Can someone explain Apple's thinking?


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Apr 17, 2010
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Hey guys...first post. I've been reading the forum for a while as part of my process in deciding to purchase an iPad. A visit to the Apple store as well as posts here and on a few other forums have convinced me to wait for the 3G...but oh my god.... I'm going so totally nuts waiting for the 3G. I go to bed most nights thinking if I have to listen to one more twit bragging about how much he loves his wifi iPad...I'm going to go ballistic :p

So, last week, I couldn't stand it one more second, so I broke down and decided I was just going to go buy a WiFi model to get me through till the release and then I'd just sell it on Ebay and purchase the 3G when it came out. As you can probably guess by this point, I have the patience of a gnat.

In any case, I go into the Apple store. Now I have never been in an Apple store. I'm more a MS person. Own all PCs and pretty much only have an old iPod I use for music. The guy zones in on me looking clueless and spends about 45 minutes explaining everything the iPad can do. I get more excited. Wow, this may just bring me over to the Apple side, I think. I look at the Macs, the laptops, the iPod Touch, the iPhone..but we end up back at the iPad. About an hour and half later, I decide I want an iPad so I say, "Ok, I'll take one." He replies: "Sorry we are all out." What the...? You spend 45 minutes with me on just an iPad demo and never tell me that you don't actually have any of these "magical devices" at the moment? Grrrr...

So, I recovered from that little shock, and ask him when he'll get more. He doesn't know. How many a day are you getting? He doesn't know. How many a week? I don't know. Do you have any returns? I don't know. When is the 3G coming out? I don't know. Can I reserve a 3g now and pick it up here when it comes out? I don't know. SO DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING besides your little 45 sales speel for an item you don't even have in stock!?!?!

I went home disappointed..even more resolved to just wait for the 3G. Ok, so maybe the powers that be were trying to tell me I'm supposed to just wait for the 3G. Grrrr.

I made it a whole three more hours before I broke down again that afternoon and decided I'd call around to the other Apple stores in town. I live in Houston, TX. The third largest city in the United of these stores has to have one, right? Wrong. None of them have any. Neither does Best Buy. None of them know ANYTHING. Every question you ask has an answer of "I don't know".

So I'm back to waiting. And thinking.

And the more I think, I've been starting to really wonder what the hell Steve is thinking? Now, don't get me wrong..I'm not wanting to come across as an Apple trash talker and I'm not trolling at all. I really do want an answer here because I'm a brand spanking new Apple customer and I'm frustrated to no end.

Please enlighten me here, guys. What in the hell is Apple thinking? Why does no one know anything? We are supposed to have a 3G release here at the "end of April", right? This is the end of April. How can they not tell us a stupid release date? I would feel so much better if I knew a date!! Why can not tell us why there is not a wifi to be found in the entire city of Houston? Why is Best Buy being given 4-5 iPads a WEEK? Why do you release a huge thing like this and leave half of your customers (the ones who are paying MORE, no less) to sit there and watch while the other half (who are paying LESS, no less) gloat? I mean who actually thinks about and thinks, yeah...let's do THAT!

I just don't get it from a financial business standpoint? It feels like they have absolutely zero respect for me and my $$ and my time as a potential customer. Yes, I will still get one, but I am getting more and more frustrated as the days tick by and they refuse to even tell us a stupid release date??

Please explain. Someone.


Feb 20, 2009
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Explain Apples thinking? Simple; they've figured out how to sell you and hundreds of thousands of others an ipad wi-fi, before the 3G model is available.


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Apr 28, 2009
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They were also thinking "let's not make too many of these little puppies, cause we're not really sure if they'll sell or not."


Well-known member
May 16, 2006
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Explain Apples thinking? Simple; they've figured out how to sell you and hundreds of thousands of others an ipad wi-fi, before the 3G model is available.
Just what I was thinking, then I read this...
I would actually go for that argument but the problem is......they don't have ANY WiFis available!!

Now I am wondering the same thing. I am guessing that the shortage, at THIS point, is not deliberate. They probably want to sell all the wifi units they can before releasing the 3G model, but IF iPad sales actually WERE short expectations, as SOME say, then 3G sales predictions/production numbers probably needed to be adjusted accordingly.

