Press conference Friday


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Aug 8, 2008
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Because it doesn't matter if you or the majority doesn't let this issue bother you. The fact remains that this has gone mainstream and is a problem for Apple.

Most PR experts will say admitting the problem is the first obvious step. There's nothing worse than for those having the problem to see a company just ignoring or denying it.

The next obvious step is offering a suitable solution. Of course noone but Apple has a clue what that might be. But i would think that Apple would want to go beyond "suitable" (but not a recall) so as not to cause any further damage to their ONE brand that is worth billions.

Exactly.... This has gone mainstream and Apple does have to make some sorta statement ( from a PR prespective they cant just not say anything.. Hence the press conference they called for tomorrow )..

I dont think there will be a FULL BLOWN recall ( where they scrap the i4 attena design and go with something completely different), and at this point ( as you said) Apple is the only one knows whats going to happen .

I would be willing to bet that they have some sorta Non Conductive coating that they will apply to the attena band on all future batches of iphone 4 .. I am not sure how they will work out the logistics on the over 2 million iphone 4's that they have already sold..( maybe some sorta trade in for peeps that already have a i4 i dunno)..

We shall see whats going to be in less than 24 hrs ...

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Dec 5, 2008
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Its not just about addressing the issue because its being reported in the MSM, Apple is a public company and as such, is expected to follow guidelines set forth from regulatory bodies (i.e., the SEC). There may be some requirements of disclosure if there is in fact a problem that their lawyers feel is material to the company.


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Aug 24, 2009
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there is wayyyyy tooooooooo manyyyyyyyyyyy APPLE FANBOYS in here and NOT ENOUGH REALIST... i frankly dont give a flying f*** who lied or what! The fact that the matter is, Apple has a major issue on their hands with the antenna and proximity sensor issues so they need to fix it whether its a recall or whatever, just fix it!! Simple as that!!


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2010
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Why dont all of you stop complaining and return the phone? Stop whinning we are tired of hearing it return the phone, buy a android phone, join a android community and leave us all alone finally!!!!!

You wait on that biggun! LOL

You know I read through all this and I don't see anyone complaining. I see folks being real about the issues that are impacting their phones. Since when is discussing issues complaining. Are you one of those blind Apple fan boys that because you can't seem to recreate the issues that means everyone else should just go to hell. Not going to happen!


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Aug 24, 2009
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You wait on that biggun! LOL

You know I read through all this and I don't see anyone complaining. I see folks being real about the issues that are impacting their phones. Since when is discussing issues complaining. Are you one of those blind Apple fan boys that because you can't seem to recreate the issues that means everyone else should just go to hell. Not going to happen!

EXACTLY SO!!!! too many of them on here... ppl need to be real and get off their knees!!


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Jul 13, 2010
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Why dont all of you stop complaining and return the phone? Stop whinning we are tired of hearing it return the phone, buy a android phone, join a android community and leave us all alone finally!!!!!
If so many people didn't "complain", as you put it, Apple would probably take even longer to address, and work out a fix for the issue. So, I am glad people who aren't happy with "just hold it different" for an answer are making alittle noise about an obvious issue that many people are having.


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Jul 7, 2009
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Why is denying it so important when you have people constantly testing it and proving they are aren't be honest. From a consumer point of view, I'd prefer them to just acknowledge it and then give some solution for it.

If you aren't having the issue, then why would you care that they admit it, if you aren't being impacted. You just don't need to worry about applying the solution.

So, you are advocating that they should just continue to lie?

This is the issue with media today. This reception issue is being blown WAY out of proportion. There are very few users who are experiencing this issue. If they come out and say, oh hey.. issue. Then those consumers who are not experiencing issues may start to worry and return phones and what not.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2009
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there is wayyyyy tooooooooo manyyyyyyyyyyy APPLE FANBOYS in here and NOT ENOUGH REALIST... i frankly dont give a flying f*** who lied or what! The fact that the matter is, Apple has a major issue on their hands with the antenna and proximity sensor issues so they need to fix it whether its a recall or whatever, just fix it!! Simple as that!!

See I look at your sig and see you have 2 iPhones and an iPad, you have a petition to get customization, you're complaining about issues, and yet you still don't take your iPhone4 back for a refund?

Who's the fanboy?

If I was as unhappy as you I'd be off to a different company, why do you stick around fanboy?


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2010
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This is the issue with media today. This reception issue is being blown WAY out of proportion. There are very few users who are experiencing this issue. If they come out and say, oh hey.. issue. Then those consumers who are not experiencing issues may start to worry and return phones and what not.

