Anyone waiting until the iPhone5?


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Dec 17, 2010
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Well I went to Verizon and couldn't resist, I got the iPhone4!

I love it!

I've had a lot of different blackberry devices and a couple of android devices. The iPhone 4 blows ALL of them out of the water!
I do miss the notifications that blackberry has, but everything else makes up for that
The camera is nothing short of spectacular. The previous poster was right when he said don't let the MP fool ya. I couldn't believe the difference. And while I'm on a roll, typing on the iPhone vs. Other touch screen devices is SO much easier.
I hope you enjoy yours as much as I am mine...


Feb 21, 2011
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I love it so far! The battery seems amazing already. I miss the widgets though, but i'll get over it. I need to figure out how to do everything else on it. Know the easiest way to add contact pictures?

I'll eventually jailbreak to add more options.


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Jan 9, 2011
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I loved the home screen on the Inc! That clock with the weather is too good lol. But how is the iPhone camera better? Inc is 8mp and the iPhone is 5? I've rooted my droid so jailbreaking shouldn't be that hard for me. So you don't regret switching then?

Jailbreak the iPhone and use the HTC plug-in (for the LockInfo app). My nephew has the Incredible and we compared the screens---they're identical.

I'm not trying to make my iPhone look like a Droid, but I really like the Incredible clock/weather look so it's nice having it on my homescreen.


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Feb 12, 2011
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From what I hear Im being told that the iPhone 5 will not be out this summer. Im being told that VZ is going to be a model behind ATT.

As for me getting the iPhone4 I was told that if I didnt use my $100 credit for the new every 2 program they had I would end up losing it so I made the jump and got the iPhone4. To be honest with you Im loving it!


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Feb 7, 2011
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From what I hear Im being told that the iPhone 5 will not be out this summer. Im being told that VZ is going to be a model behind ATT.

As for me getting the iPhone4 I was told that if I didnt use my $100 credit for the new every 2 program they had I would end up losing it so I made the jump and got the iPhone4. To be honest with you Im loving it!

That's one reason why I went ahead and purchased the iPhone 4....loss of my NE2 credit and also losing out on unlimited data.

Of course these could just be marketing ploys by the Big Red to get you to spend money.


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Feb 12, 2011
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That's one reason why I went ahead and purchased the iPhone 4....loss of my NE2 credit and also losing out on unlimited data.

Of course these could just be marketing ploys by the Big Red to get you to spend money.

Im sure thats probably what it was as well. But like ATT I believe VZ is getting rid of unlimited as well right?


Feb 17, 2011
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From what I hear Im being told that the iPhone 5 will not be out this summer. Im being told that VZ is going to be a model behind ATT.

As for me getting the iPhone4 I was told that if I didnt use my $100 credit for the new every 2 program they had I would end up losing it so I made the jump and got the iPhone4. To be honest with you Im loving it!

I highly doubt that Verizon is going to be behind AT&T for any new iphone releases. I don't think Verizon would accept those terms and Apple no longer has a contract with AT&T so it wouldn't make sense for them to give them first dibs on new devices. This isn't like BB where they can release one crummy device on one carrier and give another carrier the same basic crummy device in a different shell. Apple has one phone, and Apple is all about cutting production costs. I would bet good money that the next iphone will be made to work on either carrier and done in one production cycle. We may not even see an iphone5 this summer. It might just be something simple like a white iphone.


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Feb 12, 2011
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I highly doubt that Verizon is going to be behind AT&T for any new iphone releases. I don't think Verizon would accept those terms and Apple no longer has a contract with AT&T so it wouldn't make sense for them to give them first dibs on new devices. This isn't like BB where they can release one crummy device on one carrier and give another carrier the same basic crummy device in a different shell. Apple has one phone, and Apple is all about cutting production costs. I would bet good money that the next iphone will be made to work on either carrier and done in one production cycle. We may not even see an iphone5 this summer. It might just be something simple like a white iphone.

I doubt its a term or anything with favoring ATT I just believe that VZ is a little behind and they probably spent majority of the time testing the iphone4 to work well with there network and during that time ATT was already testing there newer iphone coming out. Once again this is all speculation! But as for this summer a new iphone5 coming out isnt even solid. As for VZ Im just stating it probably wont come out or like you stated they may even skip ip5 and maybe just go to ip6. We all dont really know whats going on. Knowing how apple is Im sure they will try to cut costs where they can but as for making a universal iphone is highly doubtful. Looks and most parts may be interchangable but i dont think they will make a all in one.


Feb 17, 2011
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There is no way that Verizon will skip a generation if AT&T gets it. Apple is a company with followers that are so loyal that if Steve Jobs announced he was going to start farting in jars and selling it people would be lining up around the block to buy it. If AT&T got a new device before Verizon many of those followers would switch carriers to get the device on launch day. It would put Verizon at a huge competitive disadvantage and they probably never would have picked up the iphone. They went 3 years without it and survived. Also if AT&T were to get new releases before Verizon that would be in a contract and AT&T would be using that advantage in advertising to try and stop people from jumping to Verizon.

All of these factors, IMHO, point to no major revisions to the iphone this summer. I think we will see a software update, maybe a new chip, a white iphone, and a low cost version. The iphone4 was a major redesign and is still considered by many to be the best smartphone on the market. Once LTE gains steam then we probably will see a true iphone5 enter the market that supports 4G.


