Did you try to look past non-retina when purchasing the iPad Mini?


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Sep 12, 2008
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I've been using it for 24 hours now, and yes, it might not be enough time, but it actually was hurting my eyes a bit. I think I'm going to return it - I was wiling to try, but stuff just looks like crap on that display, compared to Retina on my iPad 3. Just can't get used to it - and I do LOTS of reading, a couple books a week. Love the form factor, will standby for a Retina mini.


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Sep 12, 2008
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I've been using it for 24 hours now, and yes, it might not be enough time, but it actually was hurting my eyes a bit. I think I'm going to return it - I was wiling to try, but stuff just looks like crap on that display, compared to Retina on my iPad 3. Just can't get used to it - and I do LOTS of reading, a couple books a week. Love the form factor, will standby for a Retina mini.

Yup. Couldn't stand reading on it. The words looked just too fuzzy.


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Sep 12, 2008
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The Mini will NEVER get a Retina Display.
Unless Technology takes a big leap foward in the near future.. you can't shrink the components that are used in the 10" pad down to the size needed to fit in the Mini.. It would no longer be a Mini.. Not only would there be extra girth.. but the great batterylife we are experiencing now would be down considerablely ( without adding a considerably larger HEAVIER battery ).. throw 4G LTE on top of that.. and all of a sudden the Trade-Offs are too great.. Let's not even discuss the increase cost per unit as well.
The Mini and the 3/4 are two completely different versions of the iPad.. That's what Apple is trying to get everyone to realize..

It can if they sacrifice thinness or battery life. Rene explained it in this thread.

I wouldn't mind the Mini being just a bit thicker if it meant Retina. It would still
fit the same in my back pocket.


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Oct 8, 2011
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The Mini will NEVER get a Retina Display.
Unless Technology takes a big leap foward in the near future.. you can't shrink the components that are used in the 10" pad down to the size needed to fit in the Mini.. It would no longer be a Mini.. Not only would there be extra girth.. but the great batterylife we are experiencing now would be down considerablely ( without adding a considerably larger HEAVIER battery ).. throw 4G LTE on top of that.. and all of a sudden the Trade-Offs are too great.. Let's not even discuss the increase cost per unit as well.
The Mini and the 3/4 are two completely different versions of the iPad.. That's what Apple is trying to get everyone to realize..

Maybe I am having a dense moment, but how do you figure this? If they can make iPods and iPhones with Retina displays and make them thinner and with the iPhone have 4g lte why is it impossible to do this for the mini? If they don't come out with a Retina screen next time around I think the mini will probably be a short lived product.


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Sep 12, 2008
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I'm with you 100%. To suggest the mini will never have a retina display is complete nonsense. Of course, it's anyone's guess, but let's look at history...everything else is getting retina, even the iPods. Be careful when you say NEVER here--those posts remain and it can come back to make you look foolish.


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Oct 26, 2004
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I won't say never. But it won't be anytime soon. Let's stop with the "retina" and say what it really is.

The ipad mini isn't likely to get 2048 x 1536 resolution. It wouldn't be just retina but a retina+ screen. This would make it superior to the bigger ipad. And those bigger ipads need every bit of the thick battery and processor they have currently to run the same amount of pixels a "retina" Mini would have. To get the ipad mini at this resolution in nearly the same form factor would make it cost Apple more to produce than the bigger ipads.


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Sep 12, 2008
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I won't say never. But it won't be anytime soon. Let's stop with the "retina" and say what it really is.

Why would I stop saying "retina"? Don't get your logic. Retina is how it looks, not what it "is". What I mean is that although pixel density is lower on a iPad 3/4 than a iPhone 4/4S/5, because you tend to hold your iPad further from your head than a iPhone, the iPad looks as crisp at the most reasonable distance from your eyes. Same reason a MacBook Pro with Retina isn't technically as sharp as a iPhone 5, from a density standpoint, but since we don't hold our laptops as close to our heads, it's not as big a deal, and looks great.


