I don't know what to say


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Jul 19, 2008
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I've tried to switch from iOS to Android on more than a few occasions, and although I've not tried the Pixel, I've tried some nice devices to be sure. All the devices were great overall...but I just never found the Android OS to be as smooth, as intuitive and the UI as polished as iOS. Add to that the ecosystem Apple has built over the years...and it's easy for me to pick a winner.


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Apr 23, 2015
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I have been using a Pixel XL for about 2 months now, and I'm probably just going to switch with a silver iPhone 7 Plus 128GB. Sure the Pixel's battery is bigger, it charges 200% faster than the Plus, the camera is better, it has a headphone jack, and it has more features overall. But every I know is still using their old iPhone 6S's, 6's, 5S's, SE, and even the 5 and 5C. That means almost everyone uses iMessage and FaceTime. Not to mention that apps like Snapchat still lag on Android even though the hardware is more than capable of running it smoothly. The UI also just seems basic for Android version of apps as well. I can suck up the fact that the headphone jack is gone. I'll probably just carry my lightning headphones on my person as well as bluetooth headphones.

TLDR: Objectively, the Pixel is a better phone, but app developers and Apple have made the iPhone so mainstream that features such as iMessage, FaceTime, the regard for a simple yet beautiful UI, not to mention apps actually have notification alerts on the app logos themselves. Plus, the hype of having a Pixel just died after two months. Google is a really great company, but I've grown too accustomed to iOS and Apple's integration.

On what basis are you saying that the Pixel is a better phone? It has more memory and a better screen but spec for spec the iPhone is either equal to or better. Better processor, better camera (colors on the pixel are way off) etc;

The Pixel is a good phone but all android devices suffer from the same poor software design. It's an OS built on Java code and its RAM management is terrible. It leads to poor performance on many applications over time and will often see apps crashing because they're starved for resources. This is why android phones are shipping with four and six gb's of RAM while the most an iPhone has is three. iOS is just better, always has been.

As for the battery, there isn't a big difference in storage between the two. Real world usage, the Pixel has quick charge because you'll need it more often than the iPhone. The new iPhone 7 + battery is hands down better than most if not all android devices. It's also a matter of coding and software and where iOS shines.

Let's also talk about your friends with iPhone 5s's and 6's getting the latest software updates. If you keep that Pixel past three years you stop getting official updates. Another fail for google.

The Pixel isn't a better phone. It's just a good phone.


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Oct 22, 2016
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The Pixel is a good phone but all android devices suffer from the same poor software design. It's an OS built on Java code and its RAM management is terrible. It leads to poor performance on many applications over time and will often see apps crashing because they're starved for resources. This is why android phones are shipping with four and six gb's of RAM while the most an iPhone has is three. iOS is just better, always has been.

The Pixel isn't a better phone. It's just a good phone.
This is why I left Android. Yes Android does have better specs but it needs those specs. Apple is locked down and I hated it but now that I use the phone, I like it and it just runs smooth. No tweaking settings to get it to run smooth and get good battery life.

Android switched to ART from DELVIK and it promised better battery life, more security, and faster apps but I have yet to see that. In fact, I see worse battery life.

iOS Gravity

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Sep 24, 2013
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On what basis are you saying that the Pixel is a better phone? It has more memory and a better screen but spec for spec the iPhone is either equal to or better. Better processor, better camera (colors on the pixel are way off) etc;

The Pixel is a good phone but all android devices suffer from the same poor software design. It's an OS built on Java code and its RAM management is terrible. It leads to poor performance on many applications over time and will often see apps crashing because they're starved for resources. This is why android phones are shipping with four and six gb's of RAM while the most an iPhone has is three. iOS is just better, always has been.

As for the battery, there isn't a big difference in storage between the two. Real world usage, the Pixel has quick charge because you'll need it more often than the iPhone. The new iPhone 7 + battery is hands down better than most if not all android devices. It's also a matter of coding and software and where iOS shines.
If you happen to try on VR, such as Google Cardboard, the resolution is night and day.
Let's also talk about your friends with iPhone 5s's and 6's getting the latest software updates. If you keep that Pixel past three years you stop getting official updates. Another fail for google.

