YouTube App dissapears from iOS6b4

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Jan 17, 2011
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These threads went from useful information about iOS 6 to a "iPhone vs. Other Phones" and continued nonsense. I left the Apple Forums hoping to find more here, and for a while I have, but the forum is sliding down to troll fighting.

Time for a clean up and I think time to just ignore posts from Trolls and let it die out and stick to the topic.

Just my 2cents.


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Oct 1, 2009
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These threads went from useful information about iOS 6 to a "iPhone vs. Other Phones" and continued nonsense. I left the Apple Forums hoping to find more here, and for a while I have, but the forum is sliding down to troll fighting.

Time for a clean up and I think time to just ignore posts from Trolls and let it die out and stick to the topic.

Just my 2cents.

So what's your suggestion to clean it up?


Dec 7, 2011
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Egad what a leap. Jumping to conclusions must be a vital part of your exercise regime. To say I don't use any of the stock apps because I publicly state not using ONE is simply ridiculous. And patently false. And absurd. And so 'motoleo'.

I'm not going to blame you. Just because you have an iPhone doesn't mean you have to use it's stock apps. Most Apple apps I don't use, and yes, I do jailbreak.

But that doesn't mean that I should get another phone. I like most of iOS but not all of it.

There's no need for this whole walled garden idealism. Every users different.
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Jul 12, 2012
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Have a solution cut out for a troll of idiosyncratic span - which troll was willing to pay 2000$ for a product he despises made by a company he loathes.

4 easy steps :

- Keep your actual iPhone - do not upgrade.

- Buy the new iPhone - they'll surely release a 320GB version to meet your price.

- Use the camera on the new iPhone to film your actual iPhone while it's playing the video you wanna watch on YouTube. Also film when you're uploading videos to your account for your mongrel friends to enjoy, if you like. I guess you could even film going into the app, if that gets you on. (Yeah, I know, it's going to be a crappy camera on a crappy iPhone Turbo Swing - because you and I KNOW what it's gonna be called, do we, do we?? - but you shouldn't care much about that, since you're already loathing your everyday use of YouTube on the crappy screen of your actual crappy iPhone. And it will give you more fuel to post here and make our day!)

- Playback the video. Enjoy!

Oh yeah, and by the way, I really use every single one of the stock apps. Except App Store and iTunes. Didn't even know what those were for before reading threads here. Can marvel for hours just by watching the weather pass by in the Weather app. Newstand is so much a part of my life. Couldn't live without Compass neither, as I find it hard to locate my own house in a 10 meters radius.

Since I come here, I went on App Store a couple of time... Couldn't find ANY app that could replace the stock ones and do a hundred times better. Of course, I'm crying myself to sleep every single night since I heard that You Tube would not be a stock app on iOS6.

Good day!

... God... I'm dizzy... got... to... read... something... sane... NOW!


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2011
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So what's your suggestion to clean it up?

  • Moderation to keep the threads on topic, or the topic is closed.
  • More moderators if needed to makes sure this continues.
  • Have moderators or staff start more discussions on topic.
  • Not sure if there is one here, need to look but add a report button if topic is too far off, so someone can come and put it back on track.
  • Warn people who come here to just rip on Apple products that this is not the scope of this forum.
  • etc..



Dec 7, 2011
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You might as well just ban me because there's no way I can come on here and speak the truth. You don't know how many straight insults I've gotten and yet I'm the troll.

I'm not going to lie and say that I was happy that we were losing a good stock app. I'm going to tell the truth- I didn't like that. But that's too much for too many people in the Apple communities. If I say I didn't like it, that automatically means I'm an Apple hater. I say I like it and automatically I'm a senseless fanboy. I will just say that you seriously need to watch your immaturity on this board, it's a lesson that goes all the way back to preschool. Literally, I knew that since I was six years old.

This is an open area to talk about whatever we'd like. So I don't understand why I can't say that I didn't like what happened. And I'm not a parrot, so what am I to do?


