iPhone submerged!!! HELP!!!


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Jan 12, 2011
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Ok, so I cooking supper just now, and my iPhone got knocked into a bowl of water. It had nothing but water in it (I was washing some asparagus). It was only in there for about .5 seconds, but it was dripping water when I got it out. I dried it completely, and then took q-tips to dry out the holes (speakers and plug.) It is working completely fine, but I am worried about long term effects. ANY ADVICE?!?!?! I'M FREAKING OUT AT THE MOMENT!! Texting and internet works fine, everything. I'm afraid to plug it into anything or turn it off, in case it doesn't turn back on. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


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Aug 16, 2010
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Put it in a sealed container of rice overnight. And it's too late for this part, but don't power it on... No guarantees once it's wet though. Sorry. :(


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Jan 12, 2011
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Put it in a sealed container of rice overnight. And it's too late for this part, but don't power it on... No guarantees once it's wet though. Sorry. :(

That's the thing though. It didn't turn off, or anything. It is still working fine. Well, it won't ring, even though it isn't on silent. Do you think it will be ok, since it is still working? Because everything I've read has applied to iPhones that turned off when they got wet. Mine never turned off. I've actually sent a few texts, and it is working like normal. But I'm still going to do the bag of rice thing. Should I turn it off before I put it in the rice? Or just let it go to sleep and put it in the bag?


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Jun 1, 2011
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I used a hair dryer on one once when a friends go thrown into a shower by her 2 year old lol all was working but the ear piece speaker and the hair dryer did the trick .. Just don't do it for long periods you don't want to over heat the phone


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Aug 16, 2010
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That's the thing though. It didn't turn off, or anything. It is still working fine. Well, it won't ring, even though it isn't on silent. Do you think it will be ok, since it is still working? Because everything I've read has applied to iPhones that turned off when they got wet. Mine never turned off. I've actually sent a few texts, and it is working like normal. But I'm still going to do the bag of rice thing. Should I turn it off before I put it in the rice? Or just let it go to sleep and put it in the bag?

I would definitely turn it off while in the rice. No sense taking a chance. I hope it turns out okay for you!!

There are threads around here talking about how the geniuses at Apple stores give "first time offenders" a replacement phone. No guarantees, but you might get lucky if you're honest with them and cry a little. Sorry, I'm really not making light of your situation. Just saying. *;)
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Jan 12, 2011
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Ok, so I just said a HUGE prayer, took a HUMONGOUS risk, plugged it into my computer, and it synced JUST fine. It is charging perfectly. Only difference now is that is won't seem to make a sound. Imported pictures just fine. I'm about to turn it off, and turn it back on, so see how it goes. Thanks for y'alls help! If the sound is still not working after I turn it off and on, then I'm going to try a hard reset. I'll let y'all know how it goes, and again, THANKS FOR Y'ALLS HELP SOOO MUCH!!!!! :) :) :)


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Jan 12, 2011
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Well, I've got an appointment at the Apple Store tomorrow at 12:15. Any advice? The only thing that is wrong with it is that it won't turn off (I try to turn it off, and it just turns right back on) and the speakers won't work. Has anyone here had experience with the Apple Store in Willowbrook Mall in Houston? That's where I'm going, and I will take any advice! Thanks for y'alls help, and HOPEFULLY tomorrow will go like it needs to!!! Say a prayer for me! :)


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Jan 12, 2011
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Yeah, I'm DEFINITELY going with the puppy dog face, AND THE TRUTH. I'm from the South. I was taught to always tell the truth, no matter how bad the consequences. And this my friends, could have some GOD-AWFUL consequences. But I will definitely let y'all know how it goes. :)


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Jun 1, 2011
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Yeah, I'm DEFINITELY going with the puppy dog face, AND THE TRUTH. I'm from the South. I was taught to always tell the truth, no matter how bad the consequences. And this my friends, could have some GOD-AWFUL consequences. But I will definitely let y'all know how it goes. :)

Def try apple but I would hair dry the speaker it has worked and can't hurt worst case it still has no sound good luck !


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Jan 12, 2011
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Well, I put it in the bag of rice overnight. I got it out this morning, and all is back to normal! The speakers work again, and it will turn off and STAY turned off! I was planning on still going to the Apple Store, just for a diagnostic. Do y'all think this is a good idea?


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Apr 25, 2011
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Well, I put it in the bag of rice overnight. I got it out this morning, and all is back to normal! The speakers work again, and it will turn off and STAY turned off! I was planning on still going to the Apple Store, just for a diagnostic. Do y'all think this is a good idea?

Absolutely! Even though a phone may appear to work normally for some time (how much time varies), the simple fact is that corrosion is going to eventually kill the unit. Hair dryers and rice cannot prevent this.

Take it to the store, tell them what happened and they'll replace it - it's just a matter of how much it's going to cost you to replace it.


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Jan 12, 2011
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So I took it to the Apple Store. I told him my story, and he said that since it is working fine, then he wasn't too worried. I asked him to run a diagnostic, and he did. Nothing was wrong with it. He then took it in the back to clean out the ports. When he brought it back, he said that everything on the inside looked great. He even said that the moisture indicators had not been activated! So, I'm not so worried anymore. I honestly think that if it would have been needed to be replaced, he would have found a way to do it for free. This experience reassures my beliefs in Apple! :)


Well-known member
Jul 31, 2011
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I used a hair dryer on one once when a friends go thrown into a shower by her 2 year old lol all was working but the ear piece speaker and the hair dryer did the trick .. Just don't do it for long periods you don't want to over heat the phone

This has also worked for me but the trick is to just put the hair dryer to blow on cool so then you can keep the hair dryer on it for hours without having to worry about it overheating..
Jun 5, 2011
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Another trick it to used packages of silica desiccant. You know those little sugar packet-looking things that say "Don't eat"? Thats silica desiccant. You can buy it at craft stores and online.

While rice works, it doesn't draw moisture out like desiccant will. The silica will work faster and better, and its reusable.

Really glad everything worked out for you. God answers our prayers about even the most minor of things.


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Jun 27, 2008
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So I took it to the Apple Store. I told him my story, and he said that since it is working fine, then he wasn't too worried. I asked him to run a diagnostic, and he did. Nothing was wrong with it. He then took it in the back to clean out the ports. When he brought it back, he said that everything on the inside looked great. He even said that the moisture indicators had not been activated! So, I'm not so worried anymore. I honestly think that if it would have been needed to be replaced, he would have found a way to do it for free. This experience reassures my beliefs in Apple! :)

An uplifting apple story. :eek:

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