iPhone, Mac, Win Source code and graphics for game


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Aug 23, 2010
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We have source code and graphics for casual game(Genre: tree in row).
This source code is cross platformed and the game allready builded for iPhone, MacOS X and Windows.
Game worked in 2D mode but there is no problem extends for 3D mode(just place 3D rendering code in reserved place).

- OpenGL(Win, MacOSX) / OpenGLES(iPhone) - for rendering.
- OpenAL - for sound.
- Ogg/Vorbis - for decoding ogg sound files.
- Ogg/Theora/OpenGL(ES) - for decoding ogv video files(Win, MacOS), in iPhone using MPEG4(hardware accelerated).
- Supports TARGA(TGA), PNG, JPEG(JPG), JPEG2000(JP2) - images for textures.
- Using simple format for saving 2D scenes.
- Using ZIP, LZMA compression for reading from resource data file.
- Using particles for special effects.
- This source code also can build for Linux system.
- In Win, MacOSX supports vertical synchronization, up to 16x smothing, shaders not used.

- dl.dropbox.com/u/4815507/legacy/ScreenShot/ScreenShot1.png
- dl.dropbox.com/u/4815507/legacy/ScreenShot/ScreenShot2.png
- dl.dropbox.com/u/4815507/legacy/ScreenShot/ScreenShot4.png
- dl.dropbox.com/u/4815507/legacy/ScreenShot/ScreenShot5.png

Demo containes ONLY first levels of each room !.
Demo(Win,MacOS in one zip):
- dl.dropbox.com/u/4815507/legacy/Legacy%20-%20Lonesome%20Mansion%20%28DEMO%20MAC_AND_WIN%29.zip

Demo Win:
- dl.dropbox.com/u/4815507/legacy/Legacy%20-%20Lonesome%20Mansion%20%28DEMO%20WIN%29.zip

Demo MaxOSX:
- dl.dropbox.com/u/4815507/legacy/Legacy%20-%20Lonesome%20Mansion%20%28DEMO%20OSX%29.zip

Full iPhone version(App Store, can be removed from App Store):
- itunes.apple.com/ru/app/ilegacy/id370889528?mt=8