I am sorry, but I disagree that this issue has been hyped. I think it has gotten the EXACT attention it deserves! I also don't buy the argument that there are few users who are experiencing this issue. I think there are a lot of users that aren't in and travel in fringe areas where this issue could present itself as a problem. If I lived in an area where the signal was rock solid all the time, I'd probably be saying OH I don't have this problem. But that sure and hell doesn't mean there aren't a lot of others that do.

If consumers as you say don't have the problem and aren't bothered, then I don't see them returning the phone just because Apple admits to there being a problem. Especially if they say what you said, that this doesn't impact everyone and for those it does here is your solution.


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Jun 17, 2008
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Why is denying it so important when you have people constantly testing it and proving they are aren't be honest. From a consumer point of view, I'd prefer them to just acknowledge it and then give some solution for it.

If you aren't having the issue, then why would you care that they admit it, if you aren't being impacted. You just don't need to worry about applying the solution.

So, you are advocating that they should just continue to lie?

Same to you... if they "fix" it, why do they
need to admit there is an issue. More people
don't have the issue than those who do. If
you have an issue, you have the right to
return it, which most aren't taking advantage
and want to complain, whine and moan for
something they can easily return.

Why are they lying? How are they lying? How
do they explain why for the "majority", it isn't
an issue? Obviously those with the issue are
still keeping the device, so even if there is
an issue, why would they admit it?

You would feel better if they did admit it and
I would feel better if they didn't. Why
should Apple choose your side over mine? :confused:
Are you more important to Apple than I am?

Sorry, thought I had sent this earlier.


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Jul 21, 2009
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Apple fanatic that thinks they can do no wrong??? who is telling anyone to keep the phone?? you can return it if you don't like it there are so many other phones with the same features. So it is hype when you have some politician writing open letters and celebrities smashing the phone and announcing it on TV. At that point the people complaining don't even have the phone.


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Jul 7, 2009
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I am sorry, but I disagree that this issue has been hyped. I think it has gotten the EXACT attention it deserves! I also don't buy the argument that there are few users who are experiencing this issue. I think there are a lot of users that aren't in and travel in fringe areas where this issue could present itself as a problem. If I lived in an area where the signal was rock solid all the time, I'd probably be saying OH I don't have this problem. But that sure and hell doesn't mean there aren't a lot of others that do.

If consumers as you say don't have the problem and aren't bothered, then I don't see them returning the phone just because Apple admits to there being a problem. Especially if they say what you said, that this doesn't impact everyone and for those it does here is your solution.

You realize that people who buy the iPhone are not techies like us, they are dumb consumers who will buy into anything the media says, and when the media says issue, their stupid ass listens.


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Jun 21, 2010
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Same to you... if they "fix" it, why do they
need to admit there is an issue. More people
don't have the issue than those who do.

Why are they lying? How are they lying?

You would feel better if they did admit it and
I would feel better if they didn't. Why
should Apple choose your side over mine? :confused:
Are you more important to Apple than I am?

Sorry, thought I had sent this earlier.

Yeah you are a little late to the party.

Most people, that is an assumption for which you cannot prove. My feeling is just because you live in a strong signal area and cannot replicate it does not mean your phone does not have the same issue. Maybe it does or maybe not. We tested 17 iPhone 4's and all of them did it. But even if you are right and only some are impacted, you think Apple should just ignore those?

By denying there is a problem which has been proven. Are you blind? You think just cause you are not impacted they should just shrug their shoulders and say screw all those that are? Oh no, you suggest they should just bring it back. What a way to give Apple a free pass. I am afraid that is just not going to happen.

This has nothing to do with who is important. This has to do with doing what is right by ALL your customers even those like yourself that are either in denial or cannot see beyond your own experience. I will let you decide.

I want this acknowledge and fixed for everyone including those that don't even realize they have the issue.

We shall see Apples take tomorrow. I think they are going to do the right thing unlike what you suggest they should do.
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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2008
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Yeah you are a little late to the party.

Most people, that is an assumption for which you cannot prove. My feeling is just because you live in a strong signal area and cannot replicate it does not mean your phone does not have the same issue. Maybe it does or maybe not. We tested 17 iPhone 4's and all of them did it. But even if you are right and only some are impacted, you think Apple should just ignore those?

By denying there is a problem which has been proven. Are you blind? You think just cause you are not impacted they should just shrug their shoulders and say screw all those that are? Oh no, you suggest they should just bring it back. What a way to give Apple a free pass. I am afraid that is just not going to happen.

I want this acknowledge and fixed for everyone including those that don't even realize they have the issue.

We shall see Apples take tomorrow. I think they are going to do the right thing unlike what you suggest they should do.
Second time my post didn't go through.
Too long to remember everything.

An assumption? You keep forgetting I do have
access to this information. I can say it, but
why not call every AT&T store around you
and find out. Yes, a lot of people are "claiming"
to have this issue, but there are more who
aren't. 1.7 million customers bought this device
in the first 3 days and if you believe "most"
returned are reporting issues, I really don't even
know what to tell you. I know for a fact, that all
the forums I've been to don't even add up to
100k of those.

