Dungeon Mania - new FREE action RPG for iPhone and iPad

Max Max2

New member
Apr 19, 2020
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"Dungeon Mania" App Store

Hello everybody!
Let me introduce you to my game "Dungeon Mania", which is available in the App Store.

Non-gaming features:
- no purchases
- only rewarded advertising
- offline, all data is stored on the device
- minimal application size and amazing graphics
- lack of long and additional downloads
Interface Features:
- minimalist style
- intuitive graphic characters
- minimum graphics on the game screen
- unusual arrangement of controls (try it you will like it :))
Gameplay Features:
- action, action and again action, no snot :)
- hurricane dynamics
- leveling the character during the battle
- hack & slash
- clearing the dungeon and arena
- scribble elements

I will be glad to any feedback, criticism and always ready to communicate!
Thank you for your attention and all the best!

"Dungeon Mania" App Store