God Never Fails

Lady Kaede

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Jan 8, 2010
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OK, I'll play. No offense meant.
You mention the God of Abraham specifically and refer to 'our God' (as opposed to . . . my God?) -- I thought you people were monotheists?


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Jul 22, 2009
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Welcome Lady Kaede,
I'm Glad you visited this thread. No offense taken but Redemption, Forgiveness of one's sins, the Promise of Eternal Life, the Renewal of one's Spirit with the Living God of Abraham, Izaak and Jacob is far from playing a Game. I realize that is almost impossible for temporal Beings to comprehend, (at one time in my Life, I wanted NOTHING to do with ANY GOD). Fortunately, someone shared the Timeless message of Jesus, His Life, Death and Resurrection and Exactly WHAT THAT MEANT for me. A LOST SINNER. That MESSAGE IS just AS true TODAY as it was over 2000 years ago when He walked this Earth.
Jesus was born for one purpose and one purpose ONLY. To BREAK the Bond of SIN and DEATH UPON Mankind. HE was to be the FINAL SACRIFICE to Fullfill the Law. He became the Atonement for "All" sin. "ALL have sinned and FALL short of the Glory of GOD". It's ONLY through hearing of His Grace and receiving His Gift of Life (through FAITH) that one can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
I'm not quite sure what you were intending when you mentioned "you people being monotheists". My reference to "Our God" as opposed to "my God", simply refers that Our God is the God of "ALL" who accept Him, Through His Son Jesus Christ and their Repentance of their sin. I don't have a monopoly on God. It has been the ageless question as to who God is. His Word states..."I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Great I Am". There is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD and through His Son "All" mankind can come to know Him.
As mentioned in another post on this thread... "Seek Me with all your heart, All your soul and all your Mind, and you shall find Me". (paraphrased).
Lady Kaede, I believe you've taken that first step. It's Not just by chance you decided to visit! His Love surpasses ALL understanding.


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Oct 7, 2009
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another subject i find rather entertaining would be natural disasters and how the religious faithful "try" to explain how this occurred.
growing up i was always told that it was in gods plan, it was their time to meet the holy one.
"god tests us sometimes" - if i walked the streets of Haiti right now telling people that ...how long would I be living for?
just seems like an easy way out of once again, the unexplained.


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Jul 22, 2009
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"all Christian faithful please answer some questions i have
why are people so quick to thank or blame god when something goes right or wrong?
is it to fill the void of the unexplained?
"i gotta tell ya, there's nothing more irritating then watching a sporting event and at the end there are always those athletes who "thank god" for helping him or her succeed/excel".
"so let's just negate the fact that they spent countless hours practicing & working towards being that 'premier athlete' they strive to be.
just can't get my head around it."
"so there should be no difference between the people who go to church on a consistent basis and the ones who just simply believe that there is a GOD, right?
i need something to tell these very nice morman boys that come by every so often".
"it boggles my mind that people will sit in a building they call 'church' every sunday to praise something/someone they have never heard nor seen.
yes i know it's a thing called faith.
but i feel god has failed me on several occassions, if i were to believe.
anything positive or good that has happened in my life, i feel, has been by my own hand.
just like the not so good things, my hand and my hand only, not a higher being, not the unexplained.
this is why i have and always will not understand the devotion so many people have to this entity that never will be seen in physical form.
i doubt reading any books of the new or old testaments will change my way of thinking and i know i'm not the only one either".
"another subject i find rather entertaining would be natural disasters and how the religious faithful "try" to explain how this occurred.
growing up i was always told that it was in gods plan, it was their time to meet the holy one.
"god tests us sometimes" - if i walked the streets of Haiti right now telling people that ...how long would I be living for?
just seems like an easy way out of once again, the unexplained."

Blink, Your Arguements Hold No Validity.
1. Most Athlete's I have seen or heard giving thanks to God are quick to state that their talents and their "Abilities" to persue them make it clear that they (talents/abilities) are Gifts from Him and they work diligently to maintain them.
2. As iLoftie so elegantly put it "there are degrees of excitement". So to there are degrees of one sharing God's Existence in one's Life. There are those called to sow, those called to till, those called to reap. All have not been given the same talents. Those that do attend "church" on a consistend basis have come to the understanding in "their" lives regular attendance is ipmortant.
3. A "Believer" in Jesus Christ who has given themselves to Christ and walk in His Spirit, talk and hear from God on a regular basis. God speaks to His people in many ways just as you and I are speaking to each other at this moment. Why try to "LIMIT or BOX" God in?
4. God was the SAME GOD yesterday, today and tomorrow. " I AM the Alpha and Omega". He NEVER CHANGES... Possibly in your "feelings" he "failed" you, have you ever given some thought that He was leading you in a different direction? Honestly thinking about Life, it's quite complicated. For me I'm perfectly willing to "LET GOD and LET GO".
5. It Truely saddens me that in "all" of man's limited knowledge, he is quick to Totally disavow the Creator of the Universe. The Creator of mankind. That one would rather LOOSE his soul and the opportunity to have Everlasting Life through Jesus Christ.
Blink, your Own words "Condemn" you to that fate..."i doubt reading any books of the new or old testaments will change my way of thinking and i know i'm not the only one either".
6. As for somewone able to find Natural Disasters "Entertaining", that's beyond comprehension. During "MOST" Natural Disasters" it's the Believer's who are the "First Repsonders. Take a look at History: The Chicago fire, Chernobyl, Katrina, Haiti. Where is the Hatian Government? Look how long it took the world Government's to react... Haiti's Government is STILL nowhere to be found... It was, is and ALWAYS will be the Faithful who take care of the hurting. Secularism has used that arguement for ages past.
Blink, I still hold you to that Challenge... I will continue to pray for you.


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Oct 7, 2009
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let me correct myself; in no way shape or form do i find natural disasters entertaining.
i meant how whenever one occurs then there has to be a religious reason why it happened.
let me just say that i did attend church up to the age 15.
it was then i decided, on my own, that i no longer wanted to be apart of something that i was having a difficult time understanding. still do
look, this is the last place i should be seeking these long term questions.
also please understand that these same questions haven't bothered me all my life.
i do enjoy what life has to offer me on a daily basis knowing that at any given moment it could all be taken away from me.
thank you for your prayers but i honestly don't think it will be doing any good.


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Jul 4, 2009
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@blink I am not a very religious man myself, but if a person who is wants to pray for me then I would embrace that and take it for what it is. To the rest of this thread, what are your thoughts on the comments of Pat Robertson in the wake of the quake that hit Haiti? Do you support those comments and think that the people of Haiti had this coming to them? Or do you think that this was just the result of the earth moving about 5 miles down. Again not trying to pick a fight or attack your views, but if you do agree with Pat then I am afraid we can no longer have any real discussions.


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Jul 22, 2009
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Blink, They (the Knowledgeable's) of this world say that 15 is the age of reason. When one has the basic skills to begin making decisions for themselves. Weather Good or Bad. It's obvious you feel you made the right choice. All the words written in Webster's wouldn't persuade you otherwise. Yet these "knowledgeable's" don't take into account that we are "Individuals". They try and Group everyone into catagories they have chosen for their proof that their hypothesis is truth. I have a few questions for you though. You may answer if you like. If not I'll understand. You say you didn't understand the message of the Gospel, you still don't, therefore you walked away from it. Do you walk away from "All" things that come your way you don't fully understand? Or, do you ever take the time and Explore these new areas of life to make Knowledgeable decisions? I hope it's the latter.
As for "look, this is the last place i should be seeking these long term questions".
Why do you want to put GOD in a Box? Do you think He's Not educated enough or Computer savie to use a small, minute Forum such as this to touch people, to heal Broken Hearts, to mend relationships, to whisper into the ear of His Chosen "my son, why do you hide from me"? "My Daughter, here I am, if you let me, I will HEAL you". "Come to me, all who are heavy Laden and I will give you rest".
If I may, will you let me PROVE to you wrong about prayer? God "answers the prayer's of His People. When I pray I "Expect" GREAT things to happen. That includes that vale of darkness that has blinded you since you made that choice at the youthful age of 15.

iquinn, I thank for those words of encouragement. You're a young man of knowledge and on the road to being a wise man. As for the comments of Pat Robertson, I thing He mis spoke. I'm NOT by NO means condoning his words. They were and are Hurtful and Destructive. What I have issue is, There were and are a number of individuals speaking about Haiti that were just as Hurtful and Destructive if not more than Rev. Robertson's yet the mainstream Media failed to persue nor report. Case in point Danny Glubber. This individual is a Good one to speak about anything. He's a "Washed" up actor and a BAD one at that who hasn't had his name in lights since "Lethal Weapon 15".
If your interested, The Book of Revelations talks Extensively about the last days and the signs pointing man to them (last days). I beleive we are on the door step. God's Spirit is beginning to move across this lost world calling His People to Him. Offering His Salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, to all who hear. Brother, are you Saved today? Do know where you will spend Eternity? I pray you are.

Lady Kaede

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Jan 8, 2010
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Hmm . . . what I meant about 'monotheists' was, don't you believe that there is only one God, and that all that is is the work of that God? Just checkin'.


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Nov 28, 2008
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Hmm . . . what I meant about 'monotheists' was, don't you believe that there is only one God, and that all that is is the work of that God? Just checkin'.

Lady, Yes there is only One God. He is my God and your God. That makes Him "our" God. There has always been and always will be only One God and Jesus Christ is His Son.

Did that help?

Lady Kaede

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Jan 8, 2010
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Yes, that's what I wanted, thank you. And so I can say without fear of being misunderstood that this is the reason I cannot call myself a Christian. For while I love and respect the life and works of Jesus of Nazareth, and believe their is a single Godhead encompassing all the microbes, animals, humans, and lesser 'gods', I cannot in good consience say Jesus was the only child of god or the only messenger with redemptive power. But outside of that, you and I have no argument.


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Jun 6, 2008
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Yes, that's what I wanted, thank you. And so I can say without fear of being misunderstood that this is the reason I cannot call myself a Christian. For while I love and respect the life and works of Jesus of Nazareth, and believe their is a single Godhead encompassing all the microbes, animals, humans, and lesser 'gods', I cannot in good consience say Jesus was the only child of god or the only messenger with redemptive power. But outside of that, you and I have no argument.

Lady can you tell us who some of these other messengers are?


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Nov 28, 2008
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Lady Kaede, the fact that we can agree in The One True God is a GREAT place to start!:)

Along with hermdog's question, will you please explain the phrase you used "lesser 'gods' "? I am not sure I follow.:eek:

Lady Kaede

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Jan 8, 2010
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Sorry for the delay in response and even now I don't have the time (or probably the wit) to do the subject justice. The cosmology I ascribe to does not envision the cosmos as an artifact made by God, and so then as something by definition other than God, but rather as a multifaceted role that God is performing, a gesture, more of an event than a thing. And so there may well be, at some level of this infinite reality, beings or Demi-urges intermediate between ourselves and the one Godhead - I wouldn't myself use the names Zeus or Vishnu, etc. - but then I suspect we can all settle on angels as intermediate beings; in any case this was all I meant by lesser gods (without the capital G you see).
Among others who have selflessly sought to provide a vision of truth and redemption for humanity I would cite the Buddha and Lao Tzu. You will notice in my cosmology that we are each of us a portion of the dreaming Godhead, and so a unique divinity for Jesus is not something I can accept.


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Jul 22, 2009
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Evening Lady Kaede, So you agree with Brickman that there is only ONE God, you aslo agree the Jesus Christ is God's Son. You Also agree that God Created the Heaven's and the Earth. Yet you state there are Lesser "god's" and further state there are other messengers that do what? Proclaim what? That man can SAVE himself? Man has been trying that for Thousands of years, yet Man STILL destroys everything he touches. Man can not heal the sick with the touch of his hand, man can not set free the demanaic, man can not raise the Dead, Man can not Save himself from himself. You mention Buddha and Lao Tzu. Both DIED. Their bones STILL in the dirt. Their bodies decayed. Yes "MAYBE" were teacher's in their own right. BUT THEY WERE NO REDEEMERS as you mention. They were mere "men", holding NO special seat, no special place in history, no special RELATIONSHIP with The One True GOD as Jesus Christ does. Christ was and is The Only SON of GOD. ONLY Through Faith in Him can we share in that Redemption. Lady Kaede, you impress me as an educated individual. Have you ever Studied the Bible? Searched it with deep passion as one searches for truth? If not Please do so. God's word is TRUE. "SEEK Me and you WILL find Me".

