10 Things that "Absolutely suck" about the iPhone. (Yes I have one)

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Mar 24, 2005
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Malatesta, you and your friends seem to be doing all the crying.

The iPHONE isn't the best blah, blah, blah , blah...

Suck it up and except the fact the iPHONE is here and will more then likely drive the other phone developers to copy its GUI.

Come next year you will more then likely be using a iPHONE rip-off phone.

But as I have said you guys seem to be lacking something and these threads seem to make you feel better about yourselves and your gadget so do what you have to.

I don't think it's likely that WM will allow that much change to it's GUI. Or RIM. Or Symbian. They will do touchscreen(WM and Symbian UIQ of course already do) and maybe bigger icons, but that's about it. Dumping the physical keyboard/keypad entirely is very unlikely IMO.


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Dec 19, 2004
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People are saying this is Apple's first attempt and Palm has been around for a long time so you would expect the iPhone to have some problems being it's first generation. To me, I would think that Apple would have learned something from Palm, if they are so bad, and made sure they didn't make the same mistakes by releasing a "smartphone" that was not quite ready.

I still say they are both good devices. It just depends on your needs.


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Mar 24, 2005
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Safari has crashed several times on me during my first week of ownership. Yep, it crashes. *gasp* Yep, the iPhone was released 1 week ago. Yep. It's highly unstable and likely to crash at any second. We get it.

Do you know what caused the crash? Is it certain sites?


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Oct 27, 2006
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My take,

iphone cons
Slow Slow edge service
No backup battery allowed.
No push e-mail
No games
No SD card
No Slingmedia allowed.
No tomtom
Cant be tweaked

I use the Treo 700WX with no crashing and maybe a softreset needed every couple months.
leave out the pretty user interface..That selling point has been worn out and how sure the OS is.There are threads that say different for some users.

Phil C


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Jan 19, 2006
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I for one, prefer the iPhone (for now). You can try to talk me out of it all you want, but in my opinion..
Actually, contrary to your assertion, I have no desire to talk you out of the iPhone or anyone here at TC for that matter.

If it works for you and it's what you want that is perfectly fine.

The only contention with the iPhone, as I've repeated numerous times as my opinion, is what it boasts to do via functionality vs. what we already have, disappointment in some features that would make it dramatically better than some current offerings, cost vs. benefit, choice of carriers and some hyperbole that has been said in the name of the iPhone.

e.g. I think of things like: What if it has 3g, open access to programming, etc?

I've also stated that had it come with 3g and on Sprint, I'd give it a test run as I'm not above using Apple products, though in general I'm ambivalent about them as a company.
The iPhone will be opened up to 3rd party apps, so are you saying we should expect resets, etc, like WM and Palm have? I know that's a convenient reason for unstability on Palm/WM, but you have to admit as a "mature" OS', they remain natively unstable as virgin devices.

I am really just tossing chum in the water with this thread, as everyone else. My postings are just for fun.
Thanks for the kind words. I know you're just goofing too and are not an evangelical of any device or OS.

As far as stability and the future of the iPhone, I have no idea. Clearly Apple has a leg up in comparison to other OEMs since they get direct access and control to each iPhone without carrier interference or approval, which should allow much easier and more direct updates to fix issues. I can bet that every other OEM is extremely envious of such a system as the carriers would never allow them the same freedom (I have consistently argued that the biggest problem with "lack of innovation" and buggy OSs has more to do with interference from the Carriers, rather than the OEMs).

OTOH, if those rumors about the iPhone update are true, I hope it does not complicate the matter further. Afterall, the OS is bare and native now with a few issues (I won't assume how widespread or incidental)--throwing in Root access, more functionality, iChat, etc could only complicate the picture. Then again, with all of those "error reports" collected, maybe they can de-bug and fix whatever issues are current. Just have to wait and see although I could only imagine the situation will be more complex as more "stuff" is thrown on the OS, no different than every other OS on this planet. :eek:

