Network Admin switching from BB to Iphone..HELP!


Aug 14, 2010
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I should be getting my iphone in a week and I'm getting nervous. I have lived off of a Blackberry for about 5 years or so and after my wife almost threw her Blackberry Storm out the window the other day and looked at me said "I want the iPhone" I've bitten the bullet and switched to AT&T for the iPhone. Now with that being said which tips, apps, advice can you give you a BB power user that is used to doing a lot very quickly with his device? I've also taken advantage of Blackberry's BIS service by having multiple Google Apps/Gmail accounts configured and use the Messaging capabilities constantly. Let me know anything that may help my transition easier. Thanks.


Rene Ritchie

Old Man Ritchie
Jan 12, 2007
iOS 4, which is what's on all new iPhone 4, supports multiple Gmail accounts either as IMAP or as Google Sync (ActiveSync setup as Exchange).

What kind of tasks do you want to do?


Aug 14, 2010
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I'm a little concerned with productivity decreasing a bit. I can send and reply to emails from different accounts very quickly and with one hand. There are shortcuts throughout the BB keyboard and integration throughout the os that makes doing common tasks frequently. I'm just curious if there are some just have apps or guides I should read about ahead of time to be up to speed. We have a Good server so I know ill have Bes like functionality.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2009
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Hardcore, experienced BB users tend to struggle with the transition due to lack of things like a strong calender app, BB Messenger, different profiles, and other various small things. There are apps that can compensate for some of those things, but not all. I have a cousin who still hangs onto his BB because of the iPhone's pathetic calender. Mail on the iPhone isn't that great either, but it gets the job done in most cases.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
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Hardcore, experienced BB users tend to struggle with the transition due to lack of things like a strong calender app, BB Messenger, different profiles, and other various small things. There are apps that can compensate for some of those things, but not all. I have a cousin who still hangs onto his BB because of the iPhone's pathetic calender. Mail on the iPhone isn't that great either, but it gets the job done in most cases.

I was a power blackberry user for about 5 years. I switched last week to the Iphone 4 after that horrible 9800 was released. There are a couple of things that take getting used to, but overall the transition is easy. I could list dozens of things I like about the Iphone and only a couple I don't like.

If blackberry ever gets a decent phone with a good web browser and touch screen, I may go back. Get right now i'm loving my Iphone.


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Jun 10, 2008
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the biggest hurdle you will encounter is trying to fit in the iP4 into the scenarios that BB does. BB was made to satisfy as many different people by being, sometimes terribly so, versatile. iPhone, tends to be simplistic and fits many by doing less, not more.

-Profiles, there are 2, Normal and Vibrate (or silent).
-Email, I personally find that the shortcut keys on BB were nice, especially for canned messages, but there not here.
-Multi-email, works perfectly, with ios4, we can now have a unified inbox like the BB. good time to switch.
-BBM, i've lead a charge amongst my BB friends to download Google Talk...its not encrypted like BBM is, but if your planning a terrorist attack with BBM, they're goign to find you anyway :)
-Calendar, its not terrible, but it can be improved greatly. Exchange integration is fine though.


Aug 14, 2010
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Thanks so much for the replies. Yeah I'm thinking it'll be tough getting used to the change. However, I'm sure I'll be able to find a way to fill the gaps. hopefully there will be some good applications that we'll help facilitate it.



New member
Aug 21, 2010
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BB user for 5+ years, got an ip4 for personal use when family wanted to switch to ATT this month.

my experience so far...
- this might just be me, but i feel much faster doing anything on the blackberry. muscle memory works easier with buttons rather than touch/swipe.

- gmail through exchange is faster by a second than bb for email. using google sync for contacts also makes life easier.

- Having several profile settings on the blackberry is very useful, i can customize alerts for when i goto sleep so i dont miss urgent phone calls/txt but sleep through annoying client emails.

- app support on the bb is non existent, compared to iphone

- i wont miss BBM, whats the big deal about it? the fact that its free txting for bb users? i dont get the hype or need for BBM. it just sucks BBM cant be forwarded as an email/txt to another phone.

i go a day trying to use my ip4 only, but eventually use my bb when it comes to emails. never went a whole day relying on the ip4 yet.

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