
Sep 7, 2010
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Every time i see his name i always think...



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Jan 25, 2011
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If you truly consider ALL of the information given, he was simply the victim of an elaborate hoax. Read the timeline on the ABC website and pay particular attention to what lengths this individual went to fool Manti...


Sep 7, 2010
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If you truly consider ALL of the information given, he was simply the victim of an elaborate hoax. Read the timeline on the ABC website and pay particular attention to what lengths this individual went to fool Manti...

Says the Notre Dame I've seen nothing to convince me either way, it looks like a big cluster f*%k of lies and idiocy that i honestly don't think we'll ever know the real truth of because it's drowning in a pool full of BS so deep, nobody feels like sifting through it anymore. One day it seems he's innocent, the next day it seems he was perfectly aware of what was going on, then the next day it seems like a happy median of both.

The bottom line...Manti is either very, very deceptive...or very, very stupid. Neither of which is a good quality.


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Jan 25, 2011
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I am a Notre Dame fan but I do not know, nor have I ever met Manti. I have FOLLOWED the story because I am a fan, and I have noticed that many people are commenting on the story without having read all the information. This man was duped and did question it himself on several occasions, however, due to the elaborate nature of the hoax (and being naive), he remained vested in this fake relationship.

He made the mistake of lying when he felt embarrassed and humiliated (we have all done this at some point), instead of telling the truth immediately. Unlike us "regular" people, he was facing an entire nation and every media outlet hanging on his every word. I like to think that I would have caught on to the scam right away, however, we don't know what he was taught or how he was raised. In addition, when "women" and "emotions" are involved all men get "dumb"every so often. Either way, the dude will never live it down and this story will follow him for the unseeable future...


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I am a Notre Dame fan but I do not know, nor have I ever met Manti. I have FOLLOWED the story because I am a fan, and I have noticed that many people are commenting on the story without having read all the information. This man was duped and did question it himself on several occasions, however, due to the elaborate nature of the hoax (and being naive), he remained vested in this fake relationship.

He made the mistake of lying when he felt embarrassed and humiliated (we have all done this at some point), instead of telling the truth immediately. Unlike us "regular" people, he was facing an entire nation and every media outlet hanging on his every word. I like to think that I would have caught on to the scam right away, however, we don't know what he was taught or how he was raised. In addition, when "women" and "emotions" are involved all men get "dumb"every so often. Either way, the dude will never live it down and this story will follow him for the unseeable future...

I am not a Notre Dame fan and I do not know the young man involved, but I do have an opinion regarding the incident like everyone else. Despite how he may have been raised and that he may or may not have been duped, the facts are these: he contributed to the alleged hoax either intentionally or unintentionally. He said she was his "girlfriend". He may be the nicest kid on the planet, but that will not save him from being the subject of ridicule and/or pity at this point in his life. Period! Yes, we have all made mistakes, some more painful or shameful than others, but we had to deal with it and so does he.


Sep 7, 2010
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I am a Notre Dame fan but I do not know, nor have I ever met Manti. I have FOLLOWED the story because I am a fan, and I have noticed that many people are commenting on the story without having read all the information. This man was duped and did question it himself on several occasions, however, due to the elaborate nature of the hoax (and being naive), he remained vested in this fake relationship.

He made the mistake of lying when he felt embarrassed and humiliated (we have all done this at some point), instead of telling the truth immediately. Unlike us "regular" people, he was facing an entire nation and every media outlet hanging on his every word. I like to think that I would have caught on to the scam right away, however, we don't know what he was taught or how he was raised. In addition, when "women" and "emotions" are involved all men get "dumb"every so often. Either way, the dude will never live it down and this story will follow him for the unseeable future...

It's cool if you believe him, i personally think he's full of sh*t...

John Yester

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May 23, 2012
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We ask all members to be courteous of general public and registered users while posting on the forum. This includes race, age, nationality, country of residence, ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, political views or religious beliefs. Prejudice or discrimination of any form is not tolerated.


Sep 7, 2010
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We ask all members to be courteous of general public and registered users while posting on the forum. This includes race, age, nationality, country of residence, ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, political views or religious beliefs. Prejudice or discrimination of any form is not tolerated.

This is certainly the way things should be approached, but i think in the sports arena here on iMore, there needs to be at least a taste of broader boundaries, i mean we all know sports talks get a little cheeky, and i don't think anyone means anything by it. Maybe a disclaimer on the sub-forum that says the dogs sometimes bark, lol. ;)

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