Facebook Application


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Jul 17, 2008
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Well Facebook decided to make a Native Application for us iPhone users. Only thing is, the way this application... well.. let's just say I still use the web app. Not only does the native app rarely open, but once it does, it is so buggy you'd have to have a LOT of patience for it.


The profiles are so simple, a caveman can view it. Litterally. The simplicity of it is enough to not download the application. Not only can you not view anything but the persons profile pictures (not albums), but the only other thing you can do is message or IM someone from it, if it even loads the buttons for it, and you can't even view much of the persons info, and no quotes or interests or anything you actually go to a persons profile to see.


The friend search is great, but you can only see people that are already your friend, therefore it's not really a search.


The chat is the ONLY reason I even have this application. It's cool how you can chat to anyone on Facebook chat. But of course, the bugs in this are plenty. Once you start a chat, it is hard to keep track of where the last thing you said or your friend said. One thing about it that I find annoying but yall might not is the way the page is set up on the chat. What I mean is, once you start a chat, there is no way of clearing the chat. This is annoying because if you are in the middle of a chat and someone logs in (for some reason facebook thought this was a good idea), it automatically brings you back to the list of people available for chatting, and you are still tapping where the keyboard was and you tap someones name and well, then you have a lot of chats you cannot clear.

Anyway, the thing to top all of that off is, not only can you not view any pictures (besides a profile pic album), you can't add any photos! Not even just your profile picture! I think facebook did a HORRIBLE job on this and I am expecting a much better upgraded one soon. Come on, you are Facebook, how did this happen? For potential, I give it 2 stars.


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Jul 17, 2008
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I used this app and it took me 20 minutes trying to figure out how to unf**k my phone. I've had crashes before, but this one really knocked the wind out my iPhone. I uninstalled it IMMEDIATELY.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2008
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This app was updated today (July 18... must be EST):
This updates brings the features you've been asking for: you can now write on your friends' walls, view their photo albums, and see their full profiles. Photo browsing is more fun now with the addition of photo tags - just hold your finger down on a photo to make them appear. Photo uploading is also much faster, and you can finally upload pictures from your library that you've previously taken. Dozens of bug fixes have also been fixed, improving stability greatly.


Active member
Aug 31, 2008
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I agree... this is a pretty bare bones app. I hate how 99% of my friends show up as "Unknown".

However, this is invaluable for uploading photos from your phone directly to FB. Worth the FREE pricetag right there.

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