What part(s) would I need to fix a dead XS MAX display?


Sep 29, 2020
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In response to the reply below, thank you… I wish that was an option, but I live on a remote island, there is no apple store or other option for diagnosis. My solitary option is fixing it myself. I’ve repaired other iPhones with kits and parts from eBay, and I enjoyed doing so. Further, the phone is functional, apart from the display, and so I can’t send it away for repair due to the personal data it contains. I could restore to factory settings via iTunes (I think) but I will have no idea if that would be successful since I can’t view the display—I wouldn’t trust anything but visual confirmation. All I want to do is attempt to repair it. Even if that requires guessing and the few parts that might be faulty. If I don’t do that, I’m destroying the phone since I have another. So my only option is attempting to repair by replacing a few pets. Can someone please suggest the handful of parts that could be the source of the symptoms? Thanks.
My phone has been working fine. Nothing unusual. Then today, suddenly, after unlocking the display I saw multiple green horizontal lines of different thicknesses flashing in the screen went black. I tried swiping up and the locked screen flashed on with green lines and then went black again. Are used my other phone to record what this dead display looked like and I could see you the Face ID LiDAR I guess trying to recognize me. I could also feel the haptics as it failed Face ID. So it became clear the phone was functioning but the display was dead. I tried a hard reset and that didn’t work. I was able to carefully unlock the phone using my passcode by guessing where the numbers would be and successfully unlocked it. I could feel the haptics responding. The phone rang when I called it. I was able to connect to iTunes and back it up. So it appears the phone is fully functioning with just a dead display. I have another excess max so I don’t have to send this one in to be repaired, nor do I want to. I would just like to buy the part or parts that potentially could be the source of the problem so I can attempt to fix the phone. I don’t mind a wild goose chase because I’m not going to send it in for repair anyways. With all of that said, hopefully I’ve described what I’m experiencing well enough to help you narrow down my issue to hardware, and not virus or malware or software (latest iOS).
Can someone suggest a few different parts I could try buying on eBay, the screen, logic board, etc., that I could try swapping, seeing if I can fix the problem?
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Nov 28, 2017
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What I would suggest is that you go to an Apple store, where you can get a free diagnosis of what is wrong with the phone.


Mar 2, 2016
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My phone has been working fine. Nothing unusual. Then today, suddenly, after unlocking the display I saw multiple green horizontal lines of different thicknesses flashing in the screen went black. I tried swiping up and the locked screen flashed on with green lines and then went black again. Are used my other phone to record what this dead display looked like and I could see you the Face ID LiDAR I guess trying to recognize me. I could also feel the haptics as it failed Face ID. So it became clear the phone was functioning but the display was dead. I tried a hard reset and that didn’t work. I was able to carefully unlock the phone using my passcode by guessing where the numbers would be and successfully unlocked it. I could feel the haptics responding. The phone rang when I called it. I was able to connect to iTunes and back it up. So it appears the phone is fully functioning with just a dead display. I have another excess max so I don’t have to send this one in to be repaired, nor do I want to. I would just like to buy the part or parts that potentially could be the source of the problem so I can attempt to fix the phone. I don’t mind a wild goose chase because I’m not going to send it in for repair anyways. With all of that said, hopefully I’ve described what I’m experiencing well enough to help you narrow down my issue to hardware, and not virus or malware or software (latest iOS).
Can someone suggest a few different parts I could try buying on eBay, the screen, logic board, etc., that I could try swapping, seeing if I can fix the problem?

Hello and welcome to More. I am sorry you are having issues with your iPhone. I completely agree with the advice offered by @Mars20. Your best move would be to visit an Apple Store or an authorized Apple Service Provider. Here is a link that will help you figure out which of these is your best option.


Sep 29, 2020
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Thank you again. I would normally mail it away as you suggest. But since the display doesn’t work I cannot verify the phone has been factory rest, even if I figure out how to do that via iTunes. If I can’t see the display after reset, and can’t verify it’s been reset, I can’t mail it away due to not being one hundred percent certain my personal data has been erased. Thus, as stated, I will attempt to fix it or destroy it if I am not successful. Is it safe to assume no one here would advise me of the parts for the potential fix?


