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Dec 4, 2002
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Surur is stating the fact the Jobs was not telling the facts in his address.

You call it marketing, but it is lying.

I sense Apple has never used a Treo with WM5.

And what is "true internet"?

It's communication!

It's web sites (full), instant messaging, voip, video, etc.

It's not a Safari constrained, server-side app world.

The most popular "internet" apps are client side - instant messaging, Skype, Bit Torrent, any P2P app. And yes, even email.

Don't hate the messenger, hate the source.


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Jun 20, 2007
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Its from this supposed full transcript here.

I know Jobs is non-grammatical, but he also lies a lot. I had the same feeling of "Whats he talking about, my phone can do that already!".


So now you're not even going back to the source for your original statements? Not only taking them out of context, but taking them out of context from a third party.

And then twisting them to meet your own agenda.

I'm sure you don't need me to explain the irony to you.


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Jun 20, 2007
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Surur is stating the fact the Jobs was not telling the facts in his address.

You call it marketing, but it is lying.

Don't hate the messenger, hate the source.

Well if you want to take that approach, then they all lie. Surur has the same hatred for the Treo for the same reasons then right? Unless you're inferring that perhaps he's being a little hypocritical?


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Jan 19, 2006
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Well if you want to take that approach, then they all lie. Surur has the same hatred for the Treo for the same reasons then right? Unless you're inferring that perhaps he's being a little hypocritical?
Not to speak for Surur, but he certainly has no love for Palm or the Treo.


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Aug 6, 2005
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Reading the transcript is bad enough, I'm not going to be reviewing the whole video keynote either. Suffice to say its clear to me that any lie by Jobs would not be unforgiving or unexplained away by you.



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Jun 20, 2007
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Reading the transcript is bad enough, I'm not going to be reviewing the whole video keynote either. Suffice to say its clear to me that any lie by Jobs would not be unforgiving or unexplained away by you.


I'm really not sure what you're trying to say with that last statement. I suspect you're trying to say that I would find a way to forgive or explain any lie that Jobs said.

Totally incorrect. Apple have their fair share of skeletons in the closet, I'm just not doing your homework for you. :)

I just don't like to see them or their products get bashed on trumped up accusations. If you want to have a discussion on the REAL weaknesses of the product or REAL misrepresentations by Apple (or Palm, or Microsoft or whoever) then go right ahead. But if I went to the Treo forum and started making up or grossly misinterpreting statements about the Treo I'd expect to see some level of correction.


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Aug 6, 2005
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I just don't like to see them or their products get bashed on trumped up accusations. If you want to have a discussion on the REAL weaknesses of the product or REAL misrepresentations by Apple (or Palm, or Microsoft or whoever) then go right ahead. But if I went to the Treo forum and started making up or grossly misinterpreting statements about the Treo I'd expect to see some level of correction.

We had this conversation months ago.



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Jun 20, 2007
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We had this conversation months ago.


We did? I only just signed up, I haven't had previous exchanges with you. That line between fiction and fact is kinda blurry right now isn't it?

Explains some of your other posts ;)

If by "we" you mean the forum, then that's excellent. I'm happy for your guys. Would would you then progress from a facts based discussion to a discussion based on people misunderstanding and misinterpretation?


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Aug 6, 2005
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If by "we" you mean the forum, then that's excellent. I'm happy for your guys. Would would you then progress from a facts based discussion to a discussion based on people misunderstanding and misinterpretation?

Well, you've got to keep the conversation alive... ;)



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Jul 28, 2000
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But I don't feel threatened enough by it to waste my time on spurious arguments over misinterpretation of marketing material.
Yet here you are arguing about what you feel are misinterpretations of wholly (and likely intentionally) incorrect statements. Anytime you make a "first time in history" claim, your feature better be completely unique. Steve Job's feature wasn't unique and if he claimed to not know it then he's also an idiot. Well, we all know Steve's not an idiot, so QED.

You could choose to interpret the original statement to mean ALL desktop apps, but that is an opinion. I certainly didn't read it that way.
By that logic, any phone that syncs with a desktop computer runs a desktop application. I'm more certain than ever Job's was at a minimum quibbling, but more likely misleading with his statement.