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Feb 12, 2011
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There is no way that Verizon will skip a generation if AT&T gets it. Apple is a company with followers that are so loyal that if Steve Jobs announced he was going to start farting in jars and selling it people would be lining up around the block to buy it. If AT&T got a new device before Verizon many of those followers would switch carriers to get the device on launch day. It would put Verizon at a huge competitive disadvantage and they probably never would have picked up the iphone. They went 3 years without it and survived. Also if AT&T were to get new releases before Verizon that would be in a contract and AT&T would be using that advantage in advertising to try and stop people from jumping to Verizon.

All of these factors, IMHO, point to no major revisions to the iphone this summer. I think we will see a software update, maybe a new chip, a white iphone, and a low cost version. The iphone4 was a major redesign and is still considered by many to be the best smartphone on the market. Once LTE gains steam then we probably will see a true iphone5 enter the market that supports 4G.

If anything what you state is true as well. Once again everything is a speculation! It wouldnt surprise me if they only come up with a minor change this summer and call it the iphone 4g or something and than come out with the iphone5 for both carriers. It would make more sense if you ask me. All we can do is wait and see what happens.


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Feb 3, 2011
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Not to pat myself on the back, but as I posted before of what's likely to happen, news came out saying that the next iPhone is being pushed from June to September.


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Feb 8, 2011
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I thought I read somewhere that Verizon said early adopters of the iPhone would not be disappointed when the new one came out. They have yet to release the white iPhone 4. I really just think it will be the same design and new software/chips and a new color added to the lineup.


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Feb 5, 2011
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I decided to buy now and get my contract rolling. According to Verizon, the LTE won't be in the IP4 until 2012. So, what kind of upgrade can apple really do? I agree that IP5 will be merging both gsm and CDMA for all carriers. Think about this, Apple is gonna lay low and make no major changes this year. Now, IP6 with LTE and Mr. Apple Jobs is healthy..., Bring on a major design and promo. So, by then since I made the choice to grab IP4 on release date, I'll be contract free. Everyone who decided to wait will be back on this forum asking how can they get out of their contract... Lol, good luck !


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Feb 5, 2011
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Just so happens, I found this a few hours after my post. It supports my theory and reason I purchased my iPhone now as oppose to later. I really do believe i5 will be a major disappointment. By June 2012, I be ready to start a new contract with an ip6.

iPhone 5 Not Likely to Support 4G LTE | The iPhone FAQ

iPhone 5 Not Likely to Support 4G LTE

By Frank Macey - Published February 24th 2011 - 23:23 in 4G *? *Apple *? *AT&T *? *iphone 5 *? *iPhone 6 *? *iphone baseband *? *iphone hardware *? *LTE *? *News *? *verizon
Hoping for a blazing fast 4G LTE compatible iPhone 5 to hit shelves later this year? Don't hold your breath. Although competitors to Apple's iPhone are already coming out with LTE phones, analyst Sam Greenholtz from Telecom Pragmatics claims Apple will wait for the iPhone 6 use the technology.

A report in The Street explains that Greenholtz has communicated with sources who say the LTE iPhone 6 is already under development. June or July 2012 is Apple's target launch date, which also gives carriers including AT&T and Verizon more time to roll out their LTE networks to full capacity.

The iPhone 5 is expected to launch on AT&T this summer, with a Verizon launch soon after. This next generation Apple phone will sport a hybrid Qualcomm chip that allows the device to operate on GSM networks such as AT&T's as well as the Verizon CDMA network. Although this single device may simplify Apple's production and make things easier on consumers who need to switch networks, the iPhone 5 will be limited to data speeds currently seen on the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS.

MKM Partners analyst Tero Kuittinen was also cited in the article, stating that Apple may not have anticipated this level of competition from LTE devices in 2011. On the Verizon Wireless network, 10 LTE devices are already planned for launch during the first half of the year. Verizon is interested in rolling out LTE as quickly as possible to get a jump on AT&T and maintain its reputation for speed and reliability.

Recent tests of the CDMA vs. GSM iPhone 4 showed that the AT&T network is currently faster than Verizon. GSM technology allows callers to perform more functions and connect to more lines in a conference call than Verizon's CDMA standard. Data features can also be used while on a call with AT&T's network. AT&T formerly had an exclusive deal to carry the iPhone in the US, however the company has suffered from bad press and a reputation for dropped calls.

Once LTE 4G technology is widespread, comparisons between major carriers will be based on different metrics as Verizon and AT&T will both be using the same standards, theoretically capable of achieving the same download speeds.

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2011
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I don't see any feature the iPhone 4 doesn't have now that I want in the next version. So I didn't see a point to wait.

I couldn't agree more with this post.

I figure the iP5 won't be enough positive change to justify waiting (and starting my contract later). Even if it does manage to hit the market by summer, it just wouldn't be worth it to me.

I don't even know that the iP6 will be enough to make it worth it for me, especially if they intend to take away my unlimited data package or force a $10 a month higher premium for 4G. I just can't justify the extra expenditure to my wife for something that rarely matters to me (I'm generally connected via wifi anyways).

Top that off with the fact that currently 4G is non-existant in my area. I have a co-worker that has an Evo Shift 4G and he pays the premium for 4G but doesn't even get above 3G ever.

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