Does anyone have experience with one of these aftermarket devices and/or recommend a particular one?
Well I only have experience with one brand, but I have 2 devices, one in my car and one on the wife’s car:
This was right at the beginning of the wireless CarPlay adapters so o jumped on board early. They were a little more then I was looking to spend but have worked great since purchase. The latest firmware update gives you a little more access to settings, specifically (for me) the ability to set a delay for device star up after starting the car.
While I do recommend this device, it’s not cheap and it’s coming from China so it may take a while to get to you.
Yes, it must also be noted that the car must already be CarPlay compatible before a wireless adapter will work.
It’s sad we have to even say things like that these days.
My vehicle (2021 Jeep Wrangler) does have wired Apple CarPlay. I’ve just been considering trying one of the wireless adapters.
I was actually commenting in a Honda forum in a very similar thread when the comment was made that the user purchased a wireless CP adapter but still couldn’t get it to work. Then the OP finally admitted to having a car that didn’t have CarPlay.