days earlier, so maybe they will be anxious to buy it back. who knows? lol can sell it after the 14 days without a problem. You could sell it the day you purchased long as you keep the line/contract or pay the ETF. The only time you might have some trouble is trying to cancel a line before the trial period...Verizon will require the equipment to be returned in like new condition or you will be charged full retail on the missing equipment.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2009
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The phone is a great phone the features are awesome i honestly just miss my blackberry a lot..miss the physical keyboard the most...i am a huge texter and the keyboard takes me so long to type something that would take me 5 seconds on my blackberry.. i did jailbreak it added some cool features but still dont find myself LOVING the phone..have given it a month and realized that if i cannot get better by now that i cannot get used to it for 2 more years ...called a verizon rep they said nothing they can do but there has to be someone i can talk to who can try to fix it for me

Unfortunately, there isn't someone who can reset your date. Well, honestly, someone can (many can...any manager)...but it's against their policy and Verizon has been extremely strict on their policies lately (due to abuse).

Again, no manager (in their right mind) will reset your dates and accept your iPhone back with only a restocking fee as you signed a legal contract and knowingly signed with the knowledge of the 14 day trial period. You could have returned the phone within that 14 day trial period with only a restocking fee and your contract dates would have reset. You can always trying trading it for a current BB (like the Bold). I konw many people who would trade a Bold for an iPhone 4 in a heartbeat. Post it on CrackBerry's marketplace and you'll get it traded or sold.


Mar 3, 2011
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I'd guess that the reason we now have 14 day returns on Verizon is because of the iPhone, so I doubt that they will let you return the device now. You could try the Certified Pre-Owned option, which allows users that are stuck on a contract without an available upgrade, to purchase another device at reduced pricing and use it on their same line. I think you need service for at least a year on your current phone, but you can talk to Verizon about it and they may let you get a CPO BlackBerry instead.

Another idea you can do is to keep your VIP and download an app for learning typing. There's a few apps in the App Store that can teach you how to type on the touchscreen. Once you get good at it, you won't need the BB keyboard anymore. I can type as fast on my iPod Touch as I can on my BlackBerry Tour, with a similar error rate. The BB keyboard is easier because it's what we're used to. You just need to practice on the touchscreen and you'll get better. If that's the only reason you want to return the iPhone, then I'd recommend practicing on the touchscreen, but if there are other reasons, like the color LED, then yeah, you need more RIM in your life! :)