if you had to choose ONE: FB or Twitter?

if you had to choose ONE: FB or Twitter?

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Apr 28, 2009
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Facebook is for people you already know. Twitter is for people you will get to know.

Like I said, I have met - in person - a number of people that I'd never heard of prior to Twitter. I know that when I go traveling, no matter where I go, I can call up a Twitter friend and say "it's time we met face to face and have dinner or coffee."

And if it weren't for Twitter, I'd only be playing DrawSomething with relatives, and "jimmers" and I wouldn't have a record game going!


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Oct 7, 2009
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I like to get away from the idiots that go to my school

ha! i ignore friend requests on FB quite often from people i had went to school with. i guess i feel it is at my discretion and should not be considered as being rude

am i wrong?


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2011
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If I had to choose one I would choose facebook simply because it's a little more full-featured and it allows me to connect to more people. I prefer the simplicity of twitter, but more people I come in contact with are on facebook.


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Apr 21, 2012
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Though i hate using facebook, i think i will choose FB.

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2012
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I am at the perfect age where I have been with both Facebook and Twitter from (essentially) the beginning.

Now I was in Junior High when Facebook really was starting, but by 8th grade we were all waiting to get into High School so that we could join the infamous Facebook.
Great stuff for a while, just like MySpace was for us in the past, Chat was a great addition.
Recently I have had countless family add me (aunts, cousins, uncles) and I like to be able to connect with them. However, in college I have found that I am connected to too many people on Facebook and have recently been "cleaning out" my friends list.
I do not enjoy Facebook as much anymore as it tends to attract ads, viral pictures (the ones with a long, heart-warming story attached) amongst other nonsense.
I do respect Zuckerberg though, guy went out on his own without talking to his board and bought Instagram. Takes some balls to walk out on the street alone (hypothetically) and drop $1 billion dollars.

I joined Twitter in December '07 just a year after it's founding. Only one or two of my friends had it at the time and we used it mostly to follow athletes and other celebrities.
Now, 4 years and 900 followers later, I love Twitter. If you see my phone in my hand I'm likely to be checking Twitter. I find Facebook to be a nuisance and Twitter to be an addiction.

I am willing to say that Twitter is the fastest way to get breaking news. Faster than text alerts, TV, internet, anything. The second I hear of something I can search tweets for it and hours later it will most likely be trending nationally or worldwide.

Great way to network, connect with friends, get the chance to connect with celebrities (I have had full conversations with the Miami Heat's Dwyane Wade, who now follows me, including wishing me a happy 18th birthday).

Twitter > Facebook
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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2009
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Facebook for me, car clubs and stuff that i'm in are generally on facebook. And plus, it's good to have for those people you don't have numbers for.


Nov 6, 2011
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Despite the friends and family on FB I'd choose twitter all day. I have phone numbers for the important FB friends of mine. Lol


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
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Twitter is my favorite. I like Facebook or photos and keeping up with old friends, but Twitter is so much better for daily interaction and news.


Jun 18, 2009
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Facebook 100%. Twitter is good if you care about celebs and what not. Facebook is more personal and obviously a much better way to share and read up on the latest content. Twitter's interface is not big which makes me feel limited.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2011
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Twitter. To be honest, I get annoyed with a lot of the people I'm friends with on Facebook. I like my Twitter "friends" more even though I don't know many of them in real life.

A lot of the girls I'm "friends" with on FB are drama queens and one is always posting about her crazy, cracked-out family. I only keep FB for my parents and the handful of real friends I have back home.

Sent from my iPhone4S using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2010
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I used to love using Facebook as a way to keep up with old friends and family. Seems like the people I want to post don't and the people I don't really care about do - a lot. And no one posts anything useful anymore. I want to check it to see what people are up to, see pictures of them, etc. Now it's mostly pictures w/ quotes and sayings, Pinterest, game requests, so and so read this news story or listened to this song, etc. I used to check every few hours, now it's every few days.

A couple months ago I started using Twitter and I'm really enjoying it. But in a different way than Facebook. It's more for entertainment than for keeping up with anyone I know.


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2011
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I liked Facebook. It's doing too much for me now with all of the apps and crazy things that don't matter. For instance, the ticker on the right of the website?? Why?? I can already see what everyone's up to on the newsfeed. It looks too cluttered. Facebook should try to become familiar with simplicity. Unfortunately, I feel like Twitter is following suit and adding more unnecessary features. Maybe I'll migrate to Google+ before it's too late?


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
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No contest - it's Twitter all the way. Farmbook, er, Faceville, er, dangit!, Facebook is a place for games. Twitter is for intelligent discussion and interesting status updates.

You're friends must be boring if you have to follow random "intelligent" people to have fun. I never really understood twitter and i dont ever see me using it. Family and friends are the whole point of "social networks" i dont need to follow Kim Kardashian or the Jersey Shore crew to be entertained. Plus too much crap is on twitter. I've seen some of the dumbist posts in the world on both twitter and facebook, but i have the freedom to still be friends with people and block their status updates from my feed. Twitter is just status updates for everything humanlly possible and it gets annoying when #theresahashtagforeverything.

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