Are you even reading what I'm writing or you
just like putting words in my mouth?

Maybe you believe I'm saying the number of
users who are having this issue is small, but
if you re-read and read it the correct way,
you'll see that I'm saying "most aren't" having
this issue. This can mean up to 849,999 users
can have this issue and it still wouldn't be most
who are experiencing issues. And I'm only
going by the first 3 days. Who knows what the
numbers are up to now.

Show me where I denied there is a problem?
The only one I see is that you haven't been
reading what I'm saying well or mixing me up
with another user. Please also show me where I
stated that it wasn't a lot of people that
"may" be having these issues?

This has nothing to do with who is important. This has to do with doing what is right by ALL your customers even those like yourself that are either in denial or cannot see beyond your own experience. I will let you decide.

Very hypocritical statement there. You keep
saying that I'm in denial and I have this issue,
but why can't you practice what you preach
and see that I may actually not have an
issue? You're in denial that I am one of the
many who don't have this issue. You may
want to look in the mirror bro (or sis, just in
case ;)).

And give me a break with the "you're have a
strong signal and this is why you can't see
it..." I choose AT&T because I have excellent
coverage and I never have a weak signal.
Only time I've ever dropped a bar was when
I turned cellular off and it got stuck on 2-3
bars for some reason. Even if my bars did
start dropping 2-3 bars, I wouldn't give a
hoot as long as I'm making calls and not
dropping. My calls are clearer and my data
is the fastest it has ever been, so I could
care less if it is somehow my phone is actually
"losing" signal as it somehow isn't effecting me
in performance.

I guess we'll see what they do about your
issue tomorrow. Good luck, hope they give
you the service you deserve :) :cool:



Well-known member
Jun 21, 2010
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An assumption? You keep forgetting I do have
access to this information.

Maybe you believe I'm saying the number of
users who are having this issue is small, but
if you re-read and read it the correct way,
you'll see that I'm saying "most aren't" having
this issue.

And give me a break with the "you're have a
strong signal and this is why you can't see
it..." I choose AT&T because I have excellent
coverage and I never have a weak signal.

I guess we'll see what they do about your
issue tomorrow. Good luck, hope they give
you the service you deserve :) :cool:

What I am saying is regardless if most aren't having it, there is still a problem that needs to be addressed. Denying it and pretending it doesn't exist by Apple, (NOT YOU, we are talking about Apple aren't we?) is the right thing to do again regardless of how few you seem to think this is impacting.

You are indeed a blessed man if you never have any reduced reception where you live and work, because I damn sure can't say the same thing. I live in a rural area, where the coverage is a bit better in the city, but gets a bit worse as you travel out of town. So, your experience and mine are very different, which is likely why I can replicate the issue and you can't. All the testing that I have seen have clearly said, if you are in a fringe area you are most likely to be able to replicate it as compared to someone in an area with a good quality signal. That is what I was saying, along with several techie guys that have done these test, which has been reported. I also could not replicate this at my office with a tower right done the road, but at home I can.

We shall see what they do about the issues that many of us are experiencing, but thank you for your concern.

Also for the record, I have a Incipio Feather case, so my signal issues are pretty much non-existent, but if I wanted to run without a case, then I'd be in trouble. That is true for a lot of folks! I do understand NOT everyone is having problems (but I think the reason for that is explained).

I have a buddy who lives in Houston. He and I have gone back and fourth on this issue. He told me his phone did not have this problem. He came over this past weekend and I showed him his did have the problem. He was shocked because in Houston he was unable to replicate it. My point just because you are not being impacted where you live and work does not mean you do not have the problem. I truly hope you do not! I do not know if it is just some phones or all phones. I do not think it matters. What I do know is Apple cannot play the deny game and expect to keep folks buying their products in the future.

I do not think forums or asking AT&T stores proves much of anything. I feel that there are many that are not impacted but may have the issue. I also feel there are many that are not worrying about it because the are trusting Apple to take care of it. I believe and hope they will. So no one really knows how many of these phones have the issue.

I appreciate the discussion as always! Thanks!
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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2009
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Honestly the first line of your arguement made no sense so I stopped reading after that. You're saying that people who live in a strong signal area think they don't have a problem but because they live in a strong signal area doesn't mean their phone doesn't have a problem:confused:A cell phone is made to work so if you can use it to call why would you care??? that's like saying well cars have a engine problem when driven above 200 mph but no one knows because the speed limit is 100 mph. So the people in strong signal areas should take the phone to a weak signal area to test if it has a problem, but how do you know the problem is the phone and not the reception?

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