Also, I find the stability of WM from AKU 1.x (nearly unusable) to WM6 to be quite revealing. I think a native/virgin WM AKU 3.x+ device would be extremely stable, especially in comparison to a PalmOS device. In fact I'd be hard pressed to find any examples of system errors not related to either registry modification, unsupported hacks or invasive 3rd party programs e.g. phonealarm, Wisbar, Fexmail etc vs. non-invasive like Google Maps or simple single-run programs. I'm sure there may be some (there always are) but they have dramatically gone down as more mature devices have been released. One could argue it took too long to get there, but see above about carriers blocking OEM updating.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
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My take,

iphone cons
Slow Slow edge service
No backup battery allowed.
No push e-mail
No games
No SD card
No Slingmedia allowed.
No tomtom
Cant be tweaked

I use the Treo 700WX with no crashing and maybe a softreset needed every couple months.
leave out the pretty user interface..That selling point has been worn out and how sure the OS is.There are threads that say different for some users.

Phil C

Honestly, that is the real selling point IMO. People are so caught up with the interface and design, that they forget this can't replace their smartphone yet. Unless they are using it as a 2nd phone. Which in that case, it works fine.

You forgot LOCKED at $600, which is almost unheard of for a GSM phone!
Plus one carrier restriction is absoulutely unheard of!! Most GSM phones can at least be unlocked to use on other carriers!


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2005
People are so caught up with the interface and design, that they forget this can't replace their smartphone yet.

I can't agree with you here. Anyone who uses the device knows BETTER THAN ANYONE that it is less "capable" than a smart phone, and I have never heard any iphone owner say otherwise. This thread is more about people who own smart phones (surur) reminding everbody about it. The rest is basically residual banter, IMO.


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Mar 2, 2006
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I can't agree with you here. Anyone who uses the device knows BETTER THAN ANYONE that it is less "capable" than a smart phone, and I have never heard any iphone owner say otherwise. This thread is more about people who own smart phones (surur) reminding everbody about it. The rest is basically residual banter, IMO.

Oh, please don't tell me you just said what I think you said. Now Surur's gonna have to drag up 15 posts where iPhone users have said it's better than a smartphone. This is your fault, you know;)


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Apr 25, 2004
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The only contention with the iPhone, as I've repeated numerous times as my opinion, is what it boasts to do via functionality vs. what we already have

some consumers needs and wants might be met by what the iPhone offers. having said that, they might also prefer the simplicity of the functionality over other devices. simple.

just tell the iPhone to shut-up next time it opens its mouth.


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Mar 24, 2005
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I can't agree with you here. Anyone who uses the device knows BETTER THAN ANYONE that it is less "capable" than a smart phone, and I have never heard any iphone owner say otherwise. This thread is more about people who own smart phones (surur) reminding everbody about it. The rest is basically residual banter, IMO.

But when you saw the keynote, it was compared to the Treo, BB Pearl, and some other smartphones. Implies that this is supposed to be better than them. Or replace them.


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Jan 19, 2006
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some consumers needs and wants might be met by what the iPhone offers. having said that, they might also prefer the simplicity of the functionality over other devices. simple.

just tell the iPhone to shut-up next time it opens its mouth.
I stated my opinion, you just stated yours. For $600 I would want more functions. Simple.

How does this add to or fundamentally change the discussion from before?


Well-known member
May 24, 2004
But when you saw the keynote, it was compared to the Treo, BB Pearl, and some other smartphones. Implies that this is supposed to be better than them. Or replace them.
Absolutely. That is in fact what he implied in that keynote.

Unrelated to that. I happened to see a post made by someone "in the know" regarding a list of new features coming to the iPhone in a software update.
It's pretty extensive, and if it's true, it really will answer most of the complaints we all have about it's shortcomings.
Including select/copy/paste. Including a file browser, as well as better touch screen navigation (taps, gestures, etc.) And that's only the beginning.
So perhaps the iPhone is on it's way to greatness and it was just released before all of the features got in.

Heck, they do all of that I may even get one when they make an HSDPA version.


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Aug 6, 2005
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Absolutely. That is in fact what he implied in that keynote.

Unrelated to that. I happened to see a post made by someone "in the know" regarding a list of new features coming to the iPhone in a software update.
It's pretty extensive, and if it's true, it really will answer most of the complaints we all have about it's shortcomings.
Including select/copy/paste. Including a file browser, as well as better touch screen navigation (taps, gestures, etc.) And that's only the beginning.
So perhaps the iPhone is on it's way to greatness and it was just released before all of the features got in.

