Recent content by Coffeegrower

  1. Coffeegrower


    I'm having basically the same issue - though I can move the Passbook app freely from screen to screen, Springboard crashes and the screen goes completely dim if I try to drag it into a folder.
  2. Coffeegrower

    iOS 6 bugs and feedback

    I'm having the same problem with my 4S - if I drag an app into a folder, Springboard crashes (shows the Apple logo for a few seconds), the icon jumps back to it's original position, and the screen dims completely. This happens even after doing a hard reset. Anyone else seeing this one?
  3. Coffeegrower

    Official counting down to iOS 6 forum party!

    *sigh* I thought I was done with the tethered updates a year ago! Thanks for the advice - I'll dust off my laptop and give it a try.
  4. Coffeegrower

    Official counting down to iOS 6 forum party!

    Ok, I've been trying to update my 4S OTA for almost 24 hours, and have reieved the same popup (error downloading iOS 6) about 10 times. Not jailbroken, over 5G free space, have tried power cycling the phone between attempts, had no trouble updating my iPad 2. Any suggestions?
  5. Coffeegrower

    Official counting down to iOS 6 forum party!

    Okay, finally got the update in Hawaii - OTA update shows 3 hours remaining. Looks like I'll be leaving my phone at home today. *sigh*
  6. Coffeegrower

    Official counting down to iOS 6 forum party!

    Still waiting for the update to show up in Hawaii - gotta leave for work in an hour...c'mon!!!
  7. Coffeegrower

    Netflix Issues

    I've had exactly the same problem for about a month I've been using the Netflix app on iPhone and iPad since it was first released, and have had no trouble with it until now. The stream pauses, then resumes with the video and audio out of sync by several seconds. It's easily fixed on the fly...
  8. Coffeegrower

    HQ toggle missing from YouTube mobile on iPad

    YouTube made some changes to their mobile site a few weeks ago, and since then The HQ toggle no longer appears on iPad, rendering it useless for those of us with poor bandwidth. My workaround has been to view videos on my phone (HQ toggle still appears there) but I'd much prefer to watch on the...
  9. Coffeegrower

    so, is everyone still using Siri like day one?

    Since I've shown the kids how to set a timer with Siri, there's no more squabbling about when the phone should be passed to the next player. Priceless! I also use it to set calendar events and add items to my shopping list as I think of 'em. Siri is quite useful as-is, but I look forward to...
  10. Coffeegrower

    so, is everyone still using Siri like day one?

    Siri is activated on the phone with a long hold of the home button. I use Siri in my car with the standard apple earbuds - you activate it with the middle button. I assume it's similar with a bluetooth device.
  11. Coffeegrower

    Unable to use iMessage on de-activated 3GS?

    Is there any reason iMessage shouldn't work on a de-activated iPhone? I upgraded to the 4S, and gave my 3GS (running iOS 5) to a friend, who will use it as an iPod touch. Where I have on/off toggles on the settings screen for Message, his shows "waiting for activation". Any ideas?
  12. Coffeegrower

    iMessenger thoughts

    Is there any reason iMessage shouldn't work on a de-activated iPhone? I upgraded to the 4S, and gave my 3GS (running iOS 5) to a friend. Where I have on/off toggles on the settings screen for Message, his shows "waiting for activation". Any ideas?
  13. Coffeegrower

    Lets hear it, Siri ! The good , the bad, the ugly .

    Just pause, and say "period" or "question mark" after the sentence.
  14. Coffeegrower

    TiPb iPad 2 give away!

    I visit TiPb daily for the news and tips. Your posts are fun and informative for both new and seasoned iDevice users - thanks!
  15. Coffeegrower

    No Unlimited data?

    I live and work off-grid, with no option for internet access other than 3G. The nearest wifi is 15 miles away, so I only use it to download large apps/updates. Before the Netflix app was released, I used 2 or 3 G per month - now about 5. Glad I kept my unlimited plan :)