iOS 7 Developer Build looks pretty solid.

iOS 7 looks to be pretty good

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Dec 1, 2012
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

Well, I suppose that since those things aren't benefiting Blackberry all that well, Apple might as well make good use of them. Right? Seriously, non-iPhone users have complained about the things that their platform of choice has and how Apple needs to catch up or step up its game. Now that it has, Apple is being accused of ripping off its competitors. Do you not see the hypocrisy?

I agree with you here; it does seem hypocritical. However, at least part of the reason people jump all over Apple for something like this is because of their litigious track record. Looking at it from that angle, Apple is the one that seems hypocritical.


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Jun 23, 2010
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

The thing that impresses me about it is Activation Lock. That's going to make it much more difficult for criminals to steal iPhones. As far as I can tell, the other platforms don't have anything like that. I'm wondering how upgrading to iOS7 will affect my new phone upgrade, when I sell this phone back to Sprint (assuming I stick with Sprint).

iOS7 looks different enough for those who wanted changes, and enough like iOS to placate people who aren' t much into change. As for the assertion that iOS7 looks like BB ow WP or Android, I don't personally think so. The changes are a welcome coat of fresh paint on this platform. Now comes the long wait for the iPhone that's optimized to get the most out of iOS7.

You can bypass the Activation Lock before you sell or give away your iOS device. Activation Lock requires users to enter their Apple ID and password to turn off Find My iPhone, sign out of iCloud, erase the device, or reactivate the device after an erase. It?s important to sign out of iCloud, or choose Settings > General > Erase All Content and Settings, before transferring a device to a new user to allow them to use the device.


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Jun 6, 2013
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

Did anyone notice the Apple presentations for iOS 7 were all performed on White iPhone 5 phones? I think iOS 7 looks decent on a white phone, however i own a black iPhone 4S and the stark white pages on a black phone look too plain. I just installed beta 1 of iOS 7 on my 4S. Perhaps there will be a dark theme that looks better on black phones. My next iPhone just might be white.

I like all of the new functionality of iOS 7, including the translucent treatment, parallax wallpaper, and ALL of the new functional goodness.

However, the iOS 7 app icons are overly plain. For example, the red notification badges that overlay icons in their upper right corners bleed into the app icons. There is no border on notification badges. Just a thin 1px border on notification badges would help while keeping the look clean.

The icons seem unsophisticated, not works of art that many of the iOS 6 icons were. Skeuomorphism has been removed from iOS 7, and I applaud its removal. But what i don't applaud is the removal of sophisticated art from the icons and apps. Part of the magic of Apple products is the cool clean modern industrial design of the hardware, combined with the retina screen showing off the vibrancy of the software. The look of iOS 7 is stark, not vibrant. The only way to make iOS 7 at least semi-vibrant is to pick an exciting wallpaper. That's it, nothing else. I wonder what all of those exquisitely skilled artists at Apple will do now that their talents aren't apparently needed for gorgeous icons and such? They are among the best artists anywhere, and many people have copied their designs for years. Anyone can create simple boring icons. It seems to be a sad day for artistkind. I do hope that some vibrancy is returned to iOS some day.

I love the new parallax wallpaper. That is a very sophisticated feature. It takes the OS a bit closer to the futuristic volumetric experience I am looking for.


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Apr 26, 2010
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

It's amazing. I haven't been this excited about iOS since the first iPhone. The only thing missing from iOS 7 are Maverick's quick actions on notifications. Seems odd that OS X has it and iOS 7 doesn't.


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Jun 24, 2012
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

How does the actual settings app look like now?

Here ya go just took a screenshot of the main page when I launched it.


Sent from the collector home world.


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Oct 28, 2010
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

Using it right about now, and honestly i've never used a Beta this perfect (except the poor battery life)
Everything is so much nicer, and if you have auto-brightness on, with the new contrast the screen is so much easier on your eyes in the dark, and the OS seems clean and flat, and just AMAZING.
I think, this is what Apple should have done a while back, but honestly the real hero here is the Jailbreak community, because if they weren't here today, iOS 7 may have never been what it is right now.


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Jun 24, 2012
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

I really love the look of the banners now. I bought a JB app to change the color of them to black and now they're black, stock!! W00T!

Sent from the collector home world.


Well-known member
May 22, 2013
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

Hi iPhone lovers. I'm sure most people in this forum look forward to iOS7. When I saw the unveiling today I was shocked! Shocked that out of the 12 videos showing the new features, 11 are Clearly "borrowed" from the the new operating system now offered in BlackBerry 10. Without a doubt most companies (Samsung, Apple, Android, Windows, BlackBerry...) tend to copy one another. But this is blatantly egregious. The iPhone stopped innovating after the advent of Siri. They say "imitation is the best form of flattery" but what I saw today was just shameful. Copyright infringement has to be an issue with several of these "new" features. Samsung has already sued Apple for what it perceives as infringement, surely BlackBerry will soon do the same. I can hardly wait to see how things shake out. Have fun with your new BlackBerry, oops I meant iPhone.