The Pixel isn't a better phone. It's just a good phone.

In all honesty, the battery life on the Pixel XL is better than the iPhone 7 Plus. The quick charging is just icing on the cake since even if you are running low on battery you can get around a 10% charge in 10 minutes on average. I'd take that over taking 2+ hours for a full charge, but I'm not really concerned about that since I am not a power user. Its basically what OnePlus did with the OP3. Its battery is small, but if you can charge it to 70% in 30 minutes, most people would just overlook that.
Regardless of how much RAM the Pixel might need, it still runs smoothly. In addition, Siri can't even compete with the Google Assistant. You have to use it to believe it. I barely used Siri on my old iPhone, but I use the assistant all the time.
You may not think the Pixel is a good phone, but it is to many people. For the first time, Google has made a mainstream phone, which will only result in better offerings for the end user.


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Jan 11, 2011
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IMO.... iMessage is a little overrated. OMG OMG I can't see what the other person is typing. OMG OMG I am one of those "green" people.

I am using the Pixel. Its a great phone. The first absolute lag free android device I have ever used.

I have to echo Gravity's sentiment. Google Assistant makes Siri seem very rudimentary. The hooks in IFTTT make it even more powerful.


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Mar 29, 2015
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For me the quality difference in apps was a major reason for going back to iOS. Came from s7e. In android world Pixel is a good phone. I don't see much reasons to compare these two as they seem to serve different kind of users.


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Sep 29, 2015
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On what basis are you saying that the Pixel is a better phone? It has more memory and a better screen but spec for spec the iPhone is either equal to or better. Better processor, better camera (colors on the pixel are way off) etc;

The Pixel is a good phone but all android devices suffer from the same poor software design. It's an OS built on Java code and its RAM management is terrible. It leads to poor performance on many applications over time and will often see apps crashing because they're starved for resources. This is why android phones are shipping with four and six gb's of RAM while the most an iPhone has is three. iOS is just better, always has been.

As for the battery, there isn't a big difference in storage between the two. Real world usage, the Pixel has quick charge because you'll need it more often than the iPhone. The new iPhone 7 + battery is hands down better than most if not all android devices. It's also a matter of coding and software and where iOS shines.

Let's also talk about your friends with iPhone 5s's and 6's getting the latest software updates. If you keep that Pixel past three years you stop getting official updates. Another fail for google.

The Pixel isn't a better phone. It's just a good phone.

This, this, a thousand times this, especially the last sentence. Android bloggers have been hyping the Pixel as the best Android phone ever and that's far from fact. They fall for the hype of the device and spec wise, it's at best a mid-range phone. Heck, some mid-range Android phones are better (the OnePlus 3T comes to mind). The Pixel hype is quite irritating and that reason is why I don't read Android blogs anymore, that and my iPhone 7 Plus is the best phone on the market right now and there's no need to buy into the hype of anything else.


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Jun 2, 2011
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I wish my brother would see what you're saying. He's the only one in my family on android and he's constantly left out of iMessage convos and FaceTime even though he lives the furthest away. He blames Apple and says they should develop cross platform. I have tried to explain to him that their ecosystem is their strongest marketing strategy so they will never do that.


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Apr 23, 2015
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In all honesty, the battery life on the Pixel XL is better than the iPhone 7 Plus. The quick charging is just icing on the cake since even if you are running low on battery you can get around a 10% charge in 10 minutes on average. I'd take that over taking 2+ hours for a full charge, but I'm not really concerned about that since I am not a power user. Its basically what OnePlus did with the OP3. Its battery is small, but if you can charge it to 70% in 30 minutes, most people would just overlook that.
Regardless of how much RAM the Pixel might need, it still runs smoothly. In addition, Siri can't even compete with the Google Assistant. You have to use it to believe it. I barely used Siri on my old iPhone, but I use the assistant all the time.
You may not think the Pixel is a good phone, but it is to many people. For the first time, Google has made a mainstream phone, which will only result in better offerings for the end user.

