Pokemon Just Got Vicious! Dragon Island Coming Soon!


Nov 18, 2011
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Status: 99.9% complete for the release version

"I was blown away when I saw Dragon Island in action. The amount of creatures in the game, coupled with the ability to evolve them and level up your own character has the potential for just a ridiculous amount of customization and strategy.? ~ TouchArcade.com

"Almost a cross between Pokemon and Shining Force. If you don't like the sound of that cross over you aren't a human" ~ Kotaku.com

Ever wanted to build an army of monsters? Dragon Island brings monster collection to a whole new level.

Your journey begins when your village is attacked by a dragon overlord. Could it have something to do with the dragon egg you found earlier that day? You and your dragon must discover why dragons, gone for so many years, have suddenly returned to the world! While exploring Dragon Island you will find:

★ Over 200 monsters. Collect. Combine. Evolve!
★ Strategic battles with hundreds of abilities
★ A game world so big it takes 16 screens to see
★ Collect gems, recipes and Soul Stones
★ 11 spirit totems, summon Time, Fate and more
★ A quest system tied to the game?s plot
★ 15 dungeons, including the Infinite Dungeon
★ Unique combat system allowing large battles
★ Unlock Breeder Licenses in the Arena
★ Universal app with Game Center support
★ Exclusive and Optimized for IOS, No DPads!
★ Challenges such as the Collection Hut, Capture Quests and Dragon Overlord hunt

Can you defeat the Dragon Overlords? Can you solve the mysteries of Dragon Island?

Coming Soon! (The name "Dragon Island" expired on itunes...since it took us 14 months....so we added blue at the end..."Dragon Island Blue" is the new title.

Please Like our Facebook Page.

By Grehyound Games based in Dallas & ZigZaGame based in Japan.






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iLive an iLife

Trusted Member
Feb 27, 2011
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This game looks really interesting. I'd be careful though, that first monster looks like the red Angry Bird.

I'd love to beta test. If you need help, PM me!


Nov 18, 2011
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@iLive an iLife
You mean our Unhappy Bird? lol... will be back with more stuff as UI graphics get completed.

Few more monsters for now.

iLive an iLife

Trusted Member
Feb 27, 2011
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@iLive an iLife
You mean our Unhappy Bird? lol... will be back with more stuff as UI graphics get completed.

Hahaha I love it!! Please tell me he has cousins that are yellow and blue!!

Please, please, please keep me in mind for beta testing!! This game looks great and is right up my alley!! When I'm not glued to my iPhone, I'm a HUGE video game fan!!


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2011
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Please Also Keep me in mind for Beta Testing I'm always attached to my iPhone and I'm 16 and my friends would love a game like that.

1.You should include stuff in the game like mini games when you don't wanna just battle or dungeon or whatever
2. Maybe the "pokemon" follows you around?
3. Sometimes you dungeons crazy things happen like you become the "pokemon"....

I will have more info if you want just email me or private message me if you want

but don't forget i would love to beta test

Bias X

Well-known member
Aug 2, 2011
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I'd love to beta test this game of possible. Been an avid Pokemon player since i was a tyke.

I can't say Pokemon is missing much, by adding strategy you are kinda of alienating a younger generation, but I definitely like the addition.
The attacks were always kind of a lame point for me. A lot of the attacks having similar sprites or similar moves, not to mention just having the Pokemon move when hit or for it just to have fire randomly burst away from its sprite is pretty boring.
Second would be character customization. Boy/girl is fine, but I would like customization (no matter how small). For example boy/girl, hats, hairstyles, sunglasses, backpacks, purses, side bags. Even simple things like that are a nice addition.
If I think of anymore I'll add it.

My question to you is, I'd your monster or whatever you choose to call then die, is it dead forever?


New member
Nov 25, 2011
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I've been a big pokemon player since I was little, and your game sounds like a great take on the genre. I would LOVE to beta test, feel free to PM or email me. Thanks!


New member
Nov 27, 2011
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I just found out about Dragon Island and searched it on google and it lead me here, so I joined the site to comment.

First I have to say I am happy that pokemon styled games are coming to the iphone.

Now here are a few ideas/comments I would like to say.

First one thing I really want to see that is different from pokemon is that not all Monster learn the same move at the same level. It would be better for me to have a Monster learn moves based on an intelligence stat where the smarter the monster is the quicker it will learn moves. Stats vary by each individual dragon and not just a breed or type.

Second It would be interesting for me that every breed of monster would have a special move unique to its breed or evolutionary family. I know it would be difficult coming up with moves but if possible this would be a great thing to add.

Third it would have been awesome in pokemon if catching base evolution pokemon where not so linear. In pokemon you could only catch the same normal and flying type pokemon at the beginning of the game. It would have been more interesting if there was a more diverse variety of monsters to catch early on in the game. So every monster minus legendaries/rare/later evolution would be catchable early in the game, but of course certain ones would be rarer than others.

Any questions regarding my ideas or a better explanation feel free to ask. Also I would love to beta test as well. And when the game mechanics are finished can you post a video to see how to game plays out.

Thanks for reading.


Nov 18, 2011
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Hey Guys,
Thanks for the great feedback.

The game is taking longer than expected, we should be able to move to beta mid-January. You can check for beta updates on our Facebook Page(please dont forget to LIKE it!)

For Now, I have new Art.