Which exactly where borrowed from Blackberry? I keep hearing that, yet no one can pinpoint what exactly they are talking about. Most shamefully resort to multitasking, which blackberry first copied from WebOS, and iOS now uses even better. I no other similarities with BBOS. I see some similarities to WP, but only terms of font, and even that isn?t really the same. Oh.. I think they mean the lock screen. But Blackberry wasn?t first with that type of lock screen either.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2013
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

I am Android user, owning Nexus 4, before that I was on iPhone since 2007. and this looks very interesting to me and I like the way iOS is going, I am also thinking of coming back to iPhone, but we will see. :beer:


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Sep 3, 2012
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

Wasn't multitasking first thought of by Microsoft when Windows 95 was released? I'm pretty sure my 'phone in a bag' didn't multitask yet. For anyone to say X-company stole the idea from Y-company is clearly off their rocker.


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Jan 10, 2011
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

Did anyone notice the Apple presentations for iOS 7 were all performed on White iPhone 5 phones? I think iOS 7 looks decent on a white phone, however i own a black iPhone 4S and the stark white pages on a black phone look too plain. I just installed beta 1 of iOS 7 on my 4S. Perhaps there will be a dark theme that looks better on black phones. My next iPhone just might be white.

I like all of the new functionality of iOS 7, including the translucent treatment, parallax wallpaper, and ALL of the new functional goodness.

However, the iOS 7 app icons are overly plain. For example, the red notification badges that overlay icons in their upper right corners bleed into the app icons. There is no border on notification badges. Just a thin 1px border on notification badges would help while keeping the look clean.

The icons seem unsophisticated, not works of art that many of the iOS 6 icons were. Skeuomorphism has been removed from iOS 7, and I applaud its removal. But what i don't applaud is the removal of sophisticated art from the icons and apps. Part of the magic of Apple products is the cool clean modern industrial design of the hardware, combined with the retina screen showing off the vibrancy of the software. The look of iOS 7 is stark, not vibrant. The only way to make iOS 7 at least semi-vibrant is to pick an exciting wallpaper. That's it, nothing else. I wonder what all of those exquisitely skilled artists at Apple will do now that their talents aren't apparently needed for gorgeous icons and such? They are among the best artists anywhere, and many people have copied their designs for years. Anyone can create simple boring icons. It seems to be a sad day for artistkind. I do hope that some vibrancy is returned to iOS some day.

I love the new parallax wallpaper. That is a very sophisticated feature. It takes the OS a bit closer to the futuristic volumetric experience I am looking for.

I agree about the white theme. I feel like it will look horrible on a black there a black/dark theme that we could switch to? The white is too harsh for my eyes even in the videos and photos...ugh.

I also agree about the icons being unsophisticated. I like that they are flat (I guess) but it's like a set of stickers just laying on top of the glass...too simple and too colorful/childlike.

I'm going to stick with iOS 6 for as long as possible...

BlackBerry Guy

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Mar 4, 2011
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

Which exactly where borrowed from Blackberry? I keep hearing that, yet no one can pinpoint what exactly they are talking about. Most shamefully resort to multitasking, which blackberry first copied from WebOS, and iOS now uses even better. I no other similarities with BBOS. I see some similarities to WP, but only terms of font, and even that isn?t really the same. Oh.. I think they mean the lock screen. But Blackberry wasn?t first with that type of lock screen either.
I finally got a chance to sit down and watch the keynote last night. Through it all, only 2 things stood out as straight out borrowing:

1) The integration of the swipe in from left gesture into the OS to switch views. While the sliding pane concept itself isn't new, and could be found in various apps, BlackBerry was the first that I know of that made the gesture a key part of navigating and using the OS (they call it Peek and Flow). They hyped it in most of their recent keynotes.

2) The stock weather app in iOS7 looks a lot like a 3rd party BB10 app, Bellshare's Beweather 10.

That's it. Everything else that some of the CrackBerrians are crying foul over are things where BB themselves have drawn inspiration from others (ie. multitasking cards - WebOS)


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

Using it right about now, and honestly i've never used a Beta this perfect (except the poor battery life)
Everything is so much nicer, and if you have auto-brightness on, with the new contrast the screen is so much easier on your eyes in the dark, and the OS seems clean and flat, and just AMAZING.
I think, this is what Apple should have done a while back, but honestly the real hero here is the Jailbreak community, because if they weren't here today, iOS 7 may have never been what it is right now.

It’s a solid attempt...and pretty good for a first beta... but it’s a long way from "perfect"... battery drain, laggy at times, springboard crashes, non-functioning features... it’s good, but still has a way to go to get anywhere near "perfect".


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2012
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Re: iOS 7 looks pretty solid. Thoughts?

Love the functional enhancements . . .

Do not love the new look; seems petite, feminine, and kindergarten-ish . . . obviously some will love that and I'm happy for them, for me I guess I'm hoping it will grow on me.

Hate the fact that people bicker over who borrowed from who; can't we just all agree to share whats good and enjoy them on our device of choice? Nobody complains about who had antilock brakes first or airbags, they serve the common good and should be shared by all (yeah I know it sounds pollyannish . . .)
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