Heck, they do all of that I may even get one when they make an HSDPA version.

If all those features come true it will be a great device, possibly the best on the market. (except for lack of 3G of course).



Well-known member
Aug 31, 2005
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My take,

iphone cons
Slow Slow edge service
No backup battery allowed.
No push e-mail
No games
No SD card
No Slingmedia allowed.
No tomtom
Cant be tweaked

I use the Treo 700WX with no crashing and maybe a softreset needed every couple months.
leave out the pretty user interface..That selling point has been worn out and how sure the OS is.There are threads that say different for some users.

Phil C
I not going to try to sell on you on the iPhone as a whole but will pick up on one point, and it does relate to the UI (sorry:)). It's not about prettiness though. This picture has been posted a few times here:


What Jobs is actually talking about in that section of the keynote is input. His point is that having a physical keyboard is limiting: it's always there, even when you don't need it, and it's inflexible (you can't have one set of buttons for app number one and another set for app number 2 etc). The iPhone solution of course is to a have a virtual keyboard. Obviously that's very much a component of the UI.

The length and width of the iPhone and your wx are very similar but (mostly) because of the virtual keyboard the iPhone's screen is much bigger:

iPhone screen: 2.1 x 2.8 inches (5.88 square inches)
Treo screen: 1.77 x 1.77 inches (3.13 square inches)

That has a major impact on usability. Things that you'd naturally associate with being much better on a bigger screen (video, web browsing, photo viewing) probably get the biggest benefit; they also benefit of course from the screen being rectangular (especially photos and videos/movies, which are almost never square). It's not just those functions though. The vast majority of apps will benefit to some extent. A bigger screen will display more of a list of emails, more of each mail when opened, more of a pdf document, more of an sms chat, etc, etc, etc.

I'm not trying to say this would (all things considered) make the iPhone better for you than your wx, but I'd suggest that if you were to write a 'pros' list to go with the 'cons' you've already noted then screen size and shape (and all that this enables) should probably be in there.


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Aug 6, 2005
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Our own Merlyn_3D is returning his iphones.

Merlyn_3D 07-08-2007 01:00


Decided to return our iPhones today....

...Well after using them for a week, I agree wholeheartedly that this device will change the mobile industry, but the lack of 3G as well as other current shortcomings of the iPhone just make it an easier for my gf and I to go back to our treo 750's. For one thing, call quality (over bluetooth as well) seems much more solid on the treo, as does signal strength. The lack of a 3G option was a real disappointment as well, as whenever we got anything less than 4-5 bars on the iPhone safari just seemed to stall while downloading a webpage.

PIM functions, while so incredibly cool looking and pretty, just aren't up to par with other smartphones right now. A prime example is that when you have an appointment in your iPhone calendar with a reminder, the reminder alerts you once with a tone that's not nearly loud enough, but never seems to remind you again. No repeating alerts, no snooze, no dismissing. Funny thing is that all these functions seem to be in the alarm clock, but not the calendar alerts....what happened here apple? Also, you should be able to pick your tones for things like emails, messaging, calendars, etc.

I also noticed that bluetooth on the iPhone was not nearly as strong as on the treo 750. With the 750, we could be on our headsets and have a wall between me and my phone with no static, with the iPhone, the other end hears a garbly voice while I would hear static.

I have no complaints about the keyboard, in fact I loved it. It's an even better keyboard to use than the treo keyboard after you've had a couple beers! I do wish it made an appearance in your contacts screen though, so you could search through them easily.

My last real big issue with the iPhone is really just the restricted feeling of it. You get an iphone and sure you can put your sim card in another phone and use data and sms, but everytime you call voicemail you'll get a silly text message, MMS will no longer be provisioned, and the whole point of SIM cards on GSM really seems to be lost. When you put your sim into any phone other than the iphone, it feels like all the features just aren't enabled because of this. Oh, and I don't like the fact that the iPhone won't give you the standard GSM network options that all other GSM phones seem to give you, like the ability to change how long to wait before the network forwards your call to voicemail. I had to use another phone to change these options when I should have been able to do it from my iPhone. The iPhone should just be another GSM phone, lock it if you want, but all this proprietary plan crap just stinks, both switching to it and then switching away from it. It's so much more trouble than it really needs to be.