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Oct 26, 2004
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Why would I stop saying "retina"? Don't get your logic. Retina is how it looks, not what it "is". What I mean is that although pixel density is lower on a iPad 3/4 than a iPhone 4/4S/5, because you tend to hold your iPad further from your head than a iPhone, the iPad looks as crisp at the most reasonable distance from your eyes. Same reason a MacBook Pro with Retina isn't technically as sharp as a iPhone 5, from a density standpoint, but since we don't hold our laptops as close to our heads, it's not as big a deal, and looks great.

Usually Apple gets to "retina" by doubling the resolution. That's all i meant. If that's the case with the Mini, then i don't see it happening anytime soon. I don't think it needs to be doubled to be "retina" according to apple. But that's the way they've always done it for other reasons. Regardless, packing that many pixels in a 7.9" screen in the Mini's current form factor while maintaining performance and battery life would be pretty incredible. Yet there's those who basically expect this next year and have already trivialized it.

I'll happily march down to Apple and pay 329 for such a product though if Apple can do it. I'm just not expecting it.

John Yester

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May 23, 2012
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Just picked up a new iPad this weekend and I did a in store comparison. And yes it passed on the Mini. Retina is more crisp and text is more vibrant...

Yes it may be close to some eyes. But looking at what is down the road and what I want from a tablet. Retina is the way to go IMO


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Oct 10, 2011
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I personally would love a retina display on my mini, because sometimes reading on the mini is a little fuzzy. Nothing horrible, but definitely noticeable. I personally wont be getting rid of it until a mini with a retina display comes out. I have both the ipad mini and Nexus 7 right now and I prefer the Nexus 7's screen more, but prefer the size of the mini more, just like I usually prefer more screen real estate on android phones most of the time. I like both of my tablets but the ipad mini is a nice size and my wife and I are flying on the 26th to visit her parents and the ipad mini is going with me and the Nexus 7 with her.

Everyone should want a higher res screen, but it doesn't make the mini a crappy tablet either. I do think it should be priced a little lower though, but it is an apple product so I knew that wasn't going to happen.


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Oct 2, 2011
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I have the 4th gen retina and a mini. I don't see that much difference in the screen
Yes, the retina is sharper but its not a big deal
Similar to my new tv, it's 720 but next to the 1080 (32") can't see that much of a difference.


Dec 23, 2012
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Nope wasn't a concern at all. I was more interested in the size and portability. When the next gen mini comes out ill most likely get that too and sell my mini.


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Dec 22, 2012
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I just recently bought my first two tablets, first purchased a ipad mini which I loved everything about even the display then a week later I purchased a ipad4 and gave my son the mini to use I wanted a bigger screen for a few reasons so now I pick his ipad up often because I miss the size and feal but the more I use both the more I notice how less crisp the minis display is again both great products in there own way but def big difference in display also the wifi on my 4 seems to work so much better in the same room my iphone5 will have full strength my ipad4 will have full strength and the mini will only have half it's bars I don't know if this is common but in my case it is


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Dec 21, 2012
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Why would Apple Shoot It's Own Self In The Foot? It's a Different Class of iPad.. The Mini's *Tech* will ALWAYS be a Generation or Two behind the ***Flagship*** iPad.. So.. you might as well get use to it.

Otherwise the Mini would be the Flagship.

Think about it.
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Oct 8, 2010
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I have an iPhone 4S with a "retina" display, but when I ordered my iPad Mini back in October, I didn't care. I mean, I've used the original iPad and the iPad 2 and seeing that they had the same resolution screen as the iPad Mini, I knew it wouldn't be a problem for me, especially since the iPad Mini has a higher ppi than those due to it having a smaller screen. The people who have a problem just like to nitpick.


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Sep 12, 2008
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I have an iPhone 4S with a "retina" display, but when I ordered my iPad Mini back in October, I didn't care. I mean, I've used the original iPad and the iPad 2 and seeing that they had the same resolution screen as the iPad Mini, I knew it wouldn't be a problem for me, especially since the iPad Mini has a higher ppi than those due to it having a smaller screen. The people who have a problem just like to nitpick.
Going from a small form factor retina display to a bigger one wouldn't cause
me to feel the way I do about the display. I was coming from using an iPad 3
with retina, and the difference was, well, obvious. I'm not nitpicking at all.

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