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2010
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  • Moderation to keep the threads on topic, or the topic is closed.
  • More moderators if needed to makes sure this continues.
  • Have moderators or staff start more discussions on topic.
  • Not sure if there is one here, need to look but add a report button if topic is too far off, so someone can come and put it back on track.
  • Warn people who come here to just rip on Apple products that this is not the scope of this forum.
  • etc..


report button: the red triangle in the upper right corner of every post with the ! in it is the report button.

The rest of what you mention already exists, more or less... folks are generally good at policing themselves before the mod hammers come out.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2009
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1. You might as well just ban me

2. I will just say that you seriously need to watch your immaturity on this board, it's a lesson that goes all the way back to preschool. Literally, I knew that since I was six years old.

3. And I'm not a parrot, so what am I to do?

1. If only we could. That's not our call. The mods decide that. Then again, what's to stop you from creating a new account and coming back?

2. You were in pre-school at 6? A little late. It's not as if you're so mature yourself.

3. Stop whining. People do complain about features, bugs, incompatibilities, and other related issues and we try to help them. Not you. You cry about everything and don't let up. You're like a child always asking why why why. Apple knows what they're doing. We all knew apple was going to replace google maps and google is going to release an app to mitigate that. While YouTube was unexpected to me, google has said they are going to release an app. Guess what, your world isn't collapsing. Get over it.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2009
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  • Moderation to keep the threads on topic, or the topic is closed.
  • More moderators if needed to makes sure this continues.
  • Have moderators or staff start more discussions on topic.
  • Not sure if there is one here, need to look but add a report button if topic is too far off, so someone can come and put it back on track.
  • Warn people who come here to just rip on Apple products that this is not the scope of this forum.
  • etc..


Clear screen
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Dec 7, 2011
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1. If only we could. That's not our call. The mods decide that. Then again, what's to stop you from creating a new account and coming back?

2. You were in pre-school at 6? A little late. It's not as if you're so mature yourself.

3. Stop whining. People do complain about features, bugs, incompatibilities, and other related issues and we try to help them. Not you. You cry about everything and don't let up. You're like a child always asking why why why. Apple knows what they're doing. We all knew apple was going to replace google maps and google is going to release an app to mitigate that. While YouTube was unexpected to me, google has said they are going to release an app. Guess what, your world isn't collapsing. Get over it.

Whining? These are just preliminary worries because I still sit here today using many of the apps and features that have been infiltrated with anti Google propaganda. That's the only thing wrong with iOS6.
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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
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Whining? These are just preliminary worries because I still sit here today using many of the apps and features that have been infiltrated with anti Google propaganda. That's the only thing wrong with iOS6.

If backing up a step from earlier things you said in order to avoid admitting that you don't know what you're saying counts for being the only honest iPhone user out there... I don't even want to try and trace all the s*** you said about iOS6, but I'm pretty sure I've read your complaints on pretty much everything.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
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You might as well just ban me because there's no way I can come on here and speak the truth. You don't know how many straight insults I've gotten and yet I'm the troll.

I'm not going to lie and say that I was happy that we were losing a good stock app. I'm going to tell the truth- I didn't like that. But that's too much for too many people in the Apple communities. If I say I didn't like it, that automatically means I'm an Apple hater. I say I like it and automatically I'm a senseless fanboy. I will just say that you seriously need to watch your immaturity on this board, it's a lesson that goes all the way back to preschool. Literally, I knew that since I was six years old.

This is an open area to talk about whatever we'd like. So I don't understand why I can't say that I didn't like what happened. And I'm not a parrot, so what am I to do?

Seriously you would think that you would get the hint and stop. Your the one who needs to grow up and move on.


Dec 7, 2011
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If backing up a step from earlier things you said in order to avoid admitting that you don't know what you're saying counts for being the only honest iPhone user out there... I don't even want to try and trace all the s*** you said about iOS6, but I'm pretty sure I've read your complaints on pretty much everything.

What are you talking about? The only thing I don't like can be accounted for on one hand! Siri, Newstand, and the anti-Google propaganda. 3 things! That's it. Everything else I like.