Good luck figuring out the math on that one.

Bah. I dunno, because, the more I think about it, the more I wonder if iPad (wifi) production has been held up, unexpectedly, for some reason. Whatever reason that might be, might also apply to the 3G.

Whatever. At least I've got a wifi model, now.


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2009
Visit site an ideal world there would be an overflowing amount of Wi-Fi and 3g units the day of launch. But let's be realistic here for a second....when a new piece of electronics is launched is launched successfully it is not unusual for their to be shortages. From recent memory alone the iphone, x-box, PS3, and now the ipad saw shortages right after launch. Is it frustrating?? Yes. Is this situation uncommon for a popular electronics manufacturer?? No.

Also it doesn't surprise me that your Apple store doesn't have any available units. Most folks wanting to purchase an ipad from a brick and mortar probably thought "i'll go to the Apple store". So what happens, the units at the Apple store are snatched up and therefore places like Best Buy have available units. I will tell you where I live both the Apple Store and Best Buy don't have many, if any, units last time I checked.

Lastly, what is also commonplace, but no less frustrating, is that the some sales people are not very knowledgeable or helpful when it comes to providing information regarding when a product will be restocked. In many instances, sales people are kept in the dark. Additionally, if you tell a customer a specific date and the product doesn't come in, now that customer is going to be upset. So there are two options...don't give the customer a specific date when the Ipad will be restocked and risk upsetting them. Or provide a date, and risk a potential shipping delay which results guessed upset customer.

Look, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. Chances are you just needed to vent. But the truth of the matter is, if you don't pre-order an extensively hyped product like the ipad, if you don't wait in line the first day of lauch, then securing the desired product weeks after the product launches becomes a crap shoot.

Welcome to the world of gadget addiction. :D
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Rene Ritchie

Old Man Ritchie
Jan 12, 2007
I think @Alli is on the money. Could also be compounded by panel shortages and perhaps they're making extra sure those Wi-Fi antennas are perfect along with the 3G.


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Apr 3, 2010
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I do agree with the "welcome to the world of gadget addiction". The fact is, if they could have them out there to sell them to you they would. They aren't NOT selling them on purpose so I think Rene is right on the money. There may be production issues that we aren't aware of and since I am just so thrilled with this thing- I have to say that it's worth the wait AND what they are producing is wonderful so if it takes a little longer to get it right then I'd rather they take their time.


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Apr 17, 2010
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I do agree with the "welcome to the world of gadget addiction".

Thanks guys, but so far I'm ready to pull my hair out :p

The funny thing is, I really was clueless about the iPad until release day. I remember seeing the Apple announcement and I remember thinking it wasn't something that I'd be interested in as people didn't seem too impressed and it looked like a bigger iPod Touch to me. THEN, the thing came out and I saw the hype. I figured I'd take a deeper look, do my research, etc. Two days later..the things were sold out everywhere. :rolleyes:

The fact is, if they could have them out there to sell them to you they would. They aren't NOT selling them on purpose so I think Rene is right on the money. There may be production issues that we aren't aware of

I can totally understand that. Someone else mentioned the iPhone, Xbox360, Wii and PS3 shortages...I remember those clearly and suffered my way through them just like the rest of the world. I don't remember being this annoyed with those, tho. Shortages aren't where I am running up against the most frustration. I can pony up and admit I didn't reserve one because I didn't think it was something I'd want...being late to the table and now not being able to find one is partially my fault. I also know that unexpected demand is expected with the newest tech toy. I also think companies purposely make too few to go around to increase the panic in the populace, thus increasing the hype. Free marketing, so to speak.

However, my biggest complaint is the lack of commuication from Apple. That's what I'm not getting. Even the scrooges over at MS at least communicate a problem, own up to it, and tell us what they're currently working on to fix the problem. Apple hasn't said a word. So much so that the 3G is supposed to be out now, or within the next week or so, and we STILL don't even have a date?