Also, Apple really needs to open up to 3rd parties. Imagine the kinds of applications you'd see on the iPhone when this happens. The iPhone will NEVER reach anywhere close to its full potential until any developer can write any application they want for it (just like the Palm). With the functionality (or lack thereof) of the iphone right now, I just can't justify $600+tax on it.

I will be back, though, for version 2 of the iPhone when they put in (hopefully) GPS and 3G.

BTW....we have two 8GB iPhones in excellent shape if anyone wants to buy them from us at cost, just PM me. I'm in the SF Bay Area.

Maui19 07-08-2007 01:08


I'm thinking about doing the same thing. I love the thing but it sucks as a phone. The Rf needs to get better, it needs to handle marginal signals better, and Bluetooth needs to work. You also raise a number of other excellent points. I may have to wait until they refine it a bit.

Merlyn_3D 07-08-2007 01:50


Originally Posted by AMSguitarist
That's some good input and valid reasons for a return. Maybe you'll change your mind when the new firmware comes... though that won't fix the network speed problems.

I doubt it....the cost still doesn't justify it for me, and my gf and I are both still in love with our treo 750's (about as much as we love to iPhone). I know there will be a 3G iPhone eventually though, and at that point I will definitely buy again.

Originally Posted by Maui19
I'm thinking about doing the same thing. I love the thing but it sucks as a phone. The Rf needs to get better, it needs to handle marginal signals better, and Bluetooth needs to work. You also raise a number of other excellent points. I may have to wait until they refine it a bit.

Yes....I hate that I can't trust the signal bars on the iPhone. They're not a good representation of what signal you're actually getting. At one point I stood in one spot and the signal bars jumped from 5 to 2 to 5 to 1 then dropped the call.

I'm also severely disappointed in the lack of an OBEX profile for bluetooth. I couldn't even transfer my vCard to a coworker the other day or receive one from him. Every other smartphone does this. Tethering is also not enabled, and I doubt it will ever be. What's the point of Bluetooth 2.0+EDR if it doesn't make use of it at all? A2DP should have been available as well.

Originally Posted by awj223
Those are all good reasons for returning a phone, except for the part about GSM network options. You know that the menu functions to change these things on all phones are just GUIs for entering the standard GSM network codes that do this, right? In other words, you can change this stuff from any phone, menu or not, by entering the network feature codes directly.

Take a look:

IMO, you should memorize these codes and forget about the menus! Who needs a crippled GUI? You'll be able to do more than your phone menus ever could using these codes directly.

Thanks for that URL....I'll take a look as it will probably come in handy. I kind of like the GUI on the 750 though, it seems to cover a lot of the commonly used options.

Oh, I should also add....the antenna being on the bottom of the phone is a questionable design. I wouldn't know where else to put it, but many many people hold the phone there, and if you actually go to the field test screen of the iphone, you'll notice at least a 10dBm difference between when your hand is holding the phone at the bottom versus holding it at the top. I think this is the cause of some of the dropped calls I had, but even holding it at the top the RF didn't seem as strong as the 750, which held a call when the iPhone could not.

And apple should have released an update this week to increase the in call volume. The earpiece is not loud enough (for the phone being the killer app on this phone), and the speakerphone volume is quite simply laughable.




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Aug 31, 2005
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I'm always texting or calling someone, Marcol. Since the keyboard/pad is always there, that actually helps.
People's needs differ, and there ain't nothing wrong with that :)

I currently have an E61 so you'll guess that text input is important to me too, but whether an iPhone would be good enough in that respect I really couldn't say. The reviews of the keyboard have been more positive than I expected, but some certainly don't get on with it. I'd really like it to at least be sufficient for my needs (because of all the benefits I've noted above) but it would definitely be something I'd be looking to test. Perhaps by the time it comes to the UK the landscape keyboard will be available in all apps? That would be a good thing imo.


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Nov 25, 2006
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Slide to unlock on the iPhone is one handed as well. Holding it in my right hand i unlock it with my right thumb.

Didn't say it wasn't - just said for me pressing a button with my thumb is easier than slidingit across a screen witht hat same thumb one-handed ;) - I've had enough practice using the iPhony to tell.
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