So no, don't go overboard with it. Don't make me look like the bad guy. Don't get egregious. Don't try to make a scene. It's not even that serious.
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
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Alright, children. The deed is done. If I have to get out of my sick bed again for this kind of nonsense, someone is gonna get a spanking - and not in the good way.

You will all carry on as though youknowwho was never here. You won't start threads about him, you won't refer to him, you won't respond to any of his posts. He's gone.
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Oct 12, 2008
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I like motoleo was upset (but not surprised I guess) to find the app gone. I used it frequently and generally hold the belief that when upgrading an OS no existing functionality should go. Either add new things or refine/redesign old features but don't remove something(unless its clearly way obsolete and I don't think YouTube or native YouTube apps are anywhere near obsolete), that feels like a step backwards...

Before I get flamed I love ios 6 and enjoy many of the new features and refinements. Maps is gone but a new (potentially better, lets wait and see) app is present.

Although the licence has expired, I feel that's a convenient excuse. Apple could of relicenced it if they really wanted to.

As some here suggested I have added a bookmark to my home screen. It's a good workaround and although there are a few additional sharing options and HQ over 3G IMHO it lacks the polish, finesse, and general cosmetic 'fit' with the rest of the OS.

It isn't a deal breaker for me. The new things in Ios6 far outweigh this negative and I will still update to it and will advise others to aswell

It will be interesting to see what the Google app looks like when it finally materialises.

Just my 2cents

Sent from my iPhone 4s using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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...the app gone. I used it frequently and generally hold the belief that when upgrading an OS no existing functionality should go. Either add new things or refine/redesign old features but don't remove something(unless its clearly way obsolete and I don't think YouTube or native YouTube apps are anywhere near obsolete), that feels like a step backwards...

Before I get flamed I love ios 6 and enjoy many of the new features and refinements. Maps is gone but a new (potentially better, lets wait and see) app is present.

Although the licence has expired, I feel that's a convenient excuse. Apple could of relicenced it if they really wanted to.

As some here suggested I have added a bookmark to my home screen. It's a good workaround and although there are a few additional sharing options and HQ over 3G IMHO it lacks the polish, finesse, and general cosmetic 'fit' with the rest of the OS.

It isn't a deal breaker for me. The new things in Ios6 far outweigh this negative and I will still update to it and will advise others to aswell

It will be interesting to see what the Google app looks like when it finally materialises.

Just my 2cents

Whether or not Apple was willing to renew the licence is moot at this point. Since it was a licensing AGREEMENT between two parties, both parties would have to agree to re-up. We may never know the gory details (thankfully), but we do know that the license was not renewed. That's not a "convenient excuse", but rather a matter of settled law.

Good, bad or indifferent, the YouTube app has been removed from iOS 6... apparently it's a fait accompli, so time to move on. There are other, IMHO better, ways of watching YouTube videos on an iOS device than the YouTube app,

Not sure what else needs to be said here.
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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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I like motoleo was upset (but not surprised I guess) to find the app gone. I used it frequently and generally hold the belief that when upgrading an OS no existing functionality should go. Either add new things or refine/redesign old features but don't remove something(unless its clearly way obsolete and I don't think YouTube or native YouTube apps are anywhere near obsolete), that feels like a step backwards...

Before I get flamed I love ios 6 and enjoy many of the new features and refinements. Maps is gone but a new (potentially better, lets wait and see) app is present.

Although the licence has expired, I feel that's a convenient excuse. Apple could of relicenced it if they really wanted to.

As some here suggested I have added a bookmark to my home screen. It's a good workaround and although there are a few additional sharing options and HQ over 3G IMHO it lacks the polish, finesse, and general cosmetic 'fit' with the rest of the OS.

It isn't a deal breaker for me. The new things in Ios6 far outweigh this negative and I will still update to it and will advise others to aswell

It will be interesting to see what the Google app looks like when it finally materialises.

Just my 2cents

Sent from my iPhone 4s using Tapatalk

Just want to chime in to say that this comment is a great example of what motoleo could never do?rational and reasonable discussion about why the app might be missed. I may not agree, but I was glad to read your opinion. Well done.
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