Yes, minimum wage sales people are often nit wits. But Apple marketing and customer service big wigs are not. Release a media update to explain what is going on, what they are currently doing to fix the problem, and when we can expect to see more wifi's in the marketplace. And for goodness sake, tell your customers when the 3G will be released. If it will be delayed, it will be delayed...but telling people the TRUTH so they know what to expect...I just don't see Apple doing that. And it's kinda leaving a bad taste in my mouth. It's like if you can't even respect me as a customer BEFORE I shell out the money to buy your product, I'm thinking you'll pretty much consider me dog crap after you have my money and the deal is done, you know?

and since I am just so thrilled with this thing- I have to say that it's worth the wait AND what they are producing is wonderful so if it takes a little longer to get it right then I'd rather they take their time.

Easily said by someone actually holding one in their hands. The wait is killing those of us who can't get our hands on one for one reason or another :p

And yes, traylorc, the venting DOES help :D
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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2009
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However, my biggest complaint is the lack of commuication from Apple. That's what I'm not getting. Even the scrooges over at MS at least communicate a problem, own up to it, and tell us what they're currently working on to fix the problem. Apple hasn't said a word. So much so that the 3G is supposed to be out now, or within the next week or so, and we STILL don't even have a date?

Yes, minimum wage sales people are often nit wits. But Apple marketing and customer service big wigs are not. Release a media update to explain what is going on, what they are currently doing to fix the problem, and when we can expect to see more wifi's in the marketplace. And for goodness sake, tell your customers when the 3G will be released. If it will be delayed, it will be delayed...but telling people the TRUTH so they know what to expect...I just don't see Apple doing that. And it's kinda leaving a bad taste in my mouth. It's like if you can't even respect me as a customer BEFORE I shell out the money to buy your product, I'm thinking you'll pretty much consider me dog crap after you have my money and the deal is done, you know?

A couple of things:

1) There have been plenty of situations where MS has either been very slow and/or hesitant to communicate with their customer base when there are issues. I seem to remember it took MS a long time to come out and admit the "Red Rings of Death" problem on their x-box 360s.

And let's be honest, it's one thing to admit there is a problem surrounding something like a recent software update and it's something else to admit to problems /issues / concerns surrounding a product launch. Apple is trying to move move new product, so a harmless admission by them stating "we are having a problem with the 3g antennas" may make you feel good, but it may also scare away potential customers. IMHO when the average consumers hear a manufacturer admit problems their first response generally isn't "boy I'm glad that company was upfront about their issues" it's usually "whoa...did you Apple's Ipad blows up when syncing with itunes?". :D

Obviously I'm being sarcastic....but the point is that a well intentioned press release discussing problems with the launch of a new product will likely do more harm than good.

2) In regards to your comments that Apple should provide a release date on the 3g. Honestly, it's not that big a deal. Now look....I have personally posted comments wishing that Apple would tell us all the date. But here is why it really doesn't is why it really isn't a big deal. Bottom line, if you want the 3g you are still going to buy it regardless of whether or not Apple has been slow to announce the release date... and Apple knows it.

Consumers can complain about Apple's lack of communication, but obviously it can't be that terrible if the majority of people complaining will still buy an ipad. If Apple failing to provide a release date for the 3g resulted in nominal sales for that model, then maybe you could argue that the lack of communication hurt overall sales. You and I both know that is not going to happen, and you have already indicated that your desire to still buy an ipad despite your current level of frustration. So the fact we don't know the release date may be irritating, but at the end of the day really isn't a big deal.

Hang in there!
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New member
Mar 10, 2010
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I am guessing that they are putting all of their resources toward meeting their prerelease commitments for the 3G model. Beyond that they probably have a good idea of how many 3G vs Wifi models they will need immediately after release and may be concentrating on manufacturing mostly 3G models. Of course, pure speculation here.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
I'll keep my comments brief given that others here have done a most excellent job explaining the possible scenarios and issues. I remember trying to find a Wii a couple years ago and I would have had better luck catching a leprechaun. Limited supply, huge demand. If I were you, I'd go for the 3G and pre-order one now. Then, wait as patiently as possible. I've been waiting since mid-March and am committed to wait until my 3G arrives. Why? Because I know it will be worth the wait! :)


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2003
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Now you know why Apple customers sleep out to be first in line. For successful products, the second chance may come very late.

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