I said Pixel was a good phone. I just think it's not better than the iPhone. My job allows me to pretty much be on my phone 24/7. I do Facebook, YouTube, and all that. My screen on time is ridiculous. My 7 Plus battery beats any android by far. How do I know? Because with a 3k mHa battery on a GS7 I had to charge my phone twice a day with the same use. With my 7 Plus I can barely eke out having 20-10% left from 6am to 6pm and on low power mode, not charging it during the day. As for quick charging? My GS7 (I know it's not a Pixel but it also has fast charging) would take over two to three hours to charge via a high amp car charger. My iPhone takes an hour.

Basically, it sounds like you're infatuated with the newest from Google and that's fine. But spec for spec aside from battery size and screen? iPhone simply is better.


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Apr 23, 2015
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Let's also not forget that you won't be getting updates for three years. Why pay almost 8-900$ for a phone that will be permanently out of date past three years when even iPhone 5's are getting the latest software updates from Apple.


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Sep 29, 2015
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I said Pixel was a good phone. I just think it's not better than the iPhone. My job allows me to pretty much be on my phone 24/7. I do Facebook, YouTube, and all that. My screen on time is ridiculous. My 7 Plus battery beats any android by far. How do I know? Because with a 3k mHa battery on a GS7 I had to charge my phone twice a day with the same use. With my 7 Plus I can barely eke out having 20-10% left from 6am to 6pm and on low power mode, not charging it during the day. As for quick charging? My GS7 (I know it's not a Pixel but it also has fast charging) would take over two to three hours to charge via a high amp car charger. My iPhone takes an hour.

Basically, it sounds like you're infatuated with the newest from Google and that's fine. But spec for spec aside from battery size and screen? iPhone simply is better.

My iPhone 7 Plus is down to 50% after a heavy day of use at the end of the day. It's, by far, the best battery life I've ever had in a phone. The Pixel XL I had before it was down to 15% at the end of the day with the same usage.


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Jan 11, 2011
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I said Pixel was a good phone. I just think it's not better than the iPhone. My job allows me to pretty much be on my phone 24/7. I do Facebook, YouTube, and all that. My screen on time is ridiculous. My 7 Plus battery beats any android by far. How do I know? Because with a 3k mHa battery on a GS7 I had to charge my phone twice a day with the same use. With my 7 Plus I can barely eke out having 20-10% left from 6am to 6pm and on low power mode, not charging it during the day. As for quick charging? My GS7 (I know it's not a Pixel but it also has fast charging) would take over two to three hours to charge via a high amp car charger. My iPhone takes an hour.

Basically, it sounds like you're infatuated with the newest from Google and that's fine. But spec for spec aside from battery size and screen? iPhone simply is better.

If you are equating your experience with Samsung phones as a substitute for comparing the Pixel/Pixel XL to the iPhone 7/7Plus.... you are not being very objective IMO.

iOS Gravity

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Sep 24, 2013
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Let's also not forget that you won't be getting updates for three years. Why pay almost 8-900$ for a phone that will be permanently out of date past three years when even iPhone 5's are getting the latest software updates from Apple.

iPhones usually start lagging after the first two years, and most of the features in the new updates don't usually make it to the older phones. The Pixel phones already have more features than iPhones, plus they get 2 years of updates to add new features. In addition, they will get at least 3 years of security updates, which make up the majority of iOS updates anyway... Since the bootloader is unlockable on the Pixels you can always load Cyanogen Mod 10 years in the future and still get the latest features, since they still support really old phones. Just trying to be subjective, everyone has their preferences, but lets not throw misleading facts around.


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Aug 2, 2016
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The biggest reason for me switching to iOS after 8 years with Android is the software, not the hardware. Yes, every Android phone I owned had amazing hardware (Note 7 being the latest). However, Android is still way too fragmented and buggy for my taste. I finally gave up hope and switched to iOS and don't regret it one bit. Apple has been working on one version of their OS that works on all of their devices and has perfected it; while continuing to add more features (after making sure they work flawlessly). The customization on Android was nice, but for my personal use, I prefer the smoothness of iOS.

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