Feb 20, 2014
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In your start post you used a few random words and just assumed we’d understand what you meant by them which I’m not even gonna bother to correcting.

Having said that, my educated guess is that somehow someway your screen got disconnected from the motherboard. You can open the iPhone and see if that’s the case.
Your other option is to simply put the screen from the donor iPhone to your own iPhone and see if that works.

Succes is not guaranteed though, whereas failure is for sure guaranteed, so continue at your own risk.


Sep 29, 2020
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I read the whole original post and aside from a wrong autocorrect—‘are’ instead of ‘I’ at the start of the fourth sentence, and the mis-dictation ‘excess max’ vs. XS Max—it’s cogent and succinct enough for a novice to follow along. No ‘random’ words; all though yes, I ‘assumed’ people who are familiar with the device could follow more so. Still, at the end I added ‘hopefully I’ve described well enough…’ to acknowledge the inherent imperfection in describing these types of issues. All that said, the few other replies I got made it clear I was understood perfectly.

Having said that—to borrow you’re transition—you managed to decipher my incoherence and provide a great suggestion—risk and all.


Sep 29, 2020
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Everyone, thanks again.

I moved on the original suggestions. I was prepping to mail it for repair by trying to restore to factory settings via iTunes after removing the device in iCloud ‘find my’, and removing it from my account in my other iOS device’s settings, but it failed due to a persisting activation lock—even though while it was connected to iTunes I looked in ‘find my’ and confirmed it was no longer there. Apple literature says the lock should’ve been cleared and restore should’ve worked. But it didn’t. I tried multiple times. So I went to plan b, brought it back into my devices and completed an erase procedure from ‘find my’. The literature says when erase initiates an email will be sent indicating such, and when erase is successful another email will be sent indicating such. I only got one email stating erase had begun. Never a second email confirmation of completion. However, in iCloud ‘find my’ it shows the device was erased x number of minutes ago and counting.

So the question is, should I have gotten a second email? I need to be sure the device was erased before sending it off for repair.

Since I re-associated it with my Apple ID and then erased it, the literature says the phone’s activation lock should persist and the device would require my personal passcode and Apple ID credentials to get inside, so it would be safe for a service person so attempt display repair even if it didn’t erase, but I won’t risk that assumption.

Anyway, shouldn’t I have gotten a confirmation email that the erase was successful.

Thanks again.


Mar 10, 2012
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Everyone, thanks again.

I moved on the original suggestions. I was prepping to mail it for repair by trying to restore to factory settings via iTunes after removing the device in iCloud ‘find my’, and removing it from my account in my other iOS device’s settings, but it failed due to a persisting activation lock—even though while it was connected to iTunes I looked in ‘find my’ and confirmed it was no longer there. Apple literature says the lock should’ve been cleared and restore should’ve worked. But it didn’t. I tried multiple times. So I went to plan b, brought it back into my devices and completed an erase procedure from ‘find my’. The literature says when erase initiates an email will be sent indicating such, and when erase is successful another email will be sent indicating such. I only got one email stating erase had begun. Never a second email confirmation of completion. However, in iCloud ‘find my’ it shows the device was erased x number of minutes ago and counting.

So the question is, should I have gotten a second email? I need to be sure the device was erased before sending it off for repair.

Since I re-associated it with my Apple ID and then erased it, the literature says the phone’s activation lock should persist and the device would require my personal passcode and Apple ID credentials to get inside, so it would be safe for a service person so attempt display repair even if it didn’t erase, but I won’t risk that assumption.

Anyway, shouldn’t I have gotten a confirmation email that the erase was successful.

Thanks again.


If it says the device was erased, you can take the app’s word for it.

The device will require your Apple ID password before activating, but the data that was on it is no longer readable.

If the device was not erased, it would say “Erase Pending”.


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