How do I view All photo albums in Camera app on iPhone and/or iPad 2?


iMore Question

I used the app "Transfer" to copy (?) a group of photos from my iPhone 4S to my iPad 2. I created a new photo album to put these photos into on my iPad but when I go to my Camera app I cannot find the new photo album I just created.

Am I looking for the transferred photos in the wrong place? Where should I expect to find transferred photos? I have seen multiple photo albums in my camera app previously but I never know how I brought them up or once I've selected a particular album, lately it's been Camera Roll, how to get back to the listing of all photo albums (i.e., like a top level directory)?

Can someone please explain this to me. I believe this is something pretty basic but I've gone and over thought it and can't seem to backup enough to gain proper perspective on it in order to come up with the solution....