Recent content by Craig Atkinson

  1. Craig Atkinson

    Can't control application airplay volume from Mac

    Seems Apple have for some reason made a strange omission. Using podcast on Mac, air playing direct from the application to a pair of HomePods. The only way to control volume is to revert to the application and use the slider. Control panel volume can only control system volume / airplay volume...
  2. Craig Atkinson

    Catalina 10.15.4 External Display New HDR Setting Bug

    yes, and it was perfect on that till the update. Apple have acknowledged it's the new HDR setting. It seems that really, it shouldn't be on as default because (I assume) all but the most recent most expensive monitors will not support it, and cause problems.
  3. Craig Atkinson

    Bondi Blue iMac User, from the UK

    Hi! I've been using Apple stuff personally since the Bondi blue iMac was released, and a little before that for work when they were brown boxes. Since, I've used iMacs and MacBook Pros continuously. Always wanted to use iPads but can never find a use for them — I need indesign. Used iPhone since...
  4. Craig Atkinson

    Catalina 10.15.4 External Display New HDR Setting Bug

    With the recent update comes an 'HDR' setting, in displays settings. The new HDR setting is on, by default. My external monitor (LG 27UK850-W 27" 4K Ultra HD IPS, HDR) looks like its on acid. Colours have turned fluorescent and there's a cast across everything. Apple have had a couple of reports...
  5. Craig Atkinson

    Calendar. Mac. Show more all day appoinments?

    Q regarding Calendar on Mac. Those of you who are familiar with Google calendar. On month view, if you have too many all day appoinments in a single day you get '3 more', for example if there is no room to show them all. When you click on '3 more' it expands the list. Is there a way to do...
  6. Craig Atkinson

    Moving from iCloud Photo Library to Google Photos

    Google photos as an ongoing thing and 'high quality', not full res, so it's free. It serves as a catch all incase all else fails — you'll still have a reasonably sized file. And face recognition on Google is great, as Amazon is. Apple still lacks here. Apple Photos just let it keep growing /...
  7. Craig Atkinson

    How big is too big for Photos Library?

    The thing with that option, although I don't disagree, is that albums like 'people / faces' will only go back as far as the photos on the service you're using. So say you archive pre 2016 images on one drive, pre 2010 on google and the most recent on iCloud, you'll never see the chance old...
  8. Craig Atkinson

    Time Machine doesn't back up mail. Who knew?

    I've just spent another 30 mins on to Apple Care, having been given incorrect info in the past, and this seems fairly concerning if you use iCloud as a mail service for anything important. Correct me / them if I'm wrong... In the past I've been told that Time Machine will back up all mail if...