iPhone Nano..?


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May 14, 2011
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This whole iPhone "nano" thing has really been misconstrued IMO. It wasn't really pointing to a smaller iPhone but a lower priced iPhone. And this is looking more likely with the current rumors and leaked parts (plastic back instead of glass), streamlined production savings and reasonable off contract pricing of the iPhone 4S.

As for the cartoon phone, what redraider133 said is correct. Too many people to count do that in advertising.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2009
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It is probably just meant to look like an iPhone but not to much because otherwise apple would sue.


Because it's now illegal to use an iPhone on a site marketing to iPhone users? That would pose a BIIIIG problem for app developers.

Don't confuse using the image to market to users of the product with actually producing and selling a copycat product...

In any case, this is just using the iPhone's image in a way that fits the web page and/or the content they're trying to display. It's not an iPhone with an altered form or anything like that. Just a design choice.