And like I said, there is no mainstream phone that has the same overall experience as the iPhone right now.
That statement is also true when you replace iPhone with Treo, Dopod, Nokia, Dash, Moto Q, or uncounted other devices. The important thing to remember is while iPhone may be prettier (by some measures) it ain't the first to do any of its tricks (except, perhaps, multi-touch) so Apple should stop claiming it is - or expect the more savvy consumers to call them on it.


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Jun 20, 2007
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Yet here you are arguing about what you feel are misinterpretations of wholly (and likely intentionally) incorrect statements. Anytime you make a "first time in history" claim, your feature better be completely unique. Steve Job's feature wasn't unique and if he claimed to not know it then he's also an idiot. Well, we all know Steve's not an idiot, so QED.

No I'm not sure which explicit statement you're referring to, but it's a fair statement that there has never been an iPod that makes phone calls. While I'm not suggesting that this is what he meant with his "first" statement, it's not an impossible interpretation. The world is not black and white.

By that logic, any phone that syncs with a desktop computer runs a desktop application. I'm more certain than ever Job's was at a minimum quibbling, but more likely misleading with his statement.

No, I was referring specifically to the widgets. I could be wrong, but I believe they're portable. AFAIK this is not the same "portability" that we see with Word <-> Pocket Word.

That statement is also true when you replace iPhone with Treo, Dopod, Nokia, Dash, Moto Q, or uncounted other devices. The important thing to remember is while iPhone may be prettier (by some measures) it ain't the first to do any of its tricks (except, perhaps, multi-touch) so Apple should stop claiming it is - or expect the more savvy consumers to call them on it.

Well the WM based smartphones ARE using the same UI. There differences (no touch screen on the Q) but largely the user experience is very similar.

So that argument could go either way. Again, it's not black and white and really it depends how granular we want to be.

Personally - I just accept the fact that Apple came out with an interesting new interface and a "ramping it up" as they like to do. Just like Microsoft did with Vista. Just like Palm did with the WM based Treo.


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Jun 5, 2007
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If Widgets are portable then you should be able to load any widget on the iPhone, right? That was my expectation when I first saw the iPhone keynote, but it means nothing if you can't actually load them on the phone.

And saying a widget is a fully-fledged desktop app is also a stretch, since they run within a desktop application themselves.

As far as 'an iPod that is also a phone', Moto, Sony etc have has phone/MP3 players for years now. My friend's moto can hold a 4gb micro SD so I don't exactly know what you mean by that. My w600i had a dedicated Walkman and play button and was a very serviceable MP3 player. If you mean it is the first Apple MP23 player then what the heck does that matter?


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Jun 20, 2007
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...after showing google maps. The first time Ev-AR!! :rolleyes: Not a lot of interpretation room there.

ok yeah, that one's more than a bit sensationalist.

I'd take it a step further though and say that the reality is that the vast majority of people really know very little about the Internet so we're really talking about varying levels of incompetence.


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Jun 5, 2007
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...after showing google maps. The first time Ev-AR!! :rolleyes: Not a lot of interpretation room there.

I quickly pulled out my cell phone when I heard that and said "What the heck is this? I guess it isn't Google Maps or the Internet".

The keynote left a bad impression on my for BS and I've been waiting for Apple to get back into handhelds since the Newton's demise.


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Jun 20, 2007
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If Widgets are portable then you should be able to load any widget on the iPhone, right? That was my expectation when I first saw the iPhone keynote, but it means nothing if you can't actually load them on the phone.

And saying a widget is a fully-fledged desktop app is also a stretch, since they run within a desktop application themselves.

I'm really not too sure about the widget support. It's a documented assumption on my part. The iPhone is not for me so I haven't spent a HUGE amount of time analysing it.

As far as 'an iPod that is also a phone', Moto, Sony etc have has phone/MP3 players for years now. My friend's moto can hold a 4gb micro SD so I don't exactly know what you mean by that. My w600i had a dedicated Walkman and play button and was a very serviceable MP3 player. If you mean it is the first Apple MP23 player then what the heck does that matter?

True. I had an Ericsson phone back in 98/99 that played MP3s. Functionally though there's a huge difference in user experience between that and an iPod. But again, all a question of granularity.

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