Lady Kaede

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Jan 8, 2010
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I will consider your request more seriously. But I do just want to point out that I do not believe God 'created' the heavens and the Earth, but that the heavens and the Earth are God pretending he doesn't know he's God. There is a significant difference, which leads to a whole host of different logical conclusions. Thanks for your time and your concern.


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Jun 6, 2008
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Sorry for the delay in response and even now I don't have the time (or probably the wit) to do the subject justice. The cosmology I ascribe to does not envision the cosmos as an artifact made by God, and so then as something by definition other than God, but rather as a multifaceted role that God is performing, a gesture, more of an event than a thing. And so there may well be, at some level of this infinite reality, beings or Demi-urges intermediate between ourselves and the one Godhead - I wouldn't myself use the names Zeus or Vishnu, etc. - but then I suspect we can all settle on angels as intermediate beings; in any case this was all I meant by lesser gods (without the capital G you see).
Among others who have selflessly sought to provide a vision of truth and redemption for humanity I would cite the Buddha and Lao Tzu. You will notice in my cosmology that we are each of us a portion of the dreaming Godhead, and so a unique divinity for Jesus is not something I can accept.

Hi Lady Kaege,

The reason I asked for who these lesser gods were, is so that I could point out the fact that as you mentioned Buddha and Lao Tza as well as others are still buried in the grave. Yet Jesus who we have historical records of his being here on earth and dying and resurrecting says "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

If you truly and earnestly are searching for truth, I urge you to search the Bible. Ask God to reveal himself to you thru his word. You have little to loose and much much to gain.

I thank all of you for a great civilized discussion and would point out that no one is trying to push Christianity on anyone. But if one person sees a burning building and the occupants are not aware of the danger, that person feels compelled to yell "fire" and help the occupants to get out before it's to late.

hermdog :)


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Jul 22, 2009
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Lady kaede, is there a way U can explain your last post MORE SIMPLIFIED. The Creation of the heaven's and the earth by god are just his way of him " pretending" he is god? Please Lady Kaede, I BEG You, If U truely are as open minded as you say you are. Investigate The Book of Mark. I believe there you will find what you DESIRE.


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Jul 22, 2009
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Hermdog, I admire your sincerity and concern for the "lost". Brother, we as "Believers", can only Proclaim the message of "Salvation" to the nonbelievr. Once offered They have an Obligation to " themselves" accept or deny. We theredfore STAND in the Gap for them and "PRAY WITHOUT CEASING", expecting Great things. Including their Salvation. Christ SHED HIS BLOOD FOR THEM as well as us. Oh, that sweet, sweet "Freedom" once we come to realize what He done for me. (mankind) "My peace I give you, the pease that surpasses all understanding. Bless you my Brother. I ask yo again... Pray without ceasing for we are TRUELY standing in the end times... God's Spirit is Moving across this earth, searching, calling, not only His Children, but extending that invitation to all that will listen and hear.


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Jun 6, 2008
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Hermdog, I admire your sincerity and concern for the "lost". Brother, we as "Believers", can only Proclaim the message of "Salvation" to the nonbelievr. Once offered They have an Obligation to " themselves" accept or deny. We theredfore STAND in the Gap for them and "PRAY WITHOUT CEASING", expecting Great things. Including their Salvation. Christ SHED HIS BLOOD FOR THEM as well as us. Oh, that sweet, sweet "Freedom" once we come to realize what He done for me. (mankind) "My peace I give you, the pease that surpasses all understanding. Bless you my Brother. I ask yo again... Pray without ceasing for we are TRUELY standing in the end times... God's Spirit is Moving across this earth, searching, calling, not only His Children, but extending that invitation to all that will listen and hear.

Amen Brother!


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Jul 22, 2009
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Hi Lady Kaege,

If you truly and earnestly are searching for truth, I urge you to search the Bible. Ask God to reveal himself to you thru his word. You have little to loose and much much to gain.

hermdog :)

Actually, The unsaved have either "ALL" to LOOSE or "ALL" to GAIN. I pray they Choose to "Gain" through Jesus and His Shed Blood. It's much more Easier and Oh so SWEET. Did I mention less stessful and MORE Satisfying beyond any temporal possession?