Emulator apps


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
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I'm looking for an emulator app for either the nintendo 64 or gamboy... That actually works! They never work when I get them. Also can you suggest some good websites for ROMs. I know there a bunch of sites but sometimes they aren't so great.


New member
May 26, 2011
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hi, im kind of new to the whole jailbreaking scene but ive just downloaded gameboy4iphone from cydia, which so far has work fine for me. when using it it links you up to safari and i just used the first site it suggested for roms which was a site call doperoms.
whole process is really easy to use, downloads the roms straight to the app and your ready to go, altho the sound can be a little dodgy on some games.

hope this helps


May 29, 2011
hi, im kind of new to the whole jailbreaking scene but ive just downloaded gameboy4iphone from cydia, which so far has work fine for me. when using it it links you up to safari and i just used the first site it suggested for roms which was a site call doperoms.
whole process is really easy to use, downloads the roms straight to the app and your ready to go, altho the sound can be a little dodgy on some games.

hope this helps

I can't get the screen to show in portrait mode. It shows a black screen, and when I press home, just before the app closes, what should be showing on screen pops up for just a moment. I'm not too keen on the landscape mode so I don't think this is a very good app. If you don't mind the portrait layout it's fine, though.

EDIT: Just looked around for some other emulators, and if you know how to use SSH, GpSp seems to work pretty awesomely for